What do you guys use for tubes in your Mark IV? (update)

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Boogiebabies said:
Guy's !!!

I can still get STR-420 Chinese coke bottles from my Ruby Wholesale account.

Easy on the violence... :D

How would these compare to the SEDs or GT's for what I'm after?
How well are they screened as wholesale though? I would be interested and even drive up from San Diego if they are well screened and at a good enough wholesale price.
I don't think the bases make much difference as far as color goes. It should be the same inside the bottle. It might be a different production but otherwise the same tube.
I won the tubes,

pretty good price $100 Aust which it's the price on one matched pair of str 440's..So i think thats quite good..
I just re-tubed my MKIV combo tonight and the new pre-amp boogie tubes were marked "Chinese" and not "Russian 2" what's up with that? I put STR 440 and STR 450 in for the power tubes.
And here it is..


It's the one on the left..the other's are STR425's.. the pic's a little fuzzy so just hit Zoom in and it will be clear...
Sovtek KT66 x4
Hytron 12AT7 (Military from ???? year)
RCA 12AX7A (Rebranded "Lowery Organs")

You're not supposed to say organ donor....

Those are our last hopes for NOS though rebranded they were typically selected for low noise and microphonics. If everyone finds out about these they will not last long as a resource. Not as many people know about those tubes. Let's keep it that way... :wink:
Well interestingly enough, I found a quad of GT 6L6GE's among my stash of tubes.. thought they were GC's :D

I'll make this my first tube test and I'll let you all know how they jive.

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