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Did you ever get scammed? What happened?

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jtb226 said:
Hmmm...you still should give them a call and explain the situation. They should be able to do something. If nothing else, as soon as Paypal says he's guilty, call his local police department and give them all his info. Call yours too. I'm not sure how that sort of thing works in Canada though.
That's my plan. I pretty much gave up hope though. I just want him to pay somehow. I don't even care about the money I just want him to pay for what he tried to pull off. I'll do everything to make sure he does.
Good luck man. Let me know if you need any help with anything.

Just as a general thought: It's getting kind of scary lately with all the posts on this board about people getting ripped off on the Bay. Think they're losing some of their control over scammers?
That really sucks man, did you get his phone number or anything like that? did he say he shipped it? maybe his mail box is full and can't receive any more emails
LnTh said:
Paypal says if he didn't transfer the money to his bank account yet (I highly doubt it.. that's why I'm not being optimistic about getting my money back) they will hold it until the claim is resolved and pay me back if I'm right..

Well, if he didn't transfer the money out before the dispute, then he can't access it either. Once the dispute is filed, any and all funds in his account would be frozen. The fact that he doesn't respond, indicates to me, however, that he doesn't care. Likely because he flushed his account as soon as you sent him money.

You can always let us know who he is and what forums he's on. We could all join and just bombard the forums with threads who's titles are all: "Give LnTh his money back scumbag!".

Vigo absolutely nothing wrong with comment as you can see. I only deal with americans as it's the cheapest and quickest postage place to buy musical gear.

So he FINALLY e-mailed me. He says he's selling for his friend and he's sorry for the lack of communication. He provides tracking numbers to both me and paypal. he tells me he shipped on friday

I reply saying that I appreciate it and tell him how concerned I was. But I don't cancel my claim yet cause i check the tracking # and it says amp is shipped on monday, the day i filed the claim...

He replies with : Again, I'm sorry I didn't try to rip you off. Hope you can cancel my claim now

I reply with : It's ok. I'll cancel as soon as I get the amp. Thanks

So I email paypal about not canceling my claim although I've got a tracking no. They tell me "DO NOT cancel your claim before you get your item and it's as expected."

So now I wait. It could be 1 of 3 things.

1) He really sent it on Friday but it was evening so package didn't leave on Friday and first time they checked it in was on Monday

2) He got scared on Monday and sent the amp once I filed claim.

3) He sent me some bricks on Monday hoping I'd cancel my bid and can't file a claim again (once you cancel claim, you can't complain again. you're stuck with whatever you get).

He sent it via Canadian post and he says it'll be here in 1-2 weeks.
The wait begins.

Before above updates I found the college seller graduated from, called his alumni services and left my number and fake name to be called back. (I scare myself sometimes)

Sure enough, I got just got the call from my seller.

When I told him who I was, he was relieved. He told me the whole story and told me how sorry he was about the whole miscommunication.

Turns out he's selling the amp for his friend and the email he's registered on ebay is an old email that he rarely checks anymore (same as all those forum emails). He decided to check it again today and saw all those paypal stuff and felt very sorry for all he's put me through for the past few days. I told him it's ok and he totally understood that I have to keep the claim open till the amp gets here.

He also assured me that the amp looks NEW and I'll love it.

Turns out he's a very cool guy and it's a misunderstanding..

Moral of the story :
1) Don't be too quick to judge the situation
2) Make sure you are in touch with your buyer

So I think I'm as faulty as him in this case for going crazy in just a week. But I'm sure some of you who've done business on ebay can understand where I'm coming from (my seller does :) ).

So yeah.. Happy ending!!! Well almost ;) Gotta get the amp first :p

Also, thanks for all the input guys. Maybe this thread might help someone else one day.
Well, that's definitely good to know. I would definitely keep your claim open though until you make sure everything checks out.

I think it is more than likely that he did drop it off to UPS (or whatever he used) on Friday and it didn't register in the system until Monday.

I'm glad everything got cleared up for you. Hopefully the amp gets to you all in one piece. Let us know!
gts said:
treelifeUK said:
Goes to show how important it is to be attentive and to keep the lines of communication open and flowing when you have sold something.
Indeed. Hope people realize that someday. After all, it's an internet trade and I definitely realized how unreliable paypal can be sometimes.
treelifeUK said:
What a pointless fuss

I disagree. The lack of communication is the issue. Had the seller communicated in a timely manner, this all would have been avoided. Time is also a factor.
Let us know when you get your amp!!!

I've never been screwed over on ebay but there have been plenty of times where the seller didn't communicate and was late shipping it. I would e-mail the seller saying that if I don't receive the item by a certain date I would file a claim and usually I would receive that item in a few days postmarked on the date I sent the e-mail. Sometimes I think there are just lazy people on e-bay that sell something to make some money and they are slow to ship and they just need a little poke in the *** (threatening to file a claim) to get them going.

I don't think you can be too careful when you are dealing with online purchases even if it's just for a small amount.

Did anyone see on Yahoo news yesterday about a couple from Philadelphia that has been using other peoples credit card numbers for over $100,000 dollars of fraud so far this year alone?

You as a buyer have the right to know what's going on with your purchase.
I was looking around online for someone who wanted to trade away a Carvin Legacy and I came to a Canadian site where I found the perfect transaction offer...someone who had a Legacy that wanted to trade that plus cash for a Mesa/Boogie Rect-o-verb.

So I messaged him and he asked me "Alright so I like in the southeast side of Montreal, what part of town do you live in?"

So apparently it was a site for other people who lived in Montreal so the two could go play the amps in person before a sale. Since I live in NC, that wasn't going to happen.

So I confessed I loved in NC and he said he was still willing to trade as long as I was. I thought "well he wanted to come play mine and show me his, so he can't be a fraud" and I got all the info. about tariffs and whatnot and I found out it would cost quite a bit to get it into Canada. He said he would pay all the tariffs and send me $200 plus the Legacy for my Mesa. I dallied around for a little too long trying to find a way to pack it and also trying to find the cheapest way to ship it after he had already said his was in the mail. I thought, "Wait, he said he sent it via airmail 7 days ago..." and decided to hold off sending mine for a little while.
Another week passed.
Then another.
The @$$hole was trying to rip me off. He probably even had the amp, he just decided he had the chance to rip me off and did it. I am extremely thankful that amps don't fit in boxes very elegantly, because if they did, I would be out one beautiful head. Now I strictly use ebay for my expensive used purchases.
Yeah I pretty much decided that I'm not gonna deal with any auctions in which I'm not covered for $2000. That seems to be the safest way.

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