Goooood times with mark IV and a BB pre

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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC Canada
Lately my mark IV has been acting up in an "I'm old... take me to a tech" kinda way. excessive noise, popping in the clean channel, muddy bass etc. But today (with now change what so ever to setup or settings, it sounded magical. almost no noise at all in R1 and R2, no mud in the low end, little noise, bouncy/chimey cleans, excellent leads, good times all around, any idea what could have changed/ what might by wrong that would be apparent one day and non existent the next???
Did you kick it in the nuts when it started going like "I'm old...take me to a tech"?

Maybe it stopped bitchin' after that!

Nothing better to motivate a guy than a firm kick in the groin!
Not sure I'd know where to locate the groin on a Mark IV :lol:

A kick in the output transformer perhaps??? :roll: Come to think of it I did clean up the area around it, straightened out the cables and moved some computer speakers away from it, might have helped a bit
Kick to the nuts?!?! Your amp is a guy?!? I'm sorry. You must have picked up your amp at one of those bars that has all those rainbows in the windows.

My amp is totally a woman, dude. I thought they all were.

Sure, sometimes they act all bitchy...but that just means that you need to be more drunk before they sound good.


Nuts or not, sounds like a squirly pre amp tube.
scottieL said:
Come to think of it I did clean up the area around it, straightened out the cables and moved some computer speakers away from it, might have helped a bit

I know exactly what you mean. I have a 1990 example, and it does the exact same things.

It's broke, and now I'm anxious to hear what a tune up can do.

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