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  1. E


    Amp just sold. Thanks for the interest everyone. Silverwulf, this amp doesn't have as much gain on channel 2 as the RKII. Truth be told that is why i like the RKI better. Another high gain channel would be useless for me. Channel 3&4 handle all of that. I set channel 2 up at around 1/2...
  2. E


    I had some people ask if the footswitch is included and it absolutely is...along with your choice of covers. I have the Boogie cover that the amp came with and a vinyl cover that fits it perfectly.
  3. E


    Head cab pics to come... Here is the RK. The flash is really exaggerating the scuffs, and the line on the side of the amp is not visible without the flash. I have no idea what that is as I can't see it, it only shows up in the pics.
  4. E

    I am looking for a Tremoverb head cabinet.....

    Patience young grasshopper, I had a gig last night and didn't get in until 3AM, it is also Valentines day and I am married...cut me just a little slack. LOL!!!. I'll have pics ASAP promise.
  5. E


    I have seen them go on E-bay for anywhere between $1500-1800. Lets say $1650 for just the Head and an extra $150 for the extra headshell.
  6. E


  7. E

    Sold...mods please delete

    Guitar is sold....I am looking for the option to delete the thread but can't seem to find it.
  8. E

    Mesa Boogie Mark V in Europe [price inside]

    I don't know how much the tariff is, but it is an interesting point. I am also not sure if Canada has a different price, if that is the case then I am wondering what the hell NAFTA was for? LOL!!! I thought everything between the US, Canada, and Mexico was tariff free. You guys over in...
  9. E

    Mesa Boogie Mark V in Europe [price inside]

    My guess would be that the difference in price is due to higher tariffs and/or taxes. It works the same way here but to a *much* lesser extent. Boogie sets a price and then every state adds its own tax on to the sale, different states have different percentages. Obviously it isn't anywhere...
  10. E

    Still having issues with the LSS

    Are you using a good NOS rec tube or are you using the modern crap? A good vintage rec tube will cost no more than $20. In most cases that will solve the problem.
  11. E

    Mesa NOS EL34 6CA7

    Those are relabeled Siemens. Great tubes and worth every penny. The last of the great tubes IMHO.
  12. E

    7189 A replace an EL 84?

    Not sure. Talk to a tech about that, but I know that a cathode biased amp is very different from a fixed bias. You do not rebias a cathode biased amp.
  13. E

    7189 A replace an EL 84?

    The LSS is a cathode biased amp and should not need rebiased IIRC.
  14. E

    [For Sale] Mesa Boogie Trem-O-Verb w/ flight case + 4x12 cab

    I'm interested, but need more details than that. What mods were done?
  15. E

    Recto cab came with blown speaker, new out of the box!

    There are a lot of things that could cause that crackling sound and they have nothing to do with a blown speaker. I would doubt that it is actually blown. My guess would be that something was knocked loose during shipping.
  16. E

    The body's still warm! C+ fraud

  17. E

    Mesa Custom Order Hardwood On Tremoverb Need Help.

    You guys who are claiming that it will be $400 are misreading what Boogie is saying. The $400 is on top of the $300 for the tolex head cab. When Boogie says that Hardwood is $400, the mean it is $400 additional, not $400 total. I was quoted a price of $800 for a custom RK head cabinet...
  18. E

    mesa boogie roadking!!!!!!!

    Welcome to the club....