I Miss You - New MARK IV instrumental song

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Active member
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Hi there...

I just uploaded a new song, called "I miss you"... please check it out, and let me know what do you think..


kind regards,
Sounds pretty good. There wasn't terribly too much guitar playing, which is fine. From the technical side of things, your guitar was a hair out of tune with the piano. It wasn't bad enough to ruin the song, but it was enough to take attention away from what was actually happening in the song. The ideas were still conveyed though.

I might suggest boosting the guitar track a little bit, to make it stand out a bit more from the piano. Perhaps some mild EQ'ing on both tracks, nothing more than +/- 3dB in any frequency range. As it is now, the two seem to be sharing similar sound-space and it's hard to get a good feel for what the guitar is doing at some parts.

Short track, but well done.
thanks for taking the time for that detailed reply!!!

after the recording i noticed that it was a bit out of tune with the piano, i checked it and the b and g strings were slight sharper on my guitar but i liked the feel and i didnt want to re-record it... anyway, as far as it concerns the eqing of the tracks, i will listen it with fresh ears again and maybe redo the mix...

again thank you for your reply..
