Mesa Vertical 2X12 cab to go along with my Mark IV - good match?

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2008
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I've been running my Mark IV through a Friedman 2X12 with V30's and it sounds great. I've always wondered how a vertical 2 X12 would sound especially on stage as I gig
at least once a month. someone local to me has one in mint condition for $600.00 and I'm tempted but will it get me anything the Friedman doesn't already give me?
I hate to have "just one more piece of gear I need to sell " down the road. I've owned Mesa horizontal 2 X12's over the years and found them to be extremely directional,
Is the 2X12 any better? it is any more/less nasally /boxy sounding than the Horizontal cab? (which I really liked with my old Mark III/IV)
Well I scored one today for real cheap in mint condition with a brand new cover even :)
Interesting comparison between the Friedman and the Mesa. the Friedman cab is much fuller sounding but the Mesa fills the room
much more than the Friedman. the Marshall cab has Scumback M75/J75's in it and is awesome sounding with the Splawn.
I have a Splawn 2X12 with the same speakers in it as well just not pictured. I hope my Splawn head sounds good through the Mesa cab as I'd like to gig it with both heads if possible.

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