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  1. M

    My fuse burned in the middle of the show...what could be hap

    What is " power tube arcing"?
  2. M

    My fuse burned in the middle of the show...what could be hap

    Yerterday was the first time that i pluged it on the stage power line, cause here in brazil is 220 volts, but the stage was "totally secure tranformed already to 110"...and my friend was there in that time, cause i'm traveling... fuuuck!and the guitar player was just using his pedal set on the...
  3. M

    My fuse burned in the middle of the show...what could be hap

    My fuse burned in the middle of the show...what could be happened ? There was a lot, i say a loooot of white smoke on the stage (Smoke Machine)...i do not know if it is the amp was used for 2 bands , and the 3rd it happened. Is it Normal ? I changed the fuse allready and it is ok...
  4. M

    I wish my Channel 3 would be more responsive.

    Becarfull with the Presence knoob! I never put more than 10h, cause it gets sizzle and thin...12hs is the LIMIT FRO ANYTHING (MarkIIC ou Mark IV Modes)!!!You shold try to EL34 ...i use it...and do not miss the 6l6!!! I play Metallica, megadeth, antrax, blacksabbath, slayer, pantera (my cover...
  5. M

    Smooth vs Evil

    can you post a photo of the settings to the metal rhythm stuff , cause i never got a good sound using the "M" shape in the Mark V...on the MArk IV the "M" shape was my stock shape... Thanks!
  6. M

    Trade your 6l6 for El34 right NOW !! Don't be afraid !!!!

    HAHAAHHAHAHA Every one here!!! I, for the first time, played with my band using EL34 Tubes...NOW, I LOVE THEM AND MY AMP MORE THAN EVER!!! My guitar was very presence and audible on the band, and the tone is the same that if you were playing alone in your's very fat and "fullbodied"...
  7. M

    Trade your 6l6 for El34 right NOW !! Don't be afraid !!!!

    Litesnsirens , i respect your experience, your hole history that you say you have, but the only thing that i said is that we should not be so deterministic as you were. I just think that for the Mark V, the EL34 works better, but i think for the Mark IV the 6l6 worked better, is a question of...
  8. M

    Trade your 6l6 for El34 right NOW !! Don't be afraid !!!!

    Sorry but i can't agree with you at all...Hetfield uses El34 on his Diezel...Mark Morton uses El34 on his Mark V...Metallica used Mark 2c as preamp in a Power Amp Marshall, what almost means that he used idea that el34 is hard rock and 6l6 is heavy metal is not right at all...i...
  9. M

    ANYONE who tried both 6L6's and EL34's like the 6L6's more?

    As i can see, who uses telecaster, stratocaster uses 6l6...and who has Esp, Gibson, Ibanez etc and plays heavy metal, hard rock and other thinks and tried both, prefers El34 :lol:
  10. M

    Played a IV and V side-by-side today

  11. M

    Trade your 6l6 for El34 right NOW !! Don't be afraid !!!!

    I agree with you, my CH1 is great to me right now...but we know that for the most of people, and that's why i put that in my review, cause i have to be honest and impartial, the Fender spank country clean sound is the best one...but the clean of the amp with EL34 is very good, just different...
  12. M

    Played a IV and V side-by-side today

    I hope that you were impartial about it...cause i loved to hear that V is better than Iv kkkkkkkk
  13. M

    Trade your 6l6 for El34 right NOW !! Don't be afraid !!!!

    Hello Every one...I know that this subject is very "overtalked" (i do not know if this word exists heeheh)...but tubes are a part of the soul of our i a need to share this to you all, cause i'm very happy now with my amp! :D I have 03 kinds of valves here...Stock 6l6 STR 440 , SED...
  14. M

    Artists using the Mark V?

    Anyone knows if he is usisng 6l6 or El34 tubes on that video ?
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    I know that was just to ilustrate about the highs... :lol: even this way i would like to know if anyone knows witch tubes they use, cause i love their tones, soooooo... Thank youuu! :)
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    Anyone? :roll:
  17. M


    OK, the last questions!!! 1) Witch tubes Hetfield used on his marks ? and rectifiers ? 2) Witch tubes Hatfield uses now on his vh4 ? 3) Witch tubes Petrucci uses on his Mark V ? Thanks!!!
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    Channel 2

    Hey dude, can you see and answer this topic : Thank you very much!
  19. M


    OK! This ask goes to Screamingdaisy , a guy who help me more than anyone to understand my lovely amp, thank youa lot and to Litesnsirens...and everyone who tested EL34 and 6l6 and has the same experience that i had... When Screamingdaisy said "- With distorted tones I find it's hard to dial...
  20. M

    My Mark V medium head arrived!

    Now you have THE AMPS hehehheauhauahuahau When you totaly undestand your Mark V, can you do a comparisson betwen it and your Diezel and Engl ? Clean and Drive Channel to Metal ? Thanks!!!