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JAZZGEAR said:phillyred79 said:3) My predictions/hopes.. 4 channels, individual channel EQs, master GEQ, built-in attentuator, Simul-Class, Progressive-Linking, Lone-Star voicing for cleans/blues, Stilleto voicing, Mark voicing.... Probably no Rectifier sounds since that is a total crossover to another line.. 1x12 OR maybe even a 2x12 combo, and head. Price: $2099 for head, $2250 for combo.
Then again WTF do I know.. It's fun to speculate!!!
I don't think putting the Lonestar cleans on a future Mark is a good idea. For one, it completely removes the Mark's identity to something different...like well a Lonestar -- which already exists. I happen to think the cleans on the Mark IV are great...and wouldn't change anything. Again, same rationale for the Stiletto voicing (though a better argument could be made for a Stiletto like tweek of the Mark IVs channel 2).
I would agree though with making a Road King like equivalent Mark V, where the cleans are pulled straight from the Mark lineage, some Stiletto type voicings in Channel 2, and Channels 3 & 4 be Mark IIC+, and Mark IV lead voicings (maybe even Mark III)...then throw in progressive linkage.
However, this sort of exists already in the Triaxis...
Oh, and if this thing is going to be configured similar to a RK, then you can forget that price point....expect something closer to $3K
if it has the progressive linkage then yeah 3k would be the ballpark similar to the RKII but i think if they were smart they'd can the progressive linkage so they can price it in and around the roadster. i think that will keep them both progressive and competitive. And while i agree it would impede on triaxis territory in terms of flexibility but in another breathe they both have their own markets. I think a Mark head with the flexibility of the triaxis would be a hell of alot more appealing then going with a rack setup, but thats just my perception of how people would look at it.