Triple Recto Modifications (Voodoo)

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Humbility said:
...or buy a POS Used Crate Blue Voodoo and have the deluxe mod done and save yourself the money. It will end up sounding like a voodoo amp and you might even be able to get the BV on ebay for a handshake and a smile.

Dude....go get what you want and don't look back. And love it. One man's fun is anothers hell. So continues the endless and futile search for the holy grail of tone. Because we ALL know that it NEVER ends.


wonderfully said
I think there is a lot of confusion over this mod..... i talked to trace for a few months before modding my triple rec a few years ago and basically the what he told me was that the standard and deluxe mods are like fine tuning an engine..... while there are some parts swapped out for higher quality parts, the tonal characteristics that make the amp what it is are still there.... and you can read all you want about what they have on their site, but what they're really doing is fine tuning the amp to your liking.... instead of telling me about the mod when we talked, he asked me what i wanted tyo get out of the mod and basically told me as long as the owner knows what he wants he can get it there.... this is why it helps to pick it up yourself and not have it shipped to you.... when you go to get the amp he sits with you and can fine tune it to your liking.... to me thats something you can never get out of a compression/eq unit

also anyone saying once you get the amp modded it sounds like a voodoo amp is either deaf or crazy.... you mean to tell me that if i get a plexi modded and a dual rec modded they will sound the same? of course not... they sound like a plexi or a dual rec.... just not the same as a stock plexi or dual rec

if anyone is interested in the mod just get trace or any of the other guys on the phone over there and ask him these questions.... i think yoiu'll feel better about whatever desicion you make.... put it this way... i was crazy enough to ask him a year and a half ago to mod the third channel of my mark iv to sound more like a recto.... he told me he could do it but he wouldnt because he knew i was gonna kill the characteristcis of the mark iv... he said if i liked the recto high gain sound i should just buy a recto... point being the guy isnt there just to make money
the reference I made to the BV sounding like every other modded VooDoo was misunderstood. I was simply illustrating that fact that all we are to this guy are opinions on a message board. NONE of it is rule of thumb for personal tastes when it comes to tone. There will be many(opinions) and take everything we say with a grain of salt. I would never say anything so dismissive as to say that all amps sound the same under ANY circumstances.

I hope you get what you want out of this dude. AND I am curious to hear the **** thing when its done. :lol:

I doubt clips can do the amp full justice, but after listening to the Voodoo mod clips, it sounds to me like they try to turn the Mesa into more of a Marshall on steroids....ofcourse, it's not the same, but if you're going for the Marshall sound, buy a Marshall.

Personally, I think that if you buy a head for $1700 and it doesn't do it for you after a possible tube swap, then you bought the wrong head.

Can it be "made better?" Sure...anything can, but better is very subjective.

With all the choices there are out there, I think you should be able to find YOUR sound in a stock just have to get out there and try as much as you can.
jdurso said:
also anyone saying once you get the amp modded it sounds like a voodoo amp is either deaf or crazy.... you mean to tell me that if i get a plexi modded and a dual rec modded they will sound the same? of course not... they sound like a plexi or a dual rec.... just not the same as a stock plexi or dual rec

As one of the deaf and or crazy ones in this thread,lol I feel a need to comment on this quote. Lets see what the deluxe mod does. standard mod + they change the transformer .

Hmm after reading the link you mean to tell me, that changing a few components in the amps circutry, and switching out the transformer, that the amp is gonna sound like a tripple rec "only better"?...come on now, let's be realistic...the amp is gonna sound more like a voodoo and less like a triple rec.

Randall Smith and his modded princeton was bought up earlier in this thread. Now when he modded the princeton, what did he do? he changed the circutury, put in a bigger speaker, and changed out the transformer. After doing that...did the modded fender princeton sound like a princeton? is why he could get away with putting the boogie name on the amp...and not get his *** sued.

Is the voodoo mod as extensive as the princeton mod? i dunno. but once you start altering an amps circutry, and changing out transformers.. in my mind you are creating a different animal.

But hey, like i said... i do like what i've heard of the voodoo mod, but i'm defintely gonna caution somebody from being blinded by marketing hype.
i get your point ur86d...... in some respects your right.... it wont sound like a stock rectifier.... but it still retains the characteristics of the rectifier ..... changing out the same type of circuitry parts and a very similar transformer will not alter the amp all that much..... the princeton mod was much more intense than the deluxe mod by voodoo...... i'm telling you from experience that the deluxe mod does not alter the characteristics of the mesa rectifiers..... my experience was that it allowed me to dial in the tones i liked much easier (mostly because trace tuned it up that way when i sat with him), the cleans were much better, and the distortion was much more fluid and creamy..... my particular triple rec had this kind of buzzy sound to it and after the mod no more annoying buzziness.... and no the buzziness was not the mesa "sizzle" that its known for

As far as the mod making it sound like a voodoo amp .... well thats just crazy.... voodoo amps sound nothing like a mesa rectifier stock or modded.... the mesa after the mod sounds like a mesa.... just a well tuned mesa..... maybe a modded plexi some could say sound like a voodoo amp but thats the type of sound the voodoo amps have.... so to me comparing a modded mesa to a voodoo is like comparing a mesa to a plexi.... its just not the same..... and i agree with you cautioning people because it is a huge investment..... but the caution should be to know what you want and let that be your guide in getting the amp modded.... sometimes what you want can be as easy as swapping out different tubes and getting the amp rebiased..... it could also be getting it modded..... but like i said..... the is no way 1 to 1 comparison between a voodoo amp and a mesa amp because they are just different.... mesa's sound has more to do with the way the components in the amp are assembled than the quality of the components
Which Voodoo amp are you talking about when you say, a Voodoo amp sounds nothing like a voodoo modded mesa rec? the v-plex? the v-rock? the v-hex?, the witch doctor? there are different flavors of Voodoo (made from scratch)amp.On the plexi side, i'm sure a voodoo modded plexi, sounds similar to a voodoo v-plex. But on the mesa side...maybe a v-hex (thier high gain offering)

I get what you are saying about the way the components are assembled in a mesa amp effecting the sound. But, is Trace, only upgrading the compnent quality of resistors, caps, and potentiometers etc in the dual rec circut? (and if thats all he's doing...then why does the mod cost so much?) or is he also changing things like values in the circut as well? if he is doing any of the latter he is effecting the way the amp is assembled. he's altering the circut.

As to what crazy about A modded voodoo amp, sounding like a voodoo amp...well literally speaking...when you get the standard and deluxe mod done, that's exactly what you are getting back is a voodoo amp. After the mod it's not gonna sounds like anything else but a voodoo It will forever have the voodoo sound stamped on it's sonics. The guy is restructuring your gain circut...he's making changes to your clean, he's making changes to the amps voicing... etc etc etc

But jdruso, i do get what you're saying about the mod. and i'll say it again,,i like how the mod sounds...I'm not trying to bad mouth the mod, or Trace in anyway..I might even get one if i had 2 recifiers myself.

What i think is truly to be expecting to get that rectifier back sounding like a rectifier after spending 700 bucks to have the circut modded, and transformer changed. If the thing came back sounding nearly unchanged ,i'd have to wonder why i had the mod done at that price...cuz i coulda gotten 4 or 5 good quality stomp boxes to achieve the same thing and roughly the same price...and then re-sold 2 or 3 of em...once i hit on the magic combination. I mean dude...700 bucks is the price of some pretty decent combo amps,lol so ****,,,if i spending that much on a mod...the amp better come back sounding different.
Triple rectumfrier (Matt),

My part in this debate is the easy part. heh heh If anything i've said in it has put any doubt in your mind about doing this mod. Then you should take a lot of time to think about ways to get what you want out of the amp, before modding it.

If on the other hand, you're just reading my comments, and saying to yourself, "this guy is a total lunatic (which is true on many levels. heh heh) the voodoo mod is exactly what i want". then cool, go for it. I hope your quest for the ulimate tone is ended after having it done. I still feel, my part in the debate was not wasted, because it may cause future readers who are thinking about doing the mod, to think about it in a different light.

That said, i have one more piece of advice that came to me after a good nights sleep. This won't cost you anything but a little of your time. Before you commit to having the Voodoo mod done. Why not give Mesa a call? Let them know that you want to mod the amp...and what it is you hope to achieve with the mod. After talking to them about it...if they won't do the modifications you want...ask them to suggest a good tech who will do the mod, and get a price quote. This way you have at least two amp tech opinions. You might be able to get what you want for less money.
i was referring to the v-hex.... it is their higher gain amp but nothing in the league of the mesa rectifiers or engls or any other super high gains amps.... maybe a good comparison is in a league of the jcm series.... that being said when you get a rectifier modded to my ears its night and day between the v-hex and the modded rectifier.

I'll agree with you on one thing, if you're just looking at the components they swap out and look at the price tag of the mod it would never make sense to do it.... but like i said before, Trace will take the amp to what you want it to sound like.... it still retains the character of the rectifier but its a honed sound to what you want.... it definitely makes it easier to find your tone..... when i did my mod i wanted a more fluid gain, and a better balance between the mids and the highs that i could only attain with a rack eq..... to me not needing the seperate eq was worth the mod.... plus having a clean that was actually usable was so clutch..... if i can compare the modded clean to something it would be the lone star clean (which at that time the lone star wasn't even out yet).... before the mod i had to use a seperate amp for cleans and an rack eq.... afterwards just the mesa with a noise supressor.... again those other components are what i needed to get the sounds i liked and needed before the mod... after the mod it made my life a lot easier not having to lug around so much extra stuff..... so like i said.... to me it was worth it..... thats if you ever consider the mod know what you want before you get into it..... it very well may be the case you should just get a different amp.... your never going to get a mesa to sound like a marshall.... so if its the marshall tone you want you get a marshall..... all i know is that after the mod my rectifer was still a rectifier, just one with a sound honed to my liking.
The mod defintely sounds like it made sense for you jdurso. i went back and listened to some clips of the V-hex voodoo has up on their site. To my ears in this one clip in particular, i can see the v-hex getting pretty **** close to recto tones. Now, i don't know what kind of flavoring was done in this guys signal me i can imagine with some tweaking getting pretty close to recto territory. check out the clip "cronic" from the band dog day sunrise. At about 10 or 11 seconds in the heavy crunching i'm talking about comes in.

There is a thread about Voodoo mods going on right now at the gear page. A couple of guys who had Voodoo mods have given opinions in the thread, and Trace has even popped in on it. So you especially triple rectumfrier, might want to check it out...and ask some questions.
I don't know what Trace does with all of the mods, but I can tell you that I recently had one of my amps modded and one of the mods was to swap the transformer to a Mercury. It makes a *huge* difference. The Mod wasn't done by Trace and it wasn't a Boogie. All I can say is that the Mercury's are great transformers and the heart and soul of any tube amp is the transformer. The transformers aren't cheap, my mods ran me around $800. They did not change the amp into something else. I didn't want that. It just fine tuned an already killer amp into something out of this world.

I have heard good things about Trace, but I have never worked with him.

As this thread is 4 pages long I thought that I would try to answer as many questions as I can in one post verses several posts. I hope that is acceptable and I would be more than happy to answer/address any questions that you guys may have.

Can voodoo mods be undone without any problems?

Yes, all of our modifications are 100% fully serviceable and reversible

I read the turn around time is 3 to 5 this means, the whole thing would be around 1 - 2 weeks gone with UPS delivering ground?

Our turn around times is essentially the same year round, which is 3-5 business days with the exception of major holidays and a 1 week vacation (we all take vacation at the same time in order to keep downtime to a minimum for our customers).

If you would like to see how long your amp will be in transit please see the following link ---> or

They mentioned walk in service...the Deluxe mod can be done within an hour? Or does it take longer...

An in person mod appointment would take approximately 4 hours for a Dual or Triple Rectifier.

I still don't get why'd ya mod your Triple rectifer to sound like a Voodoo amp. basicly what you're doing is spending around 2,500 to get a Voodoo amp, when you can get a real Voodoo amp for less.

Our Rectifier Mods do not sound like any of our Voodoo production models but rather a Modified Dual/Triple Rectifier does have it's own tone (IE: a Modified Rectifier sounds like a modified Rectifier).

For those who are interested in our Modifications but are not certain it will work for you, please feel free to call the shop and ask to speak with me directly. We can discuss what you like/dislike about the amp, what you want to hear differently, what your specific needs are, etc. We will honestly let you know if what we offer will best meet your needs. Bottom line; We want happy customers, not unhappy customers.

Have a great Monday guys! :)

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