Will a transformer to 230v modify the sound of a US recto?

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2008
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I´m planning to buy a new recto from the states. Here in europe they are to expensive and if we want a discountinued product they are hard to find. As the voltages are different - 130v states, 230v Europe; I (a technician) will put a different transformer so it can deal with the new voltage. Having a different transformer will modify the sound that mutch? Will it become a different recto with other transformer so it can run at 230v?
I'm from Portugal and had a Roadster brought from USA. I had the same issue, so I had to get a transformer for it. I chose to order a custom transformer from someone qualified to do it. I gave him the specs of the amp and he built me one. It was heavy, though.
However, when I decided to sell it, many people came by to test it and no one told me it wasn't the "Recto sound". If I had bought the original 230v Mesa's transformer I would have paid about 250-300 Euros. I've paid about 50 Euros for mine.
It worked great and never noticed any change in the sound you would expect from a Recto.
Well, the roadster sounds a little different from a dual recto solo head. The 2 channel version also sounds a little different from the original 3 channel which sounds a little different from the reborn 3 channel. The 2 channel Tremo-verb sounds a little different again. Cabs can also shape tone as well, sometimes in drastic ways. In my experience, the roadster is creamier and less aggressive than my 2 channel Rev F head. I'm sure your head tears massively and the mod you got done shouldn't be a problem.
Bruno, I'm from Portugal too. Thanks for the reply. What made sell your roadster? I see you have a EVH now.
I know a qualified vendor that make this kind of mod and he do it very well. I just wanted to know if the sound would be any different from the US ones. As I can see for your experience, it won't.
Great! Is always nice to find portuguese people around.

I've sold the Roadster because, honestly, it wasn't my kind of high gain amp. The type of distortion was just too loose for me. I liked very much the clean channel and was "ok" with one of the high gain channels for rythm. However, I could not achieve a lead channel for my tastes. I tried an overdrive and it got better, but not enough. The 2nd channel (which I intended to use in Brit mode - for the "british" sound) was just useless for me, a big disapointment.
I tried several amps before buying another head, including the Mark V and the Engl Invader. I brought home the EVH which is perfectly suited for my tastes. 3 channels, great tone (always!), tight... and it's a solo machine!

Sometimes I remember the Roadster. I don't regret having it sold, but I admit that, although it wasn't what I was looking for, it is a great amp.
I know what you mean. My recto sound (especially the 3ch/modern) its a bit loose even in bold and silicon diodes. I had to put an OD pedal in front. Glad you like your new amp, and what is no good for some is the best for others. The tone is in our mind...or not!
"Technically" speaking there should be no difference in tone if you use the mesa part. Both transformers are designed to produce the same voltage/current on the secondary side. Using an aftermarket transformer could possibly give you a different sound if the voltages are too high or low. It could give you a looser sound if too low or a tighter sound if too high. Too far in either direction could be disaster for this amp. I suggest you use the Mesa PT. Output transformers are another story.

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