Traded my Marshall Greenback Cab for Marshall BV Cab... OMFG

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Jul 12, 2009
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I just wanted to post something that I hope can help someone out...

I have the 3 channel Dual Rectro. When I first got my Mesa I paired it up w the Marshall Greenbacks AX, and I loved the sound! Every time I play a show, someone always comes up and say they love my tone! That it didnt have that Mesa sound that everyone hates... :lol:

So, I wanted to change the sound and see if there was something better... And, I was right the Marshall BV w the V30 sound even better! The bottom end is tighter, the mids and highs sound even better! :mrgreen:

I tried the Mesa Cab, Orange, and a VHT cab... Out of all of them the Marshall won! :roll:

I also find that 3 channel is more useable! So, overall i am sooooo f*cking happy with the TONE!

Hit me up if you have any questions!

I have a PRS Custom 24, 20th ann... 10 Top
I've played my 2 channel Dual through several cabs, and I keep coming back to my Mesa cab. I haven't tried a BV cab though. I think the V30s pair up very well to Rectos.
Im thinking about getting the 2x12 Cab, and stacking it with the Marshall...

Have you guys tried that?
Grats. The BV cabs are nice for sure, but I prefer my Mesa Cab with the Recto. I will say that I did prefer the BV cab with one of my old Mark IV's I had though. For whatever reason, I really liked how that particular head paired up with the cab.
rvolley04 said:
Whats up!

I just wanted to post something that I hope can help someone out...

I have the 3 channel Dual Rectro. When I first got my Mesa I paired it up w the Marshall Greenbacks AX, and I loved the sound! Every time I play a show, someone always comes up and say they love my tone! That it didnt have that Mesa sound that everyone hates... :lol:

So, I wanted to change the sound and see if there was something better... And, I was right the Marshall BV w the V30 sound even better! The bottom end is tighter, the mids and highs sound even better! :mrgreen:

I tried the Mesa Cab, Orange, and a VHT cab... Out of all of them the Marshall won! :roll:

I also find that 3 channel is more useable! So, overall i am sooooo f*cking happy with the TONE!

Hit me up if you have any questions!

I have a PRS Custom 24, 20th ann... 10 Top

clips of your tone or i don't believe you :D
For sure! I will post a video of the new cab!

Here is a clip of me playing my old setup... My Mesa head with the Marshall Greenbacks... The camera didnt get the best sound, but you can get an idea... :? :shock:

I think I will get the Rectro Cab as well... What do you guys think sounds better, the Slant or Straight Cab?

Also, has anyone tried the stiletto cabs?

Thanks! :mrgreen:
Ok, I think I am going to get a 2x12 Cab! Has anyone done the Marshall 4x12 and the Mesa 2x12 setup?

Thanks guys!
rvolley04 said:
I think I will get the Rectro Cab as well... What do you guys think sounds better, the Slant or Straight Cab?

Also, has anyone tried the stiletto cabs?

Thanks! :mrgreen:

I've tried all of those, and I prefer the 4x12 Stiletto straight cab cause the mids just punch better, the low end isnt crazy and tighter, and the overall tracking is tighter. Also prefer the straight cab over the slant meself...
rvolley04 said:
I think I will get the Rectro Cab as well... What do you guys think sounds better, the Slant or Straight Cab?

Also, has anyone tried the stiletto cabs?

Thanks! :mrgreen:

The Stiletto cab is what used to be called the Traditional Recto Cab. It's was traditional in the sense that it was around the same size as a Marshall cab. It has Vintage 30 speakers in it. So your Marshall and a Stiletto cab should be somewhat similar sounding.

The Recto cabs that are "standard" are bigger which gives them more bass so they aren't as tight.

You would probably like the Stiletto cab a lot since you like your Marshall. I don't know how different they would sound from each other though.
Thx Guys!

Thats why I went with the Marshall, because its similar to the Stiletto Cab...

How does the 2x12 Sound w the Dual Rectro?

Im going to pick one up and run it with the Marhsall
Has anyone tried out the new G12m Heritage or G12H Heritage speakers from Celestion!? (both greenbacks)

I had the problem where I couldn't decide between a 1960ax cab, a 1960av, or a Standard Rectocab. I really think the sound I'm looking for is a combination of V30s with a Greenback of some flavour. Anyway, I just built a theile 2 x 12 with a modded V30 (Avatar Hellatone 60L) and a G12m Heritage and I love it. It makes a Peavey Rage 158 actually sound good. I can't WAIT to try it with my recto. (Going to use it for volume sensitive playing situations) I think one day I am going to replace some of the speakers in my standard rectocab with G12Hs. Hopefully it won't sound quite so constipated at low volumes.

Really, the difference between the Traditional Rectocab / Stiletto cab and the Marshall 1960Vintage is the construction. Marshall's cabs aren't quite as rigid so this changes the sonic response of the cab slightly. It also has this weird spongy sort of feel where the cab absorbs some of the thump from the bass. They do sound great, This is true!! Rvolley, what sort of music to you play primarily? Most of the tone clips are metal and I get the impression that the majority of the players here play extreme styles of music.
Hey YellowJacket!

That clip of me playing the Mesa was with a Marshall AX w/ Greenbacks... I now have the BV which I like better! Reason being, I love the way the greenbacks sounded, but they had to much of a growl... When I switch over to the Marshall BV, i felt everything open up better and tighter...

I also think it depends on what sound your going for... If you use light to med distortion then I would go for the AX greenbacks.

I mostly play alt-rock music like Incubus, 311, Pink Floyd, etc... My gain is usually set to 9-12 o'clock..

I use to have a Marshall before I switched to Mesa. The problem that I had with the Marshall, was that I was alway fighting to get more distortion and tightness out of it... I was pushing it with a Keeley SD-1, BBE Sonic Stomp, and a MXR 10 eq... With the Mesa, I dont need a OD pedal, or EQ. Just straight into the amp... Also, the BBE seemed to make the sound worse....

I hope this help! Send me an email if you have more questions!

Good Luck
I'm not surprised that you'd want to run v30s playing the style you do. I LOVE the greenbacks though so I'd probably like v30s in an X configuration with G12Hs. The G12H is the 30watt greenback with the heavy magnet so it has a bigger low end and a punchier sound along with the grind. In my opinion, Dr Z says it best when he says v30s sound impressive at first but they fatigue the ears quickly with the aggressive highs. He says the G12Hs balance the sound nicely with the bigger lows and creamy mids. Personally, I think combining speakers does a lot to cancel out the weaknesses of individual models. That being said, you need a lot tighter speakers for heavier styles so in this instance, I wouldn't be sure what to combine a v30 with to retain the tightness. I've heard people like to combine them with G12T - 75s where the scratchiness of the latter is covered by the biting highs of the former. Also, the G12T - 75s have the grind of the greenbacks without farting out at high volumes.
Well.... I did it!

I got my first Mesa Cab!!!

Its the Straight/Angle Oversize! I have rehearsal tomorrow, so I will let you know how it goes...

I already know its going to kick ***!!! :lol:
Nothing wrong with Greenbacks (I like 'em) but I don't think they match up well with a Dual/Triple Rec. Good luck with the new Mesa cab! They make great stuff (imho).