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rabies said:
Restless Rocks said:
When he received it off the UPS truck the box looked fine but when he opened it he found every single tube smashed to bits.

How could the amp show up mauled like that if the box looked fine? Maybe it was damaged prior to packaging?

Not trying to defend UPS here, but that just sounds sketchy.

After I saw the box one end of it did appear to have taken a blow, I think a high fall square on it's end. As you can imagine my buddy was so anxious to plug it in and wail that he probably could've been handed to him in a paper bag.
The things getting a Boogie can do to one's mind is scary almost.
Seller contacted me back, he's being great about the whole thing and is going to keep me posted.. we'll see.

as the world turns continues. :roll:
I hope it all works out for the best. It's great that the seller is eager to make things right. When I sent my MkI out to Mike B. a couple of months ago, I was on pins and needles about the shipping. So much so that I instructed my wife to kick the UPS driver in the privates if she saw any rough handling of my "old" amp. Keep the faith. :)

I am sorry that I missed this. I just got home. D, you certainly are having a hard time getting your hands on a Mark IV. It is a shame that UPS did you like that. Fortunately the seller is being good about it all. I think that it might be in your interest to at least see the package and ask to inspect it. It is obvious that it may be damaged so it isn't lik eyou are hurting anything by requesting that. I would even ask to plug it in there and see if it can go through the rigors of use. Because it is in a SUS-4 it might be just a little shaken and actually be ok. I don't know though, I haven't seen it. If it is in bad shape then I would let the seller do his best to remedy the situation and then file a claim if things are not completely satisfactory. That is a shame though because that amp was a true find.

Not that this matters much but I saw a Dual Rec the other day listed that had been apparently dropped while in shipment and only the head case was cracked and the chassis was tweaked a wee bit. The seller claimed that the unit still functioned perfectly. I know that you wanted it in the condition it was presented but think about all the amps that fall off the backs of trucks and roll to a stop on the highway that survive. The amp might still be ok. Without having seen it yourself there is no real way to tell. It might have been dropped and the outer box may have split leaving the packaging exposed (they are heavy little amps). In a hurry and not wanting to get in much trouble the courier may have just put it back together the best he could and that was why it appeared as such a mess to the people that were receiving it at your work. It may not have been actually damaged itself at all. Go check it out... Keep your fingers crossed.
Russ thanks, I told the seller if the amp turns out to be ok when he receives it, and it's exactly like it was prior to shipment then I'd like it back.. if anything was different or damaged a bit then I would just like a refund. I told him I'd hold off on filing anything on ebay or paypal until he got it back and called me on what to do. He gave me his # too so I'm sure he'll do me right. Worst case, maybe this is fate's way of telling me to buy a B if it ends up being damaged :p
That sux, man sorry to hear about your amp. I know when I sent my IIC to Mike B. for upgrade to IIC+, a friend of mine gave me his old copier box that still had the styrofoam in it. I basically had the chassis padded by over 12 inches of foam on all sides. I had an amp come to me damaged by UPS. Seller was cool about it but I felt bad for him because it was UPS' mistake and he had to deal with it all. From what I've read, you really have to take matters in your own hands and armor what you're shipping because I hear horror stories about all the shipping companies.
yeah I dealt locally to get my amp recently, craigslist is an amazing tool, and it was a hell of a deal at $900.

If it makes you feel any better I have a B and can tell you that it sounds great.

Although I've never had any of the tragedies that people emphasize come to my doorstep. But then again, I normally get things from fedex.

As for the throwing around of boxes by the deliverymen, I would get up in his face threatening his job and future security saying things like "do you have any idea what is inside that box you just threw?" or "you're a moron, can you read f r a g i l e". LOL It makes me SOOOO mad that people could be so ignorant and just not care. I guess life is just what you make of it, and if you try you'll go far. So much for those deliverymen, I guess if they don't try they won't ever get anywhere.

*end rant*
Platypus said:
Russ thanks, I told the seller if the amp turns out to be ok when he receives it, and it's exactly like it was prior to shipment then I'd like it back.. if anything was different or damaged a bit then I would just like a refund.

So you had the amp sent back to him already? If you decide to take it back, see if he can negotiate a faster and safer way to get it to you.

Do you still have your other amp to play in the meantime?
Yeah, I just had it sent back.. if the amp is still like it was in the auction I told him I'd take it again through a better courier this time.

Yeah I still have my dual and stiletto
Man, that sucks.

I just went through this a few months ago with UPS. I sold my Heartbreaker on Ebay and it got destroyed.

The buyer sent it back to me, and was cool at 1st. I told him that it would take me a week to come up with the money. At the end, right before I could pay him back, he turned into a huge A hole.

I bought it back and filed the insurance claim. Here is how it works though, they will do whichever is the cheapest out of these 2 options:

1. They will refund the entire amount of the purchase or insurance purchased, then take the amp and scrap it as a total loss.

2. They will refund the amount that it takes to repair the amp.

I called Rich at Mesa and got a quote from him. Even though I'm a Mesa tech, I had to have a 3rd party do the quote. Unfortunately I get dealer's prices and UPS got off a few hundred $ cheaper than they should have.

I got the amp back, broken in half, and got about $482. BUT, it took over a month to get it settled.

They also shipped it back in the box that it was originally shipped in, to the wrong zip code and name. I called for a week asking where it was and they said they had not seen it. I finally went down there and found it.

Almost any courrier is better than UPS.

In the end, I kept the Heartbreaker, fixed it up, rebuilt the cabinet, and modified the hell out of it. Now it's a keeper.

I think this will work out fine for you. Either way you will get your money back, but it is a pain in the butt and a waste of a great amp.

If the amp is fine and the guy ships it to you again, DO NOT let him use peanuts again though. It should be wrapped in dense foam or thick styrofoam, at least a few inches thick on all sides. The tubes should also be numbered, removed and bubble wrapped so they won't get broken. The peanuts will float to the top and the amp will drop to the bottom.
I'm confused about the peanuts thing too since he said he used rubber foam packaging.. he sent it from his company's warehouse packing center so I imagine it was fine. I heard the peanuts thing from the receiving guy at my company so who knows, I will ask him next time we talk.
Boogiebabies said:


If this one turns out to be damaged I'll get a B.. too hard to pass up on this amp + accessories. I can always sell the A and get a B.. this way I get the chance to try something more rare and I can always reclaim my investment and buy a B.
If you end up having the A, it might not be worth it to sell it to get the B. There is only a limited # of A's. They are still producing the B. For the subtle differences, it might be more headache than it is worth if you actually decide you like the B better to go through the hassles of selling and buying. There again, tone is something to sacrifice for. I am happy with my A and see no need to get a B. I keep plugging into the B's wherever I see them to try to find something that I can't live without. So far I haven't found it. Maybe someone here can give a setting that is tonally impossible with the A that is drastic enough of a change to change my mind. That way I can go try it in an A/B comparison and evaluate.
Monsta-Tone said:
This is probably a dumb question, but what is the difference between the A & B?

I could probably look at the drawings, but it is early and I'm lazy today. :D

There's a good explanation in the stuck thread on top of this forum. Hmmm if a Mesa tech doesn't know off hand it probably can't be that much different? :eek:
It could be that I'm just a big dummy.

I've actually never seen an A version, or at least had the pleasure of operating on one.

Now I'm so curious that I will have to look at the drawings. :D

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