Limited Edition JP~2C 1x12 Combo!!!

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The TL806 designed for the 12L and used by Mesa will amaze you if you've not tried it. It's like panning out to get the full audio picture.
Dang man... now you are adding fuel to my cab GAS. sigh Yea I do see them pop up out here on a regular basis. Have wondered if I'm missing out cause the 12L in the closed bottom of the vert cab is pretty stout.
would be very interested in that take. (y)

If a small setup is required with a Mark (my case a IIC+ or V:90) then this (not sure what year) EVM 1x12 cab is my first grab and go. I find most physically small cabs or combos actually do sound small, don't own a Thiele, but this just has a huge sound. Much tighter bass response then say the WB 1x12 cab, with alot of low end control and top end sparkle. But it's just a Mark thing cause it wouldn't be a 1st choice with any of the other Mesas.
Hey @rarebitusa - noted and awesome all that. Not the moment to start pulling cabs, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to! TBC!!!
You need to get the 200W thiele. Since you are in boogie central for used gear it should be easy to snag one.

I personally think the 19" singles suck, ymmv, but the 12L open is like not having a box. The TL806 designed for the 12L and used by Mesa will amaze you if you've not tried it. It's like panning out to get the full audio picture.
Hey @electric mayhem - speaker geeks unite! I need to pull some cabinets and see what I've got in the EV department and catalog that. Curious what your preferred cabinet is with these and in general, if there is a preference:)
Hey @electric mayhem - speaker geeks unite! I need to pull some cabinets and see what I've got in the EV department and catalog that. Curious what your preferred cabinet is with these and in general, if there is a preference:)
My driver and speaker rabbit hole was so deep that I decided just to keep going further and will not come back. The EV's are so heavy I just drop a couple and it blows the rabbit hole out a little more to get closer to heaven; or maybe the bowels of a south park hell hole!

I'm more of try them all rather than favorite. But the sensitivity and headroom of EV's are hard to beat. So most versions of the halfbacks/convertibles are here, 2 412's with 12L's and a 412 recto. Singles/theiles/combos up the wazoo.

I'm sure I have over 30 EV's and I just bought one last week because the 16ohm ones don't come up often. I still want to get some 4ohm ones and the ceramic SRO's to try out.

More than 12L tho. A few 12S (one with an Altec label), DL's, 10 & 12 Force, EVI's, 15" SRO's, 15L's, 15B's, 18B and a quad of NOS 10" bass drivers. This does not include the EV subs and speakers I have.

The 12L's still show up in combos but I've mostly stopped buying them and have got lucky enough lately for a 12L classic and a couple E120's for variety. In fact I hadn't thought of it but the last E120 makes 3 so I may have to get another recto to make a JBL powerhouse.

In addition to the mesa ones (BS sticker or "OEM one year warranty"), I've got the non-mesa red/silver back, gold/black, blue/silver, a quad of NOS 16ohm classics and more.

So yeah, I like EV in a modest way.
It was not my intention to stir the pot with the EV speaker opinion. :confused:

In all fairness, best to hear what this amp sounds like as is and make a decision from that.
I do know what the JP2C sounds like through a pair of V30s as well as the EVM12L Black Label and Classic. Just amazing. That would include the Boogie 410 cab. I do not remember how the JP2C sounded with the C90 as I did not keep that speaker in the cab for very long in favor of the EVM12L Classic.
Hey @electric mayhem - speaker geeks unite! I need to pull some cabinets and see what I've got in the EV department and catalog that. Curious what your preferred cabinet is with these and in general, if there is a preference:)
Well @electric mayhem was talking up the Thiele and that stoked my GAS, which isn't hard to do TBH. I certainly didn't need a 9th cab, but a good deal is hard for me to resist and one with a C90 kinda fell into my lap.

Glad it did cause yea this is indeed the real deal. Even though I've always been pretty happy with this vintage 1x12 openback (RHS) EVM, the efficiency and projection of the Thiele is pretty amazing. Especially considering the size. Side by side it certainly outperforms a traditional semi-open back cab in a major way.

FWIW to my ears I never thought the C90 was the most interesting speaker for a Mark. It's for sure a safe choice and will do the job, but in the Thiele it really works well. The amp tone controls are very responsive and this has a tight, yet resonant bottom end, not boomy but very present. After a bit more experimentation with some of the other amps / cabs the plan is to swap the EVM the to Thiele cab. (y)

Well @electric mayhem was talking up the Thiele and that stoked my GAS, which isn't hard to do TBH. I certainly didn't need a 9th cab, but a good deal is hard for me to resist and one with a C90 kinda fell into my lap.

Glad it did cause yea this is indeed the real deal. Even though I've always been pretty happy with this vintage 1x12 openback (RHS) EVM, the efficiency and projection of the Thiele is pretty amazing. Especially considering the size. Side by side it certainly outperforms a traditional semi-open back cab in a major way.

FWIW to my ears I never thought the C90 was the most interesting speaker for a Mark. It's for sure a safe choice and will do the job, but in the Thiele it really works well. The amp tone controls are very responsive and this has a tight, yet resonant bottom end, not boomy but very present. After a bit more experimentation with some of the other amps / cabs the plan is to swap the EVM the to Thiele cab. (y)

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speaker geeks unite!
Indeed FWIW here's one player's updated Thiele C90 musings. The cab design definitely has it's frequency characteristics and was done originally with the EVM in mind. With the C90 it's got a focused frequency spectrum very different then the WB C90 1x12 cab, which was boomy and loose in low freqs and spread out in the upper freqs.

So mucked around with it as the sole 1x12 with the IIC+, V:90, Stiletto, LSS and Badlander. Then paired it with other cabs. A few notable points...

First as an extension cab it is a real tone shaper, it accentuates the C90 characterisics low & low mids and pushes the upper end in a narrow freq range. It stood out paired with the Stiletto Scumback (greenback like) Combo, added that top end sparkle the Scumback was a bit lacking in, especially with the Ch 1 Tite Clean setting. Also gave the bottom end a bit more defintion and EQ response.

As a sole 1x12 with the LSS, hands down it is the best cab I have found for that amp and have been thru a few. The amp can sound like a blanket was thrown over it and prone to get lost in a live mix. But this was a difference maker. No problem cutting thru a live mix and it's characterisics matched really well with what the LSS does. Chimey cleans and smooth Ch 2 mids with a bit of brightness layered.

With the rest of the amp lot as a sole 1x12 it was a "can't go wrong" solution, the one exception was the V:90 which had a very annoying upper freq content that was pronounced.

So now onto swapping the EVM into it and having another "speaker geek' roundtable :)
Indeed FWIW here's one player's updated Thiele C90 musings. The cab design definitely has it's frequency characteristics and was done originally with the EVM in mind. With the C90 it's got a focused frequency spectrum very different then the WB C90 1x12 cab, which was boomy and loose in low freqs and spread out in the upper freqs.

So mucked around with it as the sole 1x12 with the IIC+, V:90, Stiletto, LSS and Badlander. Then paired it with other cabs. A few notable points...

First as an extension cab it is a real tone shaper, it accentuates the C90 characterisics low & low mids and pushes the upper end in a narrow freq range. It stood out paired with the Stiletto Scumback (greenback like) Combo, added that top end sparkle the Scumback was a bit lacking in, especially with the Ch 1 Tite Clean setting. Also gave the bottom end a bit more defintion and EQ response.

As a sole 1x12 with the LSS, hands down it is the best cab I have found for that amp and have been thru a few. The amp can sound like a blanket was thrown over it and prone to get lost in a live mix. But this was a difference maker. No problem cutting thru a live mix and it's characterisics matched really well with what the LSS does. Chimey cleans and smooth Ch 2 mids with a bit of brightness layered.

With the rest of the amp lot as a sole 1x12 it was a "can't go wrong" solution, the one exception was the V:90 which had a very annoying upper freq content that was pronounced.

So now onto swapping the EVM into it and having another "speaker geek' roundtable :)
Speaker geeks indeed. I was had never used it in a one speaker config (got them in pairs with my Fillmore cabs) and as previously noted was REALLY impressed, in that it exceeded my thoughts. I guess those guys know a thing or two about a thing or two! And yes, one could presume that sans EVM the Thiele is missing the magic sauce - great to hear how well it worked in that cab:)
I guess those guys know a thing or two about a thing or two!
:LOL: yes I have to agree.

So the EVM swap was very straightforward, both being front loaded, maybe 30mins and... it was worth it. The Thiele EVM is certainly an improvement WRT to it being in a similar sized semi open back 1x12. If you are one who likes that EVM voicing, you'll really like it in the Thiele. It's kinda like focusing the camera just a bit more for that added picture clarity.

The C90 went into the open back 1x12 and to my ears, that's a better place for it vs it being in the Thiele. It's no wonder the open back combo is often how they utilize the C90.
Too bad the JP2C combo is classified as a limited run. I sort of figured this was a possible combination after I got my hands on a Mark VII and compared it to the JP2C. Since there is a combo Mark VII, why not a JP2C version.

I posted this in December of last year. Mostly on the Mark VII platform.

Cool that Mesa managed to make the JP2C combo a real thing and not just a thought if it was possible based on the Mark VII combo and the amp chassis are essentially the same. Size of transformers, preamp and power tube layout in the smaller chassis. It was just a matter of time when Mesa would do it, if they do such. Here is how the Mark VII and JP2C compare from the rear. Mark VII is on the left. The ink came off of the power tubes in the JP2C (STR415). The image makes the Mark VII look larger but they are they have the same dimensions. Blame it on the cell phone camera lens as it seems to play tricks with perspective. The PT plates do measure to be the same width, just a bad perspective.

Hello fellow Boogie fanatics. Today is John Petrucci's birthday and in celebration I dropped the second video in this series:) This time around I demo'd my way through a wide range of tones with more great input from John and his longtime tech Maddi Schieferstein. Have a GREAT weekend:)