Before above updates I found the college seller graduated from, called his alumni services and left my number and fake name to be called back. (I scare myself sometimes)
Sure enough, I got just got the call from my seller.
When I told him who I was, he was relieved. He told me the whole story and told me how sorry he was about the whole miscommunication.
Turns out he's selling the amp for his friend and the email he's registered on ebay is an old email that he rarely checks anymore (same as all those forum emails). He decided to check it again today and saw all those paypal stuff and felt very sorry for all he's put me through for the past few days. I told him it's ok and he totally understood that I have to keep the claim open till the amp gets here.
He also assured me that the amp looks NEW and I'll love it.
Turns out he's a very cool guy and it's a misunderstanding..
Moral of the story :
1) Don't be too quick to judge the situation
2) Make sure you are in touch with your buyer
So I think I'm as faulty as him in this case for going crazy in just a week. But I'm sure some of you who've done business on ebay can understand where I'm coming from (my seller does

So yeah.. Happy ending!!! Well almost

Gotta get the amp first
Also, thanks for all the input guys. Maybe this thread might help someone else one day.