Just got the 20/20...not a big fan of the "honk".

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
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Phil[th]adelphia, PA
So I've gone through 4 power amps to match my Studio Pre and now I have the 20/20. I sold the Mesa 50/50 because I didn't like how the preamp sounded through 6L6's (not enough natural mids to my ear) so I went for the 20/20 assuming it'd be a midrange-lover's dream. Well, I think I do hear that controversial 200+ Hz boost and it just won't go away. Its almost like its just too muddy. (Never thought I'd say that about any amp...) I find that even with the presence knob all the way up, I don't get the sparkle from the high-end that I got with my old Peavey 50/50 (also EL84).

So, would those savvy with the 20/20 recommend the deep mod, considering my tastes?
me thinks you neecd to re-tube your 20/20.

I have never had the prescence knobs on mine past halfway, infact they are usually at about 10:00.

and I would not call my unmodded 20/20 muddy by any standard.
yeah, whoa, that just sounds wrong. the 20/20 was anything but muddy for me too. +1 on a retube.
honestly man......i am really surpsied by what you are describing. I've had my 20/20 for close to nine years and I have almost never had my presence knobs past 10am....occasionally i will run them at 12 noon and sometimes i have them almost compeltley off becasue of how bright the amp can be and that's with my programs on the triaxis having very little if any treble dialed in at all.

and just so you know what my tastes are you can click on the link below to download songs I have recorded using the 20/20 with a triaxis.....in particular the song "itchy trigger" is th eone out of this particualr batch of tunes that rocks a little harder than the others. I cant remember for sure but once you get past the short intro on that tune the guitars were recored with the presence knobs on about 10 am.

Well...actually I only owned that 20/20 for a week and did not re-tube it. After testing my 20/20 I went back and listened to old recordings with my Studio Pre and Peavey 50/50 (EL84) rig. Not even ten seconds into the recording I realized that I cannot live without the angelic hi-mid shimmer of the Peavey 50/50.

So long story short, I once again own a Peavey 50/50 and after going through so many power amps (including a Mesa 50/50) I will be sticking with the Peavey. Its just got that shimmer to it that, IMHOBBQ, is unmatched.

Another bit of good news is that since I re-bought the Peavey 50/50, it put a serious dent in my G.A.S!
I used to have the peavey 50/50, they are a good poweramp.

my only gripe was they cost heaps to re-tube and had to be re-biased occasionally.

with the mesa, just pop mesa tubes in - done.

plus I like the size and weight of the mesa 20/20

rock on.
what tubes would you recommend for 20/20 to get rid of the mudy sound? what brands do you use for 12ax7 and el84? I have the stock mesa tubes (bought the amp new) and I have the presence all the way up all the time, but i always felt that some sparkle is missing from the sound. trying to compensate with eq only brings some fuzz in front.
re-read the first 4x answers to this post.

the 20/20 is not a muddy poweramp.

like the original poster, I think you just need to retube,
and mesa boogie tubes are the only tubes I've used in mine, and it is def not muddy.

I've never had the prescence knobs past noon.

how old are your current tubes ?
how long have you had the 20/20, and has it always been muddy or only recently?
Maybe muddy is a way too strong word. however, the presence are all the way up so I could have an open sound. the amp was bought new one year ago, but it was used in home only at 15% of volume maybe 1 hour a day. I feel the sound is maybe too dark in the lows and I would like to have it less dark or with more presence.

So, I have two options now, to get a quad of RFT EL84 or a quad of military grade 6P14P-EV. Is anyone using those? Which would you recommend?
Man, if it is only a year old your tubes should be fine.

what preamp are you using, and what cab ?
Well, most amps seem to brighten up as the volume goes up, so part of the problem may be the real low volume...I'd recommend you try to find 15 minutes (and a large room) where you can goose the volume and see what difference that makes.

As always, bear in mind that using any tubes other than M/B will void warranty.
I have changed MESA stock chinese tubes with NOS Russian 6P14P-EV. Everything brighten up quite well. These tubes are cheap compared to other brand names, but they bring good sound into a 20/20 amplifier. And yes, playing at higher volumes, all frequencies are perceived different and the sound is better. I am pleased now.

Thank you all, for your insights.
you could swap 6L6s in the 50:50 for EL34s and have your mids. to me, 20/20 is pretty honky anyway due to EL84s
as for retubes, i really recommend JJs