Where to find replacement screen resistors?

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Nov 21, 2016
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After briefly trying out EL34's in my Mark V, I swapped back to the stock 6l6's, but forgot to switch the bias toggle back. Stupid mistake, I know. As a result, I shorted a tube and blew one of the 1k a screen resistors (and the fuse, of course). Hopefully no other damage done, but we'll see.

I am reasonably handy with a soldering iron, so I am planning to replace the resistor myself (the amp is already out of warranty anyway). But, I am not sure where to find a replacement. A quick search of Google and this board have come up dry. If anyone knows where to find replacements, or even the specifics of the type of resistors used (the color code indicates it is 1k ohm, but am not sure of the other specs), it would be much appreciated!
Mouser in the US. Farnell in the UK.


You need 1ohm, 1watt @1% resistors. Have you had a look in your amp? Not a job I'd undertake and I'm usually elbow deep in an amp
Thanks for the information and suggestion. I ended up just ordering them directly from Mesa Boogie. At $1.75 each, its slightly more expensive than Mouser, but still trivially inexpensive and I'll have the piece of mind of knowing it is the exact part as original.

With holiday travel, I haven't had a chance to do the swap yet, but I took a close look inside the amp when diagnosing the problem (which is when I saw the blown/split screen resistor). It doesn't look like it should be too tough of a job -- famous last words, right! The screen resistors are on a separate board from most of the rest of the components, and it looks like I'll be able to access it pretty comfortably. We'll see.
I have replaced all 4 as I did not want to wait for the others to split. Had this happen a few years ago. I did have to unsolder one or two of the wires for better access. Best to have a good quality solder iron and patience as you do not want to damage the copper foil on the PCB. I simply cut the legs of on one side of the resistor very close to the resistor body so I can heat and pullout the loose leg out of the pad without damage to the copper in the barrel. A few legs I heated up and pushed into the board. A little bit of solder wick dabbed with flux also helps. Note: I would have not been able to do this job using a general solder iron you can get from home depot, Lowes or Radio shack. Tip gets too cold when using wick, so I took the amp into work as I have better tools to use there along with vacuum pump assisted solder removal tools. Trying to replace a FET (J175) to fix the reverb circuit was far more difficult as there is no room for your average solder iron. Easier to pull the board but I did it with the main board in place. I bought my resistors from Digikey. I bought a quantity as that was more cost effective than one resistor. Also Mark V uses 470 ohm and 1K ohm screen resistors.