Anyone using a mark V for country music?

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
I recently joined a country cover band (mostly modern covers, a few re-tooled classics) and am in the process of getting my rig together... I have both a Roadster and a Mark V and have been debating which would be more "country-friendly" (without unloading them to buy something else). Anyway, is anybody here using a Mark V for country music? If so, care to share any recommended modes/settings?

ahh yes...time to spank the plank!what guitar(s) are you using?I cant speak for the roadster, but I have found some good settings on all three channels-are you trying to cop an Albert Lee type tone?I am running el 34's right now and the country thang is still happenin'-I like a little dirt/breakup when I dig in hard-i really like chan 1 tweed -coupled with a fulldrive pedal, it is a good combo-i have also found sweetness in chan 3 c+ mode ,backing gain to about 9-10 o clock and really pumping up the volume/use vol/tone controls on guitar to go from clean to breakup...6L6 tubes and the ev speaker combo is real spanky along with single coils, or with split hums like the ones on my Tom A
-I have also found spank-vana on a friend's e dyne, but that is another story!
Very cool... I've been spending a lot of time on C1 (clean) and C2 (mark I) but haven't really ventured over to C3 yet, so I'll have to check out the IIc+ mode!

As for guitars, I'm mostly using G&L ASAT's... typically a Z-3 and a Special Deluxe... occasionally a PRS McCarty when I need to get my humbucker on. :)

I had the Roadster, but it was not really condusive to Country playing. That's basically a metal amp.

However, on the MkV, depending on the level of grit you want, try these (all clock settings) for the humbuckers:

Ch1 - Super clean
Set to Clean or Fat/Bold on or off (your choice):
Gain 11
Master 11
Presence 1
Treb 1
Mid 11
Bass 12

Ch 1 - Bite
Same as above, but crank the gain to 3-4

Ch 1 - Grind/Rockabilly
Set to TWEED
All other knobs same as above

Anything heavier than that and you should definitely go to Ch 2. Use Edge or Crunch for a more obnoxious sound, or Mark I for a smoother sound.

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