Suitable alternat for SED wing = c= ?

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swbo101 said:
I thought I’d post my findings on the new production Tung-Sols as compared to the SED =C=, as possible future replacements.
The EL-34 isn’t as bright or has as much definition as the =C=, but I wouldn’t say it was a dark sounding tube either. However, there’s a lot of that EL34 crunch. A very fair amount and contains the full amount of EL34 characteristics that are associated with that tube.
The 6L6 was very bright and would be at home in a Twin Reverb. It brought out single coil tones nicely out of a strat. The brightness worked well with the EL34 tones in SimulClass mode.
I paid around $75 for this mixed quad, so considering a mixed quad of =C= are more than double that, I can see myself using these when I’ve gone through all of my =C= in my closet.

I just noticed you have the Mark IVa. Just a bit different than the Mark IV b. However, my experience with the Mark IV combo it does not seem to matter what tubes I use since they sound the same. So far I am enjoying the Svetlana 6L6GC (New Sensor copy). However, the amp will take on a different characteristic when driving any of the 412 cabs I now have. That is the only time when I will notice the difference between =C= and the Svetlana. What is sinister in the gain department is the integrated quad of TAD6L6GC-STR and =C= 6L6GC. Not so effective with single or 2x12 but in 412 this combination will make me reconsider owning the Mark V. Also the RHY2 channel only sounds good in the 412 with EV. I have considered converting the combo to a head but since I replaced the MC90 with Fane and added an extension cab made a huge difference. I can only imagine what the BS EVM12L sounds like in the IVa (assuming it is a combo). JJ6CA7 did not do so well in the MKIV. On the flip side, KT77 have that same sinister tone in the V. I am undecided.... KT77, TAD6L6GC-STR or =c=6L6GC. They all sound great. Another good tube by new sensor is the Tung Sol 7581. Has lots of punch. The one's I had went flat prematurely in the V but sounded really good in the IV after that issue. I would try them again for the Mark IV.
Bandit - I probably should have mentioned what type of Mark IV I had, my error. You are correct it is an 'A' revision, long head running through 4x12 with Black Shadows.
If I paid more attention to your avatar I would have realized it is not a combo.

TAD6L6GC-STR sound great with my Mark IV when driving the 412. The Svetlana (new sensor tube) is not all that bad. They sound great in the Mark IV, but harsh in the Mark V. Tung Sol 7581 will also perform well. I have had the Svetlana's in the Mark IV since November 2012. I have on occasion tried new tubes after giving them a chance in the Mark V just to see if they would be good for both amps (meaning that I like the tone). I do use all of my amps on a regular basis. I may spend more time with the Mark V than the other amps.

Mark IV:
Svetlana: crisp tone, harmonic content under saturation is good.
Tung Sol 7581: tight punchy bass, bell like chime in the upper frequencies.
TAD6L6GC-STR: Very complex harmonics, tight bass, soft on the high end (not as bright as the two above). Perfect for Heavy metal. Very nice dry tone for clean.

Insanely wicked tone: Integrated mix of TAD6L6GC -STR and SED 6L6GC (=c=). Very unique tone. I believe I used the =c= in the outter (primary positions) and the TAD in the inner positions. The effect was out of this world only when driving a 412 cab (I have all EV in my mesa cab). I should try it now that I have a smaller cab with V30.

The Mark IV drives the power tubes differently than the Mark V. Seems that tubes that sound great in the IV sound not so good in the V. Could also be a difference in bias points.
Following up on a recommendation here, I recently put a quad of TAD 6L6GC-STRs into a Roadster with excellent results

Great for both clean and distortion, with the complex harmonics and soft highs Bandit refers to in abundance. I love the way these react at edge of breakup - no stiffness or brittle response at all, which is my nirvana

Will try them in my MKV at some point, but the 6L6 =C= 's in it are so good, I can't get past them at the moment

Great recommendation as an alternative to =C='s, and MUCH cheaper here in the UK - I am very happy with the TAD option so far
If you have a Mark V, and want something incredible, you have to try the Gold Lion KT77. Actually they sound great in the RA100 but not as dramatic. I may have to get another set.

The TAD6L6GC STR are awesome tubes as well. I tried them in the RA100 and was not impressed but in the V they are amazing.

I have no issues with New Sensor tubes (Tung Sol, Svetlana, Gold Lion, EH, and the list goes on. ) Some sound great in the V, some sound better in the IV. The Mark V does extremely well with the KT77. The EH EL34 took a while to wake up.
Hi guys. Perhaps this has been asked before, how does mesa STR440 compare to other brands? Which 6L6 tubes have the tightest bottom end?
For a tight bottom end, I found the 6CA7 were killer in that department. I really did like the JJ tubes but they did not like me so much and gave up early. EL34 EH sounded weak from the start but definitely woke up after a few days of use. This is all regarding a Mark V. The KT77 have to be my favorite tube for the Mark V. They sound incredible compared to other tubes I have used. (they are also much louder so you need to dial down master and channel volumes).

The only time I ever had Mesa STR440 was when I brought the Mark V home. Red plated two of them in a short while. Then blew out my STR420 that I borrowed from my Mark IV. In the 6L6GC category, I prefer the SED =c=. The next runner up would be TAD 6L6GC STR. The TAD sounds more like an in between =C=6L6GC and KT77. also they are deep, not as bright as most 6L6GC. KT77 uses and EL34 bias so do not mix the two. If you plan on 6L6 only, try the TAD 6L6GC STR. Depending on your amp, you may or may not notice much of a difference, especially with a combo. Some amps will ring out the tone, some will not and sound the same. My Mark IV, matters not what tube I use, tone does not seem to change much. The RA100 is also similar in effect. Not much of a difference between KT77 and EL34.

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