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I have to say this is probably THE worst thread to read if you have a boogie on I have a bubinga and wicker cane 2X12 lonestar combo being made for me right now. And this thread had/has me freaking out,lol I'm glad you finally got your MkIV Platypus. But man!, what happened to that that 1st MkIV is enough to make a grown man cry.
ur86d said:
I have to say this is probably THE worst thread to read if you have a boogie on I have a bubinga and wicker cane 2X12 lonestar combo being made for me right now. And this thread had/has me freaking out,lol I'm glad you finally got your MkIV Platypus. But man!, what happened to that that 1st MkIV is enough to make a grown man cry.

Have faith man 8)

Improper packing is something Mesa doesn't do, that's for sure. My Ace was packed really well when it came from them. I just got stuck with a bad situation from ebay.

Don't worry about yours if it is coming from Mesa. They pack well. Again, that Mark IV was only killed because someone didn't take the time to pack it well. As far as the Barney amp goes.... Well, I can't talk for rabies nor do I have knowledge of how well it was/wasn't packed but it appears that the amp was sat on by Barney or took a hellish dive.
Thanks for the reassurance guys. yeah it comming from Mesa, so that's a good thing. I guess reading this thread while you're waiting for a boogie, is sorta like a being a kid and watching friday the 13th right before you go camping. Ya know there is 99.999% probability that there is no psycho at your campground killing everyone, but it doesnt stop ya from getting a little nervous when your sitting around the campfire and you hear a noise. heh heh
So is he asking for it to be fixed and returned to him or just refunded?
I know I have been poking fun at Barney but if I weren't makin such a sweet deal to get a 2 ch. Dual Rec right now I would make you an offer. I have been jonesing for some Rec in my diet. I could easily make a custom cab for Barney too. Then it would be just a matter of working on that reverb or having it fixed.
Though hijacked here and there this is now the longest running thread. Kind of funny how it went from boxes to boxes...

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