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  1. K

    Another Stiletto Ace sample

    i didnt care much for the cleans.. but the lead channel rocked!! awesome demonstration!!
  2. K

    Post some Mark IV LEAD leads... you can listen to some of my tunes, all (expet thelast one, "breath of the wind") were done with my Mark IVB not really a lot of oversaturated shreding there but there are some leads that you'll give you the idea.. konstantine
  3. K

    New mellow-instrumental piece - Never Forget (Mark IV)

    thanks for listening and the reply!! konstantine
  4. K

    New mellow-instrumental piece - Never Forget (Mark IV)

    hey! thanks for the replies and for listening my tunes... elpelotero: thanks for the comment, actually most of it is with my suhr pro s1 but both my anderson and suhr compliment the mark iv amazingly well!! kk: i really like the G-system as far as fx sound, ease of use and overal control...
  5. K

    New mellow-instrumental piece - Never Forget (Mark IV)

    Hey, I just uploaded a new mellow-instrumental piece, actually is an old inspiration that I managed to record and mix recently... your comments are more than welcome.. thank you, Konstantine
  6. K

    You Ask, You Get 3 More Mark IV Clips (GnR and Killswitch)

    really great!! konstantine
  7. K

    more songs I've recorded with my LSS

    Hey Face!! Your songs sounds great and have a special vibe!!! Keep up the good work.. thanks for posting konstantine
  8. K

    scottish pirate folk....2ch Recto

    I really like the songs, tones and production!! (although i listen through crappy headphones) keep up the good work, and keep us posted!! kostantine
  9. K

    Mark IV New tune - The girl Once Lost

    hey.. thanks for listening!! konstantine
  10. K

    Mark IV New tune - The girl Once Lost I just finished mixing a new tune, it's called "The girl once lost", lyrics are from a friend called Elias and the vocals from another friend Angelvoice. Composition arrangement, recording and mixing by myself... Anderson Drop Top and Mark IV for the guitars...
  11. K

    I Miss You - New MARK IV instrumental song

    thanks for taking the time for that detailed reply!!! after the recording i noticed that it was a bit out of tune with the piano, i checked it and the b and g strings were slight sharper on my guitar but i liked the feel and i didnt want to re-record it... anyway, as far as it concerns the...
  12. K

    I Miss You - New MARK IV instrumental song

    Hi there... I just uploaded a new song, called "I miss you"... please check it out, and let me know what do you think.. kind regards, Konstantine
  13. K

    Mark IV & LSC?? maybe an Egnater MOD50??

    what was the difference with the 6V6? i'm running it now with El34 and 6L6, I like class A (just the EL34) for Leads and rythm 2 and simulclass for cleans thanx konstantine
  14. K

    Mark IV & LSC?? maybe an Egnater MOD50??

    noone has both or has good experience of these amps??!!
  15. K

    DiMarzio EVH Custom for Mark IV?

    an EMG 81 and mark iv is too much treble and saturation imo i believe that the EVH will be better suited for you.. no experience with with the GL or the invader also an EMG85 in bridge position sounds fuller, bassier, a bit softer and has sweeter highs than the EMG81, especialy in alder...
  16. K

    Mark IV & LSC?? maybe an Egnater MOD50??

    Hello folks!! I have a Mark IV which i think is great but i'm gasing for another amp these days. i think that the mark has the awesome saturated tone i'm looking for but i'd like to have a softer amp as well.. i think that the LSC is ideal for that mild, rich, smooth, phat & sensitive tone i'm...
  17. K

    New instrumental tune - Rainy Day; Check it out...

    Thanx for listening and for the reply!!! You have nice clips at your signature too.. i liked them!! konstantine
  18. K

    New instrumental tune - Rainy Day; Check it out...

    thanx for listening the G-system is a very good for what it is, lots of features & functions, cool sounds, ease of use.. i do a lot of shows and it helps me for tap dancing or having to tweak midi controllers, swichers and etc with a rack the negative is that the first AD/DA conversion does...
  19. K

    New instrumental tune - Rainy Day; Check it out...

    thanx for listening and the kind words.. i know porcupine tree, its an amazing band with wonderful songs, anyway i cannot still understand Elpelotero's post... konstantine