Triaxis v2.0 LD1 red

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2008
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Anybody have any good settings for this one? I can never make it sound good no matter what I try.
I guess no one else has any idea how to make this channel sound good. Interesting...
nomad100hd said:
did you read the manual, i read it today and it looks as if the thing could be a little tricky

I've used their recommendations and to me it still never sounds "right". Maybe someone else out there lives and dies by this setting, but to me it just sounds like crap
nomad100hd said:
what kind of power amp are you using?

Marshall 9100 dual monobloc, 2 6L6 power tubes per side. Granted it's not a Mesa, but every setting on the Triaxis shines through it except LD1 Red. I could easily come up with 10 good settings for LD2 green, yellow or red, 3 or 4 good settings for LD1 green and yellow, and an infinite number of good settings for the Rhythm channels, but nothing ever sounds right on LD1 red. It always sounds distorted in a bad way, like it has zero headroom.
I think your problem is that you have the phat mod newest version Triaxis. Lead 1 Red sounds like anus on that version. I had the exact same problem so I sold my newer TA and got an older one with the TX4 circuit. Now Lead 1 Red is my main tone. Literally EVERY tone I dial in on my Lead 1 red sounds amazing haha

Bottom line, get an older version.
Maybe mesa would remove the phat mod for just the cost of shipping. I know i hate buying amps, without a schematic and layout.
Unfortunately, if your Triaxis is the newest one loaded with the TX5 board, they cannot undo the phat mod... it is the phat mod. Also the main pcb is different and even if you were able to get your hands on the TX4 board, you couldn't make it work. Bottom line again is to sell it and get one with the TX4. Then you'll be the happiest dood ever.
I'm a "little" confused here...

I'm new to Mesa products and as it relates to the Triaxis I hear all this "Phat Mod" and "Rectifier" thrown around and I guess I am not completely sure, I think the terms describe something different but I'm not absolutely sure, so can someone please clear this question up for me...

In the Triaxis, is the Phat mod and the Rectifier the same or different?
I had the old non-phat and I still did not find any "great" settings on the ld1 red. Just ignore that channel...there is a way to make it sound useable (Keep bass super low 2 max, pump mids up to around 8 at least)...but the other channels just sounded better in every possible way.
There is a way to reverse the phat mod by yourself and you can join the TriAxis group and find out, I don't have the mod so i don't know it off hand. I understand it is pretty easy to undo if you have the TX4 board.

A far as LD1 Red I stay away from that channel due to the excess noise I get on that channel. It's like having bee's on tap.
Funny, Lead 1 Red w/no Phat Mod was one of my favorite modes on the Triaxis. I don't have any settings in front of me though. Keep the bass modest, turn up the mids, keep the gain in check.
Just bid on a Triaxis w/ out phat mod. I may not win the auction, but I just decided to purchase one. So eventually I'll join the Triaxis club. Anyone got some good settings for a Mark IV lead or rhythm tone?

Back on topic:

try running mids high, gain around 6, drive to taste, something like

gain - 6
treble - 5
mid - 8
bass - 5,5

drive - 5
presence - 3
DV - 1
metal190 said:
Just bid on a Triaxis w/ out phat mod. I may not win the auction, but I just decided to purchase one. So eventually I'll join the Triaxis club. Anyone got some good settings for a Mark IV lead or rhythm tone?


Lead 2 Green is pretty easy to dial in and a great sounding mode. I don't have settings in front of me, but I'd keep the DV in check. It goes from "middy" to "scooped and boomy" quick. I actually just picked up an ADA MQ-1 to go with another Triaxis I grabbed. I'll be glad to have an external EQ to work with this time around.
Here is my favorite setting.....The Output on the Triaxis should be high though....around 6.

I'm not a huge fan of LD1 Read, either. It is really fizzy. I usually don't use it.

When I do use it, I generally go for some dropped-D kind of playing. Every time that I do this, I have to tweak the settings a little. My starting point is the "all 6" approach...

Gain: 6
Treble: 6
Mid: 6
Bass: 6

Then, for the lead 1 drive, I start at something around 3. I'll tweak it up or down a little to taste. The Mesa value of 6 is almost always way too much. I think that it sounds better (as with most chugga-chugga riffing) with less gain that most people think is required. Don't accept the mental bias that more gain is better...let your ears guide you.


Master: set to whatever volume you want
Presence: start at 5 and tweak to control the fizz for your particular speaker
Dynamic Voice: either 0 or 1.

Good luck.
