what cables is everyone using??

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ANyone try the stage ninja auto retractable cable stuff?. OR any other type of auto retractable cable?. Worth it?.
anyone have experience with Lava Cables.... i'm looking into this kit.

Lava is great. 'Lava Man' knows his ish - for sure.

Never used those solderless plugs - but G&H makes the best soldered plugs there are. So I'd trust their solderless, too...
camsna said:
Lava is great. 'Lava Man' knows his ish - for sure.

Never used those solderless plugs - but G&H makes the best soldered plugs there are. So I'd trust their solderless, too...

where is this Lava Man you speak of? I'm wondering if they have just the straight plugs or the right angled plugs as well. That package with 30 plugs and 30 ft of cable isnt that bad (considering its all solderless).
He's the guy who runs the site. Shoot him an email - he'll help you out. He knows his cable!!! But! Beware of cork sniffing :)

I would still go Mogami... ;)
camsna said:
He's the guy who runs the site. Shoot him an email - he'll help you out. He knows his cable!!! But! Beware of cork sniffing :)

I would still go Mogami... ;)

cork sniffing? you guys have thrown that around... explain please?

and mogami is still in the mix but i'm not totally thrilled with the whole solering thing because i dont trust myself and i get frustrated to easy. But that idea has not left the table.
Cork sniffing is the combination of 2 phenomena.

1 - Spending a much-greater-than-normal sum
of cash on something makes your brain like it more than
it should in order to justify the expense. Then - you recommend this great product to others whole heartedly for further justification and start the process in them. Something of an expensive placebo effect.

2 - As things get more expensive, the margin of goodness is less and less. For example - the difference in quality between a $4.99 and $9.99 bottle of wine is greater that that between a $49 and $99 bottle which is greater than that between a $499 and $999, etc. Put simply - more and more cash buys you less and less.
camsna said:
Cork sniffing is the combination of 2 phenomena.

1 - Spending a much-greater-than-normal sum
of cash on something makes your brain like it more than
it should in order to justify the expense. Then - you recommend this great product to others whole heartedly for further justification and start the process in them. Something of an expensive placebo effect.

2 - As things get more expensive, the margin of goodness is less and less. For example - the difference in quality between a $4.99 and $9.99 bottle of wine is greater that that between a $49 and $99 bottle which is greater than that between a $499 and $999, etc. Put simply - more and more cash is worth less and less difference in 'quality.'

so in your opinion at what $$ range does the cork sniffing start. Believe me i dont buy into the more you spend the better it sounds, but to some extent i do believe you pay what you get for. At what $$ is there a balance between the two without physically trying every cable out there?
The line is at $0.73 per foot. :)

Seriously though. That's why I recommend the Mogami - it strikes the quality/value balance. More expensive and the juice ain't worth the squeeze!
camsna said:
The line is at $0.73 per foot. :)

Seriously though. That's why I recommend the Mogami - it strikes the quality/value balance. More expensive and the juice ain't worth the squeeze!

mogami needs to get on the solderless plug bandwagon for us non-solderers (is that a word?)... I just dont want to dump money into the plugs that require soldering and not do it right and blow money that could have went towards solderless which is a little more $$$
Well. I understand that it's a lot of work. B'lee me!

I actually switched from solderless TO soldered connections. I bought a bag of switchcraft plugs and soldered them onto my George L's. My pedalboard did a lot of changing from week to week and solderless connections were ALWAYS failing!

It's a bit of give and take, I guess. It is a pain and a drag getting them all built. But once they are - you never have to worry about them again. So far, the only solderless connection that I've used that's any good is Planet Waves. The George L's stuff WORKS - but the plugs are expensive and failed on me often even though I built them correctly.
camsna said:
Well. I understand that it's a lot of work. B'lee me!

I actually switched from solderless TO soldered connections. I bought a bag of switchcraft plugs and soldered them onto my George L's. My pedalboard did a lot of changing from week to week and solderless connections were ALWAYS failing!

It's a bit of give and take, I guess. It is a pain and a drag getting them all built. But once they are - you never have to worry about them again. So far, the only solderless connection that I've used that's any good is Planet Waves. The George L's stuff WORKS - but the plugs are expensive and failed on me often even though I built them correctly.

hmmm... you definitely have my mind cooking which to me is great because i dont like just settling even if that means "easier"
camsna said:
Well. I understand that it's a lot of work. B'lee me!

I actually switched from solderless TO soldered connections. I bought a bag of switchcraft plugs and soldered them onto my George L's. My pedalboard did a lot of changing from week to week and solderless connections were ALWAYS failing!

It's a bit of give and take, I guess. It is a pain and a drag getting them all built. But once they are - you never have to worry about them again. So far, the only solderless connection that I've used that's any good is Planet Waves. The George L's stuff WORKS - but the plugs are expensive and failed on me often even though I built them correctly.

what kind of plugs did you buy and where di you buy them?


Best plugs made. Straight and right-angle -- can't be beat!
camsna said:


Best plugs made. Straight and right-angle -- can't be beat!

haha... i hate to keep picking your brain but which ones did you go with. I know someone said here that the plating makes no difference but there are a lot of options there. it blows my mind how much more expensive the solderless are. coming from an manufacturing engineering back ground i know since the design is more complex (seemingly) and quantities are probably a lot lower that they're priced relatively correct but man $2-3 a plug compared to $6 a plug is huge $$$ wise. i can buy enough to make some test cables to get the soldering down.

also someone here mentioned a "bench" that would make the soldering a lot easier. can someone point me to one of those? also (and i know this thread is getting old) but are there different solders? if so what kind produces the best tone (if that even applies)?
BF2P-NNN - straight connectors - $1.84
RF2P-NNN - right angle - $2.96

Don't worry about the other options. These plugs are what the pros are using.

Here's everything else I can think of.

Heat Shrink tubing - get a few multi-packs from Radio Shack

Soldering Iron/Station - Hakko 936 - $78.79

Solder - I've NEVER heard a difference in tone between the solders I've used. But (BY FAR) the best joints are with Cardas Tri Eutectic (lead free - 4% silver content. High ocnductivity and they NEVER fail!
Cheapest place to get it (LESS THAN HALF OF WHAT OTHERS CHARGE!!!) - $6 for 24 feet or $45.50 a pound.

That 'bench' is called helping hands. These are a couple of good options - they'll prevent an otherwise inevitable suicide:

Hope I've helped! :)
camsna said:
BF2P-NNN - straight connectors - $1.84
RF2P-NNN - right angle - $2.96

Don't worry about the other options. These plugs are what the pros are using.

Here's everything else I can think of.

Heat Shrink tubing - get a few multi-packs from Radio Shack

Soldering Iron/Station - Hakko 936 - $78.79

Solder - I've NEVER heard a difference in tone between the solders I've used. But (BY FAR) the best joints are with Cardas Tri Eutectic (lead free - 4% silver content. High ocnductivity and they NEVER fail!
Cheapest place to get it (LESS THAN HALF OF WHAT OTHERS CHARGE!!!) - $6 for 24 feet or $45.50 a pound.

That 'bench' is called helping hands. These are a couple of good options - they'll prevent an otherwise inevitable suicide:

Hope I've helped! :)

dude your awesome... much praise :D

i think i'm going the soldered route... now its just waiting for friday (payday) to start placing my orders :twisted:
Cool, man. All the best to you! It'll end up being a rewarding project for sure!

Let me know if I can help!
based on this thread..and tired of "crackle" I just bought 5 different mogami cables.

camsna said:
Cool, man. All the best to you! It'll end up being a rewarding project for sure!

Let me know if I can help!

yeah and this may bt the spark to start this project guitar thing i wated to get going. i have an older esp ec-400 that was my workhorse for a while but is a little beat up now (slight crack in the neck, desparately needs a setup, pickup switch is broken) so i want to sand down the neck and give it a satin finish a redo all the electronics with the some different pickups (emgs in both that guitar and my ec-1000). so this may be the spark i needed.

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