Vintage 30's and Greenbacks with Dual Rectifier?

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Aug 27, 2007
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I have a Pre 500 DR, and I wanted to run it through a 4 X12 Rectifier cab. Anyone recommend using it with Greenbacks and Vintage 30's??

Any thoughts? Advice?
I hope you like lots of mids.

Also, putting a set of G12M-25s in your cab will drop the total power handling to 100w, which is on the limits of what the speakers will handle. They'll be well overdriven by that point, so don't expect them to stay tight/not fart out (this of course assumes you can turn the amp up loud).
I think that a combination of greenbacks and vintage 30's in a x pattern sound wonderful in a recto cab. A very complex sound. The greenbacks are nice and warm and the vintage 30's handle the top and bottom. I personally have 2 4x12 recto cabs with Jensen C12Ks and Vintage 30s in each cab to a similar effect. I once had a Triple Rec 2 ch with a Marshall 4x12 cab with greenbacks that sounded great even thought it was kinda overpowered.
Jonberrier said:
I once had a Triple Rec 2 ch with a Marshall 4x12 cab with greenbacks that sounded great even thought it was kinda overpowered.
Did it really? I'm thinking about getting 2 Recto cabs so I don't overpower the speakers. Probably won't happen for a while, but eventually I'd like to get a lot of speakers, and maybe running 8 Greenbacks would sound a little tighter...

How did the Greenbacks sound compared to V30s?
I actually had a marshall cab I was running 2 greenbacks and 2 v30's in. I has putting a tremoverb through it at the time. Very round and full sounding, but the speakers broke up way too early for my liking. Sounded great at lower volumes, but once it was up at band level things got a little hairy. I ended up pulling the greenbacks and running all v30's - took out a little warmth but gave it more the thump I was after.

I'll probably get dinged for saying this, but my favorite cab for the tremoverb was a stock marshall with g12t-75s. (I've never used a recto cab so I don't have that to compare too) Maybe the extra bass response in an oversize cab would give the greenback/v30 combo a little more thump than the smaller cabs have? Might be worth a try!

Alas the tremoverb is long gone...tried to quench the thirst with a 3-channel recto for a while, but just didn't do it. End random specialty.

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