what cables is everyone using??

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Maybe the reason you cant tell is because monster cables are overpriced garbage?

You should try mogami. I errneously thought cable was cable too until a friend of mine urged me to try the mogami cables. He told me if I didnt like them he would buy them back off me.

I put only ONE in my chain and had to turn down my gain and volume. I then replaced everything I have .I wish someone had told me this 15 years ago.

Just replacing ONE of my friends monster cables with one of my spare mogamis was a noticable difference, you should really try it.

All copper is not equal. All solder methods are not equal.
The 'gold' thing is a gimmick. Only helps corrosion resistance. TRUE!

Copper is NOT copper. Braiding geometry is NOT braiding geometry. Oxygen content, shielding, dielectrics, etc. etc. etc. All make a difference. I'm by NO MEANS a cork-sniffing 'audiophile!' Shoot - not by a stretch.

But cable counts. Chuck the Monsters. Get some good stuff. Thank us later :)
konstantine RK said:
I use em all

Mogami for my guitar to board, PW's for the board itself and monster prolinks for my loop and the output from board to amp.

I would like another mogami though. BTW Jdurso, my band banned me from stereo cabs lol

mono is good

haha.... too much? still rocking the timefactor? i'm still up in the air with either the timefactor or the eclipse
Sustain said:
jdurso said:
hey guys i appreciate all the great responses..... right now i'm really leaning towards the george l's because it seems the best "package" for the price.... mogami also looks intriguing but i'd have to buy the wire in bulk, find the right plugs and do a little soldering which isnt that big a deal but consider i can buy the george l's set for 60 on ebay and then hopefully get another 10 straight plugs from a george l dealer for another 50, i'll be able to get my setup going for around 110, which after checking out the 1' patch cables some of the mid to high end manufacturers put out i'll end up saving some $$..... anyone know if there are packages of george l's straight plugs out there? the site sells them in pairs but i'll need 10 to match the 10 right angle ones that come in the kit..... also does the silver, brass, and gold plating make that big a difference? does the gauge of wiring or the color make any tone difference either?

I pay no more than 25 to 30 dollars for my mogami cables.

for one cable right? i need a bunch (18 if i did my calculations right) just for setting up my rg-16's fx section.... thats not including my speakers cables and guitar cables with are PCs at the moment... so thats 36 ends (a mix of straight and right angle) and about 20 ft of cable to get this rig built
If you go Mogami. Get it from:


That's the cheapest place to get it!
camsna said:
If you go Mogami. Get it from:


That's the cheapest place to get it!

thanks man.... at this point though i need to find where i can get the plugs (18 straight/16 right angled... so 32 total)..... i'm not limiting myself to solderless plugs but they've just seemed the easiest to assemble but if anyone has suggestion for plugs that need soldering i'm all ears

camsna said:
The 'gold' thing is a gimmick. Only helps corrosion resistance. TRUE!

Copper is NOT copper. Braiding geometry is NOT braiding geometry. Oxygen content, shielding, dielectrics, etc. etc. etc. All make a difference. I'm by NO MEANS a cork-sniffing 'audiophile!' Shoot - not by a stretch.

But cable counts .... Get some good stuff. Thank us later :)

I'm currently using the Mogami's from www.lavacable.com, Mark is excellent, very cool to deal with and will do whatever he can to suite your individual needs. His prices are very, very good as well.

I used planet waves for years and noticed a big difference in tone, clarity, lack of line noise when I upgraded from generic cables. The Mogami's have furthered this even more....amazing really. I use them from everything, guitar, board and loop. (The silent neutrik plug is a must imo)
This thread cracks me up. I've mostly hang out on amp builder forums. Most of the $50 cable stuff is all hype. There is a good cable review on el34.com if you can find it, done by musicians/amp builders.

Guitarist will by anything hyped up! Guitarist buy into hype and even think they hear a difference. The only time i've heard a difference between cables is when my cable was 10 yrs old verses a new live wire cheapo. The 10yr old cable was darker, but it had been threw hell and back. Any cable with oxygen free coper and low capacitance will be pretty sonically transparent. The type of shield makes a difference on the noise floor however, most guitars are half *** wired with ground loops and lack any real shielding. The resistance of the cable doesn't make to much of a difference when compared to the typical 10K - 68K resistor in series with the signal before the first stage in tube amps. I played with my bassist mogomi cable last tuesday and didn't notice much of a difference. This tuesday i will AB them and try to find a difference. As someone said your chain of FX pedals with their buffers will kill your tone before most cables will. I had a sales person tell me at guitar center that Mogomi cables sounded better than monster, but are prone to feed back live. GIVE ME A BREAK!
nomad100hd said:
This thread cracks me up. I've mostly hang out on amp builder forums. Most of the $50 cable stuff is all hype. There is a good cable review on el34.com if you can find it, done by musicians/amp builders.

Guitarist will by anything hyped up! Guitarist buy into hype and even think they hear a difference. The only time i've heard a difference between cables is when my cable was 10 yrs old verses a new live wire cheapo. The 10yr old cable was darker, but it had been threw hell and back. Any cable with oxygen free coper and low capacitance will be pretty sonically transparent. The type of shield makes a difference on the noise floor however, most guitars are half *** wired with ground loops and lack any real shielding. The resistance of the cable doesn't make to much of a difference when compared to the typical 10K - 68K resistor in series with the signal before the first stage in tube amps. I played with my bassist mogomi cable last tuesday and didn't notice much of a difference. This tuesday i will AB them and try to find a difference. As someone said your chain of FX pedals with their buffers will kill your tone before most cables will. I had a sales person tell me at guitar center that Mogomi cables sounded better than monster, but are prone to feed back live. GIVE ME A BREAK!

I (almost entirely) agree. I have the same opinion of the guys who drop over a grand to have their rigs wired up with Evidence stuff. It sounds good (not a thousand bucks good) - but after burning that kind of scratch - you HAVE to L O V E it. Your mind won't let you be displeased when it cost a thousand bucks! So you have to tell all your buddies how great it is! And keep saying it until it's true (that is - you believe it)!

But I've used cheap crap forever and definitely heard improvement when I switched to George L's and Mogami. Plus, I have a LOT of cable in my rig. Replacing all that crap with good cable made much more of a difference than swapping one instrument or patch cable!

And - more prone to feedback?! HUH?! He's retarded. Some cables are more prone to microphonics, though...

Anyhow. There's a whole new movement starting up about boo-teek power cables costing upwards of $30 a foot! Give. Me. A. BUH-REAK!!!!
Yes i was on a builder forum and someone was going on about the using a better power cable for his amp. He was quickly shut up! You might get the biggest fattest cable from the wall to your amp, but um how many feet of wire goes from your outlet to your breaker box! Besides your amp actually runs off of stored power in the filter caps! Man if i ever get to the point that i have to have spend a grand on cables geesh. Well microphonics would translate into feedback i guess i don't see how cables can be microphonic. I do have a feedback problem right now so i'll see if the mogami makes a difference. I just don't see who a cable can act as a transducer.

The reviews i read from the amp guys said the George L cables were both durable and transparent. The durability test was done by dropping a cymbal on the cable i believe and only cables that survived that were allowed into the tone testing section of the test.

I did have both of my live wire cables fail at the ends, but they were life time. however since it was cheaper to resolder them than to drive to guitar center 60 mile away i just resoldered them.

My next cables will probably be george L cables.
"Micropohonics occur when small amounts of voltage that are generated by the movement/impact of the cable reach the conductor and signal path instead being absorbed by the conductive PVC or jacket that surrounds the dieletric which surrounds the conductor (or the jacket immediately ground the counductor if their is no addtional layer)."

I'm not sure if that's the answer electrically. But I HAVE experienced microphonic cables that 'tap' and 'schwishh' when they're bumped or moved. :)
I've been using Monster cables for a little while now and have noticed that they make noise. If I bump the cable or drag it across the concrete basement floor while praticing it'll make noise. I don't hear it when I'm playing but in between songs it's definitley audible. I might try a different brand myself and see if there's a difference.
camsna sounds plausible to me. I have a feeling it's just a tube that's getting a little microphonic in my case. It never used to do that to me.
jdurso said:
Sustain said:
jdurso said:
hey guys i appreciate all the great responses..... right now i'm really leaning towards the george l's because it seems the best "package" for the price.... mogami also looks intriguing but i'd have to buy the wire in bulk, find the right plugs and do a little soldering which isnt that big a deal but consider i can buy the george l's set for 60 on ebay and then hopefully get another 10 straight plugs from a george l dealer for another 50, i'll be able to get my setup going for around 110, which after checking out the 1' patch cables some of the mid to high end manufacturers put out i'll end up saving some $$..... anyone know if there are packages of george l's straight plugs out there? the site sells them in pairs but i'll need 10 to match the 10 right angle ones that come in the kit..... also does the silver, brass, and gold plating make that big a difference? does the gauge of wiring or the color make any tone difference either?

I pay no more than 25 to 30 dollars for my mogami cables.

for one cable right? i need a bunch (18 if i did my calculations right) just for setting up my rg-16's fx section.... thats not including my speakers cables and guitar cables with are PCs at the moment... so thats 36 ends (a mix of straight and right angle) and about 20 ft of cable to get this rig built

I pay about 20-30 dollars for a built 25-30 foot gold ended neutrik fitted mogami cable, just as an example. This cable would cost you 80 bux at guitar center.

I also get pricing based on what it is im ordering, and I order many cables of alot shorter lengths in a custom order, I can get enough for everything I need for the price of 1-2 cables at guitar center mogami prices. Your mileage may vary.

I am sure I could do better if I made them myself and just bought the cable and ends. I think I saw the just the cable for 98 cents a foot somewhere, maybe that redco link.
nomad100hd said:
Well microphonics would translate into feedback i guess i don't see how cables can be microphonic. I do have a feedback problem right now so i'll see if the mogami makes a difference. I just don't see who a cable can act as a transducer.
I don't know all of the science, but I see a cable as a resistor. There's a certain amount of impedance, which is resistance of a sort. An antenna is nothing but a resistor as well, so if a cable doesn't have a good shield it can pick up radio waves; and some radio waves aren't like radio broadcast type of stuff, but just coded signals transmitted over the air.
Also, I've learned that you can make a capacitor out of cable as well; if a cable has twists in it, it will become a low Farad capacitor. Either of these can cause sounds that might sound microphonic.
Sustain said:
jdurso said:
Sustain said:
I pay no more than 25 to 30 dollars for my mogami cables.

for one cable right? i need a bunch (18 if i did my calculations right) just for setting up my rg-16's fx section.... thats not including my speakers cables and guitar cables with are PCs at the moment... so thats 36 ends (a mix of straight and right angle) and about 20 ft of cable to get this rig built

I pay about 20-30 dollars for a built 25-30 foot gold ended neutrik fitted mogami cable, just as an example. This cable would cost you 80 bux at guitar center.

I also get pricing based on what it is im ordering, and I order many cables of alot shorter lengths in a custom order, I can get enough for everything I need for the price of 1-2 cables at guitar center mogami prices. Your mileage may vary.

I am sure I could do better if I made them myself and just bought the cable and ends. I think I saw the just the cable for 98 cents a foot somewhere, maybe that redco link.

yeah ... what do you think about george l's plugs with mogami cable? man these plugs are **** expensive.... $70 for a 12 pack of straight ends
The ONLY thing I don't like about George L's are the plugs. They only work with George L's cable (well - and Bill Lawrence and Evidence Monorail). And they're where I've had failure on my George L's. But - like I said before - if you aren't moving your pedals around all the time, they'll be fine.

But they won't work with the Mogami. You'd be better of with George L's cable and Switchcraft or G&H plugs. They're a (serious!!!) ***** to solder, though. It'll definitely take a few to get the hang of it!!!!!
camsna said:
The ONLY thing I don't like about George L's are the plugs. They only work with George L's cable (well - and Bill Lawrence and Evidence Monorail). And they're where I've had failure on my George L's. But - like I said before - if you aren't moving your pedals around all the time, they'll be fine.

But they won't work with the Mogami. You'd be better of with George L's cable and Switchcraft or G&H plugs. They're a (serious!!!) ***** to solder, though. It'll definitely take a few to get the hang of it!!!!!

so your saying something like these plugs would work with the mogami cable?


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