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  1. L

    Just got the 20/20...not a big fan of the "honk".

    you could swap 6L6s in the 50:50 for EL34s and have your mids. to me, 20/20 is pretty honky anyway due to EL84s as for retubes, i really recommend JJs
  2. L

    Triaxis v2.0 LD1 red

    Back on topic: try running mids high, gain around 6, drive to taste, something like gain - 6 treble - 5 mid - 8 bass - 5,5 drive - 5 presence - 3 DV - 1
  3. L

    Triaxis has latency when changing modes!

    i guess it's truly how Tri works - I use rocktron midi-mate and have the same problem this happens when you switch from ld1 to ld2, or vice a versa switching from Rhy modes to any of the Leads seems to be ok since i'm a lgigging player, at least for now, this lag forces me to sort of "stay...
  4. L

    You know what's always bugged me?

    why couldn't there be a dedicated loop switch? why do i have to scroll thru multiple combinations to turn it off?
  5. L


    i use three guitars - gibson lp, ibanez rgt220, and an emg equipped fender strat. well, the good news, imo, are that the triaxis is not in a situation when some guiatr "makes" it sound bad. i'd rather say, that it is transparent enough to let each instrument's character though. at this point you...
  6. L


    oh. i have probably misunderstood you. do you say that Triaxis lacks a bit in a mid to low region, like mids bordering on lows? if so, then yes, i have to agree on that. that's why les paul is my guiatr of choice with the Tri - it has bigger bass and fatter low midrange then my other guitars.
  7. L

    Triaxis + 2:90 Question

    i think that's because of the taper pots have. the farther you go on the dial, the less of an effect you hear
  8. L


    i have always thought, that triaxis is the "midrangest" preamp on our side of horizon. really. you should compare it to, say, a Recto amp side by side. just set the two up with knobs at noon and see for yourself. i even get an impression sometimes, that after playing a recto, triaxis sound like...
  9. L

    Triaxis Midi Latency Issues

    i get noticeable fade in effect - or latency - on switching to LD1R from any other mode. the controller is Rocktron Midi Mate. but as far as i understand, it happens because LD1R mode uses a different circuit, hence the latency
  10. L

    How well does the Triaxis do the MarkIIC+ sound?

    i think that the opposite is true - actually it is rather difficult to make Triaxis sound extremely heavy or "brutal", in the vein of Recto or VHT amps. Tri is a very "midrangey" and bright sounding pre, which screams "classic rock", at least compared to what you hear coming from metal bands...
  11. L

    Strange Acting Triaxis...

    the surest bet is to send it to Boogie for service. 0065 is VERY old, and needs a tech to look at it. if you like the preamp, a quality overhaul / maintenance job will give you years of further Tri enjoyment =)
  12. L

    So on the Triaxis, is LD2 Red really the Rect Solo head mode

    ld2red sounds like a marshall to me. at least, something in that direction
  13. L

    Running one side of a poweramp

    i run only one side of my mesa 2:fifty poweramp, @ 8 Ohm the other side has volume on "0" basically, per user manual, that's all i need to do to play it safe however, the thread about thin sounding pre got me worried. can somebody give a competent answer if running one side only can damage the...
  14. L

    interested in 2:Fifty 2:50 stereo power amp

    i run the new 2:50 with a quad of EL34 i used Ld2 Green, but recently switched to Ld1 red sounds nice, got that mesa "push back". will probably sound even better with some decent 6L6s however, i haven't compared it to the 9100
  15. L

    Triaxis getting closer

    for the original poster: i was going to sell my Tri too. even more, i was ready to smash it against the nearest wall i had at the time. however, i found a way out. dude, you need a mesa power amp. i cannot stress this enough, you MUST run it through a mesa/boogie poweramp that i ssupposed to...
  16. L

    Does anyone have any experience with Mesa 2-Fifty power amp?

    Does anyone have any experience with Mesa 2-Fifty power amp? Does it hold up to its bigger brother (2:90) tonewise? Xpt for not having deep / etc. modes