Tone Help On My Boogie

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Nov 29, 2005
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Hi Guys,

Just wanted to get some thoughts from fellow members.

First off, I have a 50 Cal + Combo, with ext cab. I am getting ready to overhaul my tubes. I am going to go with the guys at Eurotubes. I know I need better tubes for high gain. I am also using a Les Paul Studio, with a super distortion in Bridge position.

Okay, what I would like to get is a nice high gain crunch. I play Rhoads,Zakk, Metallica, etc. I also love VH & George Lynch.
I want a sound, that when I hit a a chord, you go Sweet Jesus..

Any tweaking help, would be MUCH appreciated.

Here is my knob setup.
VOL 3 (Not set in lead mod)
LEAD 2.5
BASS 2.5

The eq is set in classic V formation.

I am using a Pro Co RAT pedal modded by Keeley, and I am using the PHAT RAT setting.

The sound right now is nice, but not great. Nothing earth shattering.

On the rat pedal, my settings are
DIST 3 oclock
Filter at 12 oclock
VOL at 11:00 oclock

Thank you...
I have a .50 Cal+ Combo with a Vintage 30 speaker in it, lemme tell you the V30 is 100X better than the C90 for what I play METAL. I try to get a tone somewhere in between Puppets/Justice, funny thing my tone is real close to Helpless off Garage Days as it's a bit raw, it's just guitar into amp no FX or studio/recording magic happening, but it's tight as hell with more than enough gain.

I have Mesa Boogie 6L6 STR 440's (yellow) in the Power section and 4 Tung Sol Re-issues 12AX7's and 1 Electro Harmonix 12AT7 in the Preamp section.

My settings are:

Volume: 9 PULLED
Master: 2
Lead Master: 2
Treble: 7
Bass: 2
Middle: 4
Reverb: 0
Presence: 1


80: Middle Line
240: Middle Line
750: Just above bottom line, like 1/16" up from bottom line
2200: Middle Line
6600: 1/8" up from middle line

My tone's tight as hell, try it and let me know. I would HIGHLY recommend the exact tubes to start, the tone is AMAZING, I notice a HUGE difference as soon as I changed them, I forget what was in the last, I know I had Groove Tubes in the power section...I also noticed a HUGE change when I replaced the C90 with a V30.

I use a Custom Explorer & a Les Paul Custom both with EMG 60Neck/81Bridge as an FYI...

My settings also geared to a lower volumes, not quit stage volumes, the amp is still fairly loud with these settings, I often use ear plugs...

Sorry I don't have any gear to put up sound clips or else I would, lemme know what you end up going with.

Try these settings straight into your amp without any pedals, no need for pedals with the .50 Cal + it's got more than enough gain!
Are you using the pedal on the clean channel or boosting the amp's distortion? I'd recommend dialing in a tone using just the amp's gain first, then maybe use the pedal as a clean/lead boost with the gain low, but your probably better off only using the pedal for mid gain tones on the clean channel and the amp's lead channel strait in for high gain
Right now, it is on clean channel, and the pedal is used for the distortion.
My thought was, I would be able to switch from clean to distortion.

Is there another way to do it?

Your saying use lead channel for gain, and use rat to enhance gain. Then I would still be able to switch back and forth, right?
The .50 Cal + is known for being very "one-dimensional" so you may find it hard to get both a killer lead as well as a nice clean at the same time, being able to switch between...

My settings are based on using the amps gain, no pedals in LEAD mode. I don't use it for cleans...

Try em the LEAD tone and lemme know what you think (settings above).

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