Did NAMM just come and go?

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simonich said:
Barry said:
Evolution . Mark I - II - III & IV (B&C's +, etc) . They've been building amps for nearly 40 years and yes in all the R&D over those 40 years they've learned things . There are breakthroughs and eventually they have enough to further along a certain model in this case the MarK series . Sit back watch and wait .

We don't have a choice - we've got to wait. 8)

Just seems weird they would develop a line of amps for 20 years ('72-'93), then stop, then restart after 15 years of inactivity. Could happen, just seems odd.

Esp when in the 15 years since they stopped innovating the Mark series they have introduced so many other amps. Rectos, Maverick, Blue Angle, Nomads, F series, Lonestars, Stilletos, Express Series, etc.

That's all. I for one will line up to test a Mark V if one ever appears. But I can't believe it's likely to happen. Perhaps it'll be a pleasant surprise. :D

Personally I think the trend is changing a bit away from the recto thing . Case in point , look at Petrucci, he left the Road kings in favor of his mark series again . I see alot of interest in the Mark series again which probably prompted Mesa to pay attention . They may not say it but they pay attention to what people are saying . Again, sit back watch and wait .
I still don't think that there's much money for Mesa in doing another versatile hi-gain amp that goes for more than $2500, especially with the economy in the States the way it is. There's already the RKII, the Engl Invader, the Marshall JVMs, and the few new MkIVs they still sell.

How many of you Mk IV enthusiasts out there actually bought a *new* Mk IV, even though they are available? How many of you would run out and buy a $2700 Mk V?

Their best bottom line move might be some kind of 25-watt 1.5-channel "lunchbox" head in the $500-$700 range... probably with a Recto-ish voicing to try and get the kids who are paying a little more than that for used Rectos to play extreme metal.
CudBucket said:
Barry said:
CudBucket said:
I have to chuckle about the Mark V. That hype was created here and was never real.

You may be chuckling too soon .

I doubt it.

Doubting Thomas , just remember what i said about the mark . Everyone thinks just because it wasnt at NAMM that it just wont happen . You are of course entitled to doubt it .
Barry said:
Doubting Thomas , just remember what i said about the mark . Everyone thinks just because it wasnt at NAMM that it just wont happen . You are of course entitled to doubt it .

Actually, I bet for most people the disbelief is rooted in nothing having happened with the Mark series for 15 years vs. no announcement at NAMM 2008. :shock:

15 years of no activity (on the Mark series) after 11 solid years of Mark II-IV innovation.
I think the person who suggested that Mesa go the low wattage route with a lunchbox head may be onto something. Case in point - Blackheart Amps. 5/3 watt Little Giant head, single channel with EQ, full tube (1 EL84 and 2 12ax7s I think). Anyway, they sound darn good and are cheap ($150-70-ish and around $300 for a head + speaker cab). Very basic and easy to mod too. Smokes the Epi Valve Jr. IMO. Now certainly I wouldn't even think of putting this amp in Mesa's league or compare them with my Mark IV or Twin Reverb; but imagine if Mesa put their quality and know-how into a similar product (and called it the Baby Booger :lol: ). Bet they would sell them like hot cakes. Just my two sense!

Barry said:
Case in point , look at Petrucci, he left the Road kings in favor of his mark series again . I see alot of interest in the Mark series again which probably prompted Mesa to pay attention . They may not say it but they pay attention to what people are saying . Again, sit back watch and wait .

Hardly a case in point. He changes his rig regularly. Who knows, he could dig out his Triaxis for the next album. The Recto has arguably, a higher profile in music than the Mark series so I don't expect it to go away. Fact is, recto users like Tremonti give Mesa more exposure than Dream Theater. Sad to say.
There is definately a resergence in intrest in the Mark sound . Im not imagining that . Lots of people are going back to the tightness of it in exchange of the looser scoopier sound of the rectos . Im just one player but i played a RK for four years but moved on from it . When i went to it I just wanted a different sound but now i find myself wanting something tighter and not so much emphesis on the over accentuated bottom end of the rectos . The recto has been around since 1991 and the mark since the early 70's . The Mark put Mesa on the map and has been there all along evolving through its different models . As Cudbucket said the rectos are'nt going anywhere and Im sure he's correct but the Mark will always be there going through its evolution . Im sure of that .
CudBucket said:
Hardly a case in point. He changes his rig regularly. Who knows, he could dig out his Triaxis for the next album. The Recto has arguably, a higher profile in music than the Mark series so I don't expect it to go away. Fact is, recto users like Tremonti give Mesa more exposure than Dream Theater. Sad to say.

Tremonti has recently incorporated a few more Bogners into his rig. Although he says the TR is still the center of his tone, his tones on the last album and recent live performances seem very Bogner-heavy.

I have to present a counter-argument...there are a lot of Mark fanboys (most of which have never even played through a Mark, or even a Mesa for that matter) that really push the Mark on many forums. The rectifiers have had a lot of professional exposure, but a lot of younger buyers reference forums before making a purchase, and feel they will not be deemed 'leet unless they get a Mark. Even those that currently own rectifiers are feeling the pressure to sell and get either a Road King or a Mark, and hell, I've seen a few proud new owners post pics of their RK only to be told "shoulda bought a Mark."

I'm not speaking of this forum...the boogie boards tend to be a bit more balanced. But other forums are just out of control with Mark fanboyism.
So I'm just going to go out on a limb and assume that NAMM was a bust for new gear this year really. Obviously nothing noteworthy... lol Sorry but I've checked on this topic everyday since NAMM began only to find out that Petrucci left his recto and that the Mark V is still just a wet dream for many...