I wish my Channel 3 would be more responsive.

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Sep 26, 2010
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Hey. I think I've heard this problem stated before. But I would appreciate help that ya'll could give regarding this.

Channel 3 does not seem to respond to EQ settings very well. The preset knob makes things sound nice. But the Sliders seem to just miss the mark no matter what. I can't seem to get rid of the honk sound on channel three unles i take the middle slider all the way down an send the outer ones up high. and I don't like the resulting sound.

What really bothers me is that the knobs don't really do ya much good. I feel like I need to cut the presence knob all the way down in channel three cuz it just adds static. The treble knob just adds gain saturation... it doesn't seem to make things brighter or dull things out much when you turn it down. The bass knob, well whatever... and the Mid knob does nothing!
I have four knobs to control the same thing it seems. Gain, Presence, Bright switch, and Treble.

Basically I am asking/// What tubes can I install into my amp in order to make channel 3 more responsive and managable?


I have pro-coverage from guitar center... should I go there and demand they replace it with a new model? My serial number is in the 1600's.
The knobs do a lot. How high are you running the gain? What kind of pickups are you using? How long have you owned the amp?

Have you read the manual to the amp? I think you need to spend more time with it. Unless you are just running the gain all the way up, the eq knobs on all three channels of the amp are pretty responsive. You need to understand how the preamp works before you try to EQ it.

At any rate you could try retubing the amp. I have a 50s mullard in v1, tung sol in v2, tad in v3, mesa in the rest.

Also, the preset uses the same parts as the graphic EQ and you can get the same sound out of either of them with some dialing. Keep that in mind. preset is just dummyproof.
In addition to all the questions asked, what mode are you in? IIC+ mode is honk-y, midrange-y. You can barely get rid of that nasal. However, the amp is incredibly responsive in MkIV mode, and all the controls have a tremendous effect. If your gain is dimed, though, then the gain can "overwhelm" the effect of most of the EQ settings. If you want a tighter, faster response, try setting the gain in the 1-2:00 range, the presence around noon, and the EQ to taste. With the Bold switch, you have to keep the treble down some. I found it is was too focused and laser tight and I wanted something more richer and organic. I have been setting the presence down about 9:00, the gain around 2:00 and that loosened up the feel a little.
Okaaayyy. It seems I need to re-evaluate how I'm setting my 3rd channels.

When I was really noticing this problem I was running the gain at 2:00 - 3:00. I use IIC+, Extreme, and IV all pretty much the same amount.

Sooo lets say I back off the gain and re-create the saturation I'm looking for with the Presence knob... I'll hear more significant differences when I'm moving my treb/mid/bass knobs around? (I will go try it (not just wait for an answer))
Setting the presence high can thin the sound out, though, even though it adds sizzle.

You might also try running the gain lower but the treble very high.

Also, are you playing in a band or by yourself? How loud are you playing? What cab do you have?

The heavy midrange works well in a band situation but sounds bad on its own. And if you're playing at low volumes, you'll probably get a more satisfying sound using the 10W setting, as the 45 and 90W settings sound honky until you give them some volume.
What about going through all modes with all possible EQs?????
It seams like you haven't done that, mess with the knobs randomly, try to understand what each knob does! Maybe Mark V isn't for you.
Tubes will not change how knobs work. Set EQ to sliders... Is your guitar any good? What kind of sound are you searching for? Have you read the manual? How long have you had this amp?
Everyone says this amp will sound good on itself, this is not true. A good guitar is a must with this amp, each channel has its own EQ (what´s so different about that regarding other amps?)
I believe what you want is probably impossible with this amp!
Rkorn said:
What about going through all modes with all possible EQs?????
It seams like you haven't done that, mess with the knobs randomly, try to understand what each knob does! Maybe Mark V isn't for you.
Tubes will not change how knobs work. Set EQ to sliders... Is your guitar any good? What kind of sound are you searching for? Have you read the manual? How long have you had this amp?
Everyone says this amp will sound good on itself, this is not true. A good guitar is a must with this amp, each channel has its own EQ (what´s so different about that regarding other amps?)
I believe what you want is probably impossible with this amp!

Whoa buddy. I've tried allll SORts of settings. and I have read the manual. I just got frustrated over not being able to get the sound I was looking for just one time and came here with a question... I'll answer these questions though as I'm sure it'll help clear things up.

My guitar is a 7 string Ibanez RG from 2003. I've replaced the neck pickups with Dimarzio Liquid Fire, and the bridge with their D-sonic 7 pickup.

I run the amp into a 4x12 MESA recto cab. using the 8ohms jacks. I still have the 6L6's in da heed

You could tell by the pickups I use (and my selection of amp) that I'm looking for a John Petrucci type of sound, maybe a little heavier/saturated ( I have tried his settings that have been posted around here )

I've had the amp since May. sooo 9 months

I've found plenty of good sounds before. but I just experienced like a road block yesterday in getting what I wanted at the volume I was playing on. (louder than a reasonable practice volume, but not loud enough for a gig) I was dialing around in circles.

Thank you for answering my question though ... ("Tubes will not change how knobs work.") This is what I was hoping to hear actually. I don't wanna go through the process of changing tubes if I don't have to. (or really at all)

...and If I'm not going to be able to get the sounds I want from this amp, I don't think I'll be able to get 'em out of any amp at all.
Maybe some pedals might help.
I believe this amp can do A LOT of things, and all really well, the amp can cut through any mix. Bear in mind that petrucci has a whole array of effects and that alone transforms the amp completely.
If you change tubes, try EL34... I don't think any 6L6 will give you that difference you are searching for. EL34 might do what you want.
I just said that in my previous answer because a lot of people don't really read the manual, Mesa besides good amps also make good reading! heheh
I think you should try el34s...I use the same pickups...I dont go for a Petrucci type tone but I find its very responsive to setting gain at 230 mark iv 10 watt ...and i can use pu selector and volume knob for clean to mean tones.
Becarfull with the Presence knoob! I never put more than 10h, cause it gets sizzle and thin...12hs is the LIMIT FRO ANYTHING (MarkIIC ou Mark IV Modes)!!!You shold try to EL34 ...i use it...and do not miss the 6l6!!! I play Metallica, megadeth, antrax, blacksabbath, slayer, pantera (my cover band) and sometimes amon amarth...and after i changed the tubes i using a lot more the Extreme cause it's now usable and brutal, much much much better than rectifiers...same brutality but not sizzle or trable...
I did the exact same thing constantly with my Mark IV! I found that the room I was in contributed to the honky, nasal tone that Mark amps can get. Another thing I would do is reset my ears. I would get frustrated tweaking on it after awhile and so I would turn off the EQ and set the knobs to one of the settings in the owners manual and play for a while. After a day or two turn the GEQ back on and it'll sound better.
Mark amps are like heroin. Every time it takes more to reach the same high. Somethimes you have to cut back for a while to get rid of the "hearing hangover".
ryjan said:
I did the exact same thing constantly with my Mark IV! I found that the room I was in contributed to the honky, nasal tone that Mark amps can get. Another thing I would do is reset my ears. I would get frustrated tweaking on it after awhile and so I would turn off the EQ and set the knobs to one of the settings in the owners manual and play for a while. After a day or two turn the GEQ back on and it'll sound better.
Mark amps are like heroin. Every time it takes more to reach the same high. Somethimes you have to cut back for a while to get rid of the "hearing hangover".

Glad I'm not the only one that does that.

The other thing I've learned is to never touch the EQ for the first 10 or 20 minutes I'm playing it. I find that when I first start out it always sounds like **** (ie, nasal, honky, not enough bottom) and attempt to compensate with the EQ... then after a bit I don't like the way it sounds and EQ it again. Then a little bit later I EQ it again. Then again... eventually finding myself at the same settings I always use.

So, long story short.... I don't touch the EQ for 10 or 20 minutes, after which if it still doesn't sound good I shut it off and walk away.

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