I'm maybe considering buying a Road King.

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Red Barchetta said:
The Road King is by far the best amp I have ever played or heard for that matter. I play everything from Steely Dan to Rush to Beatles to STP...well...hell, everything just about. (a cover band will do that to ya).

I can get ANY tone I hear in my head with that amp and a few basic effects. Unlike many of the guys here, I don't use a multi effects unit any more. I used to use Boss, and then later a Rocktron Taboo...now I just use a few judiciously placed stomp boxes. All overdrive/dist. comes right from the Road King.

My signal path is: Guitar to Morley Little Alligator Volume to Morley Bad Horsie II wah to TC Electronics stereo chorus/flanger to a modded phase 90 into front of Road King Combo. Guayatone Micro Delay in Loop 1. I use a 91 Les Paul Standard, a 91 Am standard Strat with Fralin Blues specials, a 71 SG, and an 05 Yamaha sa2200 semi-hollow.

The controls on the RK are so good and so interactive, that with a little time spent, you can dial in just about anyting. Add and outboard eq like tavman talks about, and I don't think you would ever need more. Also, the RK's assignable speaker outs allow you to use different cabinets for different sounds....man...I could go on forever.

Get the RK....forget the part about a financial investment...this amp is a pure and simple investment in TONE. You won't be sorry.


Hey Red, just curious. How long have you been playing? I'm thinking about getting a RK and I like what you had to say.
Thanks for the advice Vulture. I was also trying out a Les Paul Limited Edition which was discounted. Would it also be on the discounted price tomorrow? The salesman said only today. I don't know if that was salesman talk or true. I really had a hard time deciding on what to do and let it pass. It was listed on the special deal print out available at the store. Usually the deals are really good, depending on what you're looking for.
vulture2600 said:
i worked all day and let me tell you im EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!
we had a 4 hour prep after close last night, i got 4 hours of sleep, then
11 hours straight today. GC is rough sometimes. anyways...

15 month financing is only around once every other year or so.
12 month comes around about ever 4 months or so.
my advice to you is this: if you saw a discounted boogie and its the one you want, BUY IT NOW. it will be gone tomarrow. you have one more day my friend. take advantage of it :)

Yes, I just looked at the GC website and it says the 15 month deal is valid until May 31--it also says " YOU CANNOT MAKE ANY PURCHASES UNTIL YOU PHYSICALLY RECEIVE YOUR CARD" which it also says takes 7-10 business days. Well, so much for my plan to go to GC tomorrow to check out one of the last RKs...
Just go to GC and see what they can do for you. I had purchased my Mesa Boogie Heartbreaker a few years ago on the 12 month financing program. It was like the last day and I received $900.00 credit and paid the rest in cash. I paid the full price since it wasn't being discounted or discountinued.
Yes, I just looked at the GC website and it says the 15 month deal is valid until May 31--it also says " YOU CANNOT MAKE ANY PURCHASES UNTIL YOU PHYSICALLY RECEIVE YOUR CARD" which it also says takes 7-10 business days.

NOT TRUE. we run the credit app in this little machine and if you get
accepted it prints off a little reciept: a TEMP card! you sign it so noone
else can use it and then a manager just manually enters the number.
you recieve the real card in afformentioned time.

as far as the les paul goes, if it was printed out on "the list" it was a
managers special and was being blown out, if not at-cost, more than likely
way below. chances are its already gone. if its still there however, you
will have to pay the regular clearance price, which is still a good deal.
look at the list price on it, if its more than 30% off or so, its on clearance.

it was weird, i saw a lot of people pass up even the most stupid of good
deals yesterday. go back and see what you can find. its worth it.

Well I have bought both of my guitars at Gtr Ctr, a PRS McCarthy and a Fender Deluxe Stratocaster. Also my Mesa Boogie Heartbreaker. It's a great store. Much better then Sam Ash in my opinion. The Les Paul Ltd Ed. had a list price of around $3000, the retail price was around $2300 or $2400 and it was selling for $1600. A very good deal indeed, except that the case wasn't included. It was a tricky decision to make. Hopefully it might still be available, but I am not sure at what price. I'll have to check back with them today.
**** socialists countries and their crazy taxes. If the price is a few thousand dollars cheaper maybe he is better off taking a trip to the US and buying one here then taking it back with him? hehe

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