The horror....the horror....

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Old fence type guard on Combo that screwed in to the wood:

(As seen below)


And heres the New cage type guard on the back of my Head:
:lol: Indeed!!! Thanks mate. Getting some time booked at a local studio next week where I can really open the taps....!!! :D
I'm really really glad for you.
Your tube cage looks just like mine... I haven't seen the old one yet...(I don't think the old one you had fits the head, but only the combo).
Next monday is another week... and they don't receive anything on mondays... lets wait for Tuesday... After it arrives, i'll be hoping for it not to have any problem in next 5 years at least.

"Mesa Boogie components are meant to last for a life time"... "Every country has a tech that is just like taking your amp to Boogie"...
When someone says an awful thing like this they must be aware that there is people in Portugal, and that most Portuguese people don't like to work (techs included!!!!)
(When a company opens a marketing department... some customers are bound to get screwed)

Still, take care of your new amp!
Thank you, Korn... Oh yeah! Heres to that, eh..!!?

The English and the Portuguese have much in common there I suspect.... Especially frustrated, Boogie-hating delivery drivers..!!
All fingers crossed for the end of your suffering federal express style Tuesday!
May that be the end of our MarkV's siesta..!

Cheers man I most definitely will....! :D

Have you seen this?

I was shocked to note that old grill on the back of this head...!
So it would seem that the Grills were updated at some point for whatever reason.. (Maybe it was the wood cracking if the screws were tightened whilst misaligned. I noticed the beginnings of that on my connects differently now...)
Well, i thought this 'new' grill was to add more protection, because i read somewhere the first ones had just a bar from side to side, and a cage would protect more. But apparently the older grill was enormous.
I reckon that first grill is better, i keep finding the cage and they way it assembles to the head... its fragile, or so it seems! For me the older would be better as I'm not constantly changing tubes.
Indeed it might have been cool on the head, but on the combo, it was a real pain in the arse getting the footswitch out of its stashing wallet in the back of the amp with it attached... I reckon they implimented that change possibly for that and the screws/woodsplitting reason.
I feel what you're saying about the current configuration too regards to it's sturdiness... Those little plastic white locks or latches or whatever they are look like they have a very finite breaking point.

I'd guess the new ones might be more to stop low/med impact things having total carte blanch movement into the valves but not hammerblows, or to stop people touching them whilst hot or something, than anything else, at 1st glance....
That's something i haven't thought of.
The only combo i'm familiar with is an F-100, and that has plenty of space for the footswitch. Those white lock are what scares me... when they brake, can you get them new? Still, no worries about that until that happens, hopefully it won't. But the question about the screws and the wood is a good one! it's better to ruin those white thingies than having problems with the wood.
I just want my amp back here... its sunday... and here I am going to rehearsal with a Line 6... my neighbours at least think, 'wow, that amp is even bigger, it must be a lot better' heheheh
Cool....well the V Combo was such a tight fit that the switches on the footswitcher have to be maneuvered in actually touching tube at points getting it in there and out again... in the end, I just used to pack it seperately when I was in and out practicing, gigging, jamming etc...... With the old guard on it was literally impossible to put in there. Thats an aspect I certainly wont miss about the combo.


Well they'll hear otherwise when your Boogie gets back for sure! :D
It seems there is no amp this week!
the store (official dealer) is screwing me!!!
I called the distributor and apparently the amp is not fixed, and was not seen by a tech, it will tomorrow!!!! (said the distributor, they promised)

Complaint has been sent to Mesa Boogie USA and the distributor has officially received my complaint...
I'm going to the store today, i'll be taking the ****** Line6 with me and will be bringing any Mesa they have... With or without consent!!!
Does Mesa Boogie USA know what kind of crappy service they are providing in some other countries??
No way! Thats so ******...
Sounds like they could at least have gotten on it before this...maybe they're inexperienced in MkVs...Maybe they're having to obtain parts/schematics or something..
I understand and can relate to your anger at the goalposts being shifted again though.
You're a signed pro, right? They gotta understand that this could be potential loss of earnings for you, not to mention how diabolically suspenseful it is having your 2 and half grand+ dream amp be who-knows-where and out of your possession that long.

Still..that the distributor said that is good. I'd personally give 'em a few more days, continue to talk to them directly, if you feel they're jerking around at the store... Good too that your've registered your complaints..

Hoping you get some good news in a couple of days.

At least hopefully, you're probably most of the way there at this stage, as presumably it wont take long for it to get back to you soon as the jobs done... Hang in there, man.

BTW Listened to your myspace stuff, man... Awesome. Particularly liked 'Infernus'.... what amp did you use before the MkV?
I'm not a signed pro. unfortunately every label says this kind of sound is to difficult for the masses ears... and it is too complex.
I have the letters from the labels here to prove this!!!! (i know, its unbelievable)
We signed with a smaller label...
All recording were done with 2 F-100s. For me, the best amp Mesa produced after Mark series.
The tone in that machine is impressive.
I've explained everthing to the guys, i need the amp to play and the Line6 does not cut it. I'm asking for borrowed amps!!!
Today i'm going to the store to leave the LineShits and i'll bring something else...
I'll be looking at some legislations before I go.
Ahh right I gotcha. Well you shouldnt have to water your stuff down for a company I guess.

Cool! Yeah it sounded great! Not really heard one before, consciously.... :D

Yeah I dont really blame you...
Wise move.
I brought a Mesa Express 2:25...
it does not do high gain... still, it is a lot better than LineShits...
stay tuned for tomorrow news...
Boognoob said:
Any new developments...?

It seems the only new thing for Rkorn is the particular orifice his dealer/distributor decide to break it off in from one day to the next.

I feel for him I really do.

I would be on the verge of losing it right now.
Yep. I can relate. Its a completely maddening position to be in.
Hopefully Boogie themselves will heard of his displeasure via his complaint and kick some arse where needed.

Some people make me sick: Once they have your money they dont give a ****. I was lucky I had my mate in the store to kick ass on my behalf...
Are there any Mark Vs in other stores of the same company who can deliver to your store a replacement, RKorn..?
I know it takes a while for Boogies to get to us here, and thats how they resolved my situation in the end.
Rkorn said:
I'm not a signed pro. unfortunately every label says this kind of sound is to difficult for the masses ears... and it is too complex.

Almost everything is difficult for the masses ears . . Seriously these people can't process Bach. I personally really enjoyed your tracks. I appreciate the detail that you put into the guitar parts. Great stuff!!
Thanks for the words!!!!
The problem with that recording is things not sounding powerful! But that's something we sorted out in the end and we just didn't want to record everything all over again (in the studio it sounded great, but everywhere else didn't)
A new work will come out later this year.

I'm still waiting for them to say anything... It seems that Mr. Matt Smith (international sales big boss of Mesa) will have my case on his hands today or tomorrow. The president of the company the distributes them also has his hands of the case.
Mesa Boogie Mark V in Portugal never happens unless you pay some percentage of the amp upfront.
I paid and waited 2 months for it to arrive...
There are probably 10 or 15 Mark Vs in Portugal (but there are a lots of Roadkings, dual recs etc...)
This week i won't be getting it, that i know for sure. Next week??? hopefully.
My worries now are so many hands on the case saying 'get the amp ready quickly', and the tech probably does not like to work under pressure, they close the amp and send it to me, after some weeks, again, the problem comes back once more.
If that happens... will i send it again??? I don't want to sell it because then i would have to get another one, and it would be even more expensive as i got mine in december and here in January all prices got a HUUUUGGE bump!!!
Please guys, if your coming to Portugal, the beaches are some of the best in world along with the food, but if you are to stressed, the portuguese burocracy, low intelligence rate and incompetence are everywhere.
That's why I work for foreigners, they screw up too, but not every single day.

Sorry for the long post.
I'm not angry any more, just plain sad. I just feel like buying a ticket to Petaluma California and go ask they guys there what the hell is going on.
(Did you all notice, in the factory tour on youtube, there is not 1 american guy there????) it looks like India, i wonder how much they pay those guys, is that something related to the amount of problems all Mesas are having??)
Hey man no apology necessary.

Getting it out of your system among likeminded folk is kinda the thinking behind this thread, and I encourage all to do the same if it helps, 'cause thats a real bleeder of a cant go through that stressful situation whilst not voicing your experience.
