Tone of the single-end mode on LS or LSS

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thirstypirate said:
simonich said:
I thought thirstypirate was talking about the 10W mode on the LSC, not the amp at full power. A lot of people on this board find the 30W mode (full power) of the LSS has plenty of headroom for gigging. (Though of course a few that want a lot of clean headroom do not.)

I was only talking about the LSC 10W mode set clean. I've only played around with the LSS in a store so I can't speak for it's abilities in a real situation, but the tone was killer for sure.

I got a gig on Thursday.....It will be my first one with the LSS.....Can't wait to see how it does....
jjboogie said:
That is not good.......I just bought a LSS yesterday. Although 90% of my gigs the amp will be miked. Do you think I should take it back and get the 100W one?

I wouldn't worry about it unless you don't like the tones you are getting or if you prefer the sound of a 6L6 amp. There will be ample volume at 30W for any normal sized gig. I you take it back and get an LSC evaluate them on tone and not volume. I could easily get by without the 100W mode on my amp... not that I would want to
I just played a 500 person gig with the LSS last week. I had it on an amp stand. With the master at noon it was plenty lod over mic'd with a 6 piece band. Solo was at 1:30
jrkooshman said:
I just played a 500 person gig with the LSS last week. I had it on an amp stand. With the master at noon it was plenty lod over mic'd with a 6 piece band. Solo was at 1:30

I do not have an amp stand but I could probably grab a chair or something if need be.....I will be miked and it is a small/midsize club.

Did you say your amp was miked or not?
thirstypirate said:
jjboogie said:
I got a gig on Thursday.....It will be my first one with the LSS.....Can't wait to see how it does....

Cool... Let us know how what you think of the LSS in action.

Just had a rehearsal with the LSS and it did quite well....

Got compliments on the tone and look! It really sang....

It wasn't even raised...It was on the floor and I was standing right in front of it.

Can't wait to feel it in a club.......

I've always had my amp on the ground, but all this talk about amp stands has got me wondering. I'll probably try one out in the near future. I have taken the rear casters off so it leans but that didn't seem to make much of a difference.

What type of finish does your LSS have?
thirstypirate said:
I've always had my amp on the ground, but all this talk about amp stands has got me wondering. I'll probably try one out in the near future. I have taken the rear casters off so it leans but that didn't seem to make much of a difference.

What type of finish does your LSS have?

I generally don't like to put amps on chairs or stands....To be it takes away from their thickness at least that is what my ears hear....I don't know if it really changes the tone out front. But it affects the dynamics in a way that bothers me.....I guess I could get used to it.

When I bought my amp they only had two LSS left........One that was 2X12 cab that was Red......I did not want a 2X12 cab due to it's weight....

So I did not have a choice between finishes, only one 1X12 cab Lonestar which just happen to be a finish I really liked!!!

Cocoa Cream
I generally don't like to put amps on chairs or stands....To be it takes away from their thickness at least that is what my ears hear....I don't know if it really changes the tone out front. But it affects the dynamics in a way that bothers me.....I guess I could get used to it. [/quote said:
yeh, on the open back the sound bounced of a rear wall or something. Tilting it, that bounced sound changed so you'll hear something different. I think that it's a 'truer' sound since you're getting more of the direct sound. For me it sounds brighter and more 'in your face'.
ja22y said:
I generally don't like to put amps on chairs or stands....To be it takes away from their thickness at least that is what my ears hear....I don't know if it really changes the tone out front. But it affects the dynamics in a way that bothers me.....I guess I could get used to it. [/quote said:
yeh, on the open back the sound bounced of a rear wall or something. Tilting it, that bounced sound changed so you'll hear something different. I think that it's a 'truer' sound since you're getting more of the direct sound. For me it sounds brighter and more 'in your face'.

I don't prefer bright.....I don't mind a little so the guitar can cut through but I prefer warmth on a clean tone.....

I have done gigs with a JC120 in the past because that is what the backline had and I absolutely HATED the tone.....It was to clean! It drove me crazy! I hate those amps!

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