Mesa sells the 588536 and it is 50K. Does anyone know the difference between that and xx8535?
The original IIB fader is DW 8535 and Mesa used to sell 588535 which I'm sure is the same as DW 8535 resistively but I picked up a DC3 EQ board and popped one of the faders off (6.6kHz). I'm not sure but the DW 8535 might have mounting tabs to the chassis from eyeing it up.
The 588535 measured 37.7K ohm and the center detent measures 18K/19.7K, so close to linear. I've just learned pots + and mostly - are not close tolerances. Still this is more than 20% off if it is supposed to be 50K (which seems likely) and I'd imagine all the 4 decade DW's are no better.
Has anyone removed a GEQ board? It looks like taking the face plate off and possibly there are bend tabs on the fader that go into the holes above/below the slider slots. If so these donor 588531's may not be of use as whole units. That's a shame given how much newer they feel but the slider tab could very well be swap-able. The up side would be cleaning/lubing the old ones back to excellent. The downside is what a PIA removing the EQ board would be. I did hold off the upper 4 220uF filters until I decide.
I really prefer any EQ to be outboard but love the IIB coli that has it. My bias may be the 415's in it and it being my first coli.