the best 4x12\2x12 cab for Roadster?

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2009
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Hello guys, I have Fender Tonemaster 4x12 with Celestions V30 right now, it's a great one with Roadster but I just thought maybe there's some other great sounding cabs out on the market :wink:
What are your experiences? mostly Mesa cabs, if so which models? What speakers, straight\slanted, closed\open\half open etc etc
Thanks for suggestions :)
Hey! I currently use the Mesa oversized 4x12 slant cab - sounds HUGE. I did demo the traditional cab and it sounded great but played through the oversized and wow, I bought the oversized.
I have a Vader 4x12 loaded with Eminence Legends. It's beautiful with this amplifier and the Mark V.
ok, maybe there's someone here who went thru number of cabs on roadster? that would be more valuable for me, someone having compared different ones on the same amp?
I've used a Mesa Stiletto(V30s), Fryette Fatbottom(Custom Fryette speakers by Eminence), Mesa Rectifier(V30s), Marshall Dave Mustain(Vintage 70-watt G12-V30) and the Vader(Eminence Legends) I decided to use on it. I have all these cabs for various heads I own and it definitely sounded the best through the Vader.
Mills Acoustics loaded with V30s is my favorite.

Owned the Recto 4x12, Stiletto 4x12, and tried different combinations of speakers in each of the 3, but the Mills beats them all by far.

how about speakers? I know only celestions V30 through Roadster, anyone compared them to Eminences, Electrovoices in that set?
I'm partial to my Mesa 4x12 but that's only because I haven't found a store that carries Mills cabs to try. I have heard excellent things about them and I really want to hear one before I go buy one.

Hey Eric, are the Mills cabs oversized like the Mesa 4x12 or a normal size?
kryho said:
how about speakers? I know only celestions V30 through Roadster, anyone compared them to Eminences, Electrovoices in that set?

The G12K-100 is now my favorite speaker matched up with the Roadster. Nice full range from top to bottom, very smooth. Great rock and metal speaker. A cam-corder demo only goes so far, but I did do a writeup review (and companion 2 minute vid) of a Charvel at my site (legendarytones) where I'm plugged into the Roadster with a 2 x 12 with those speakers.

EV's to me are much too stiff in feel - not a very musical speaker IMO for guitar unless you blend them with something else.

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