Speaker and Tube replacement

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
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Hey. has anyone experimented with different speakers? I'm considering upgrading (?) to either Tone Tubby's or Eminence. Also, I hear new tubes like the SED 6L6's and the 12AX7 Tung Sol reissues kick ***. Anyone have any comments.
I have a 1990 DC5 which was modded by Mike B. in 1994 to back the gain stage down a tad. When the amp was returned he had put a 12AT7 in the V1 slot. It sounded great but when I retubed it later I went back to a 12AX7 which really opened the tone up.
I would suspect that all he did was replace your AX7 with the AT7.The AT7 has considerably less gain than an AX7.I never liked the AT7 in the first or V1 position,it sounds very flat,dead.If you want to lower the gain some try a 5751 or for even less gain a 12AY7 in V1.It will lower the gain about the same as the 12AT7,but sounds much more open and "alive".I am a big fan of the 5751 and have them in most of my amps.I cant really comment on the tubes you mention as I have never tried them,but another regular here,fatboy, speaks very highly of the SED 6L6's.From what I've read from him,he has done a lot of comparisons with the SED's and other tubes and knows what he is talking about,if he says they are good,you can believe it,of course we all have different ears so you would really have to hear it for yourself.
Well, DC5 brother, let me speak :)

I put in a Tung-Sol 12ax7 in the V1 and very much like it. Cleans and OD (from mild blusey breakup to harder crunch) is smooth, harmonic-rich, and truly musical. Admittedly, I'm not sure if it was a "vast" improvement over the Mesa's 12ax7 (not a bad tube by any right), but the T-S did sound very good.

As for speaker, while I haven't heard a TT myself, from all accounts the hemp cone seems to work best in taming bright amps. While our DC5 can get be tweaked bright, it certainly isn't that way right off. FWIW, I'm running an Emi RWBlues in a Fender amp and *really* like it!! It has rock-solid bottom with zero flub, and cleanly define mids and highs ...great sparkly cleans! I just may try out the C-Rex in that one, though, as my PRII definitely can be described as a bright amp. I'll decide at that point which to keep.

Still, I'm not sure if the RWB is better than the Mesa-Celestion IN our combo cab though (I really like that spkr so am not likely to swap her out). FWIW, check out the Emi site and give the speakers a listen. I was very impressed with the Texas Heat and Swamp Thang (I also found that I'm more a "Patriot" fan than a "Red Coat"). Both sound full, rich, with good note definition, to my ears anyway. Let us know what you load up and give us your impressions. I know I'd be interested! :)

Thanks for the input. I know the DC5 isn't naturally a bright amp. In fact my tone is rather a mid dark...very nice tone. You know how us guitar players are. we get bored and want something new. Everytime I get the 'itch' for a new amp I find myself in a music store trying to tweak a new amp to sound like the one I have. (although I am seriously considering a Fuchs at the moment). Can you post sound clips on here? I'd love to post some stuff.

I know tubes can alter the tone. I'll try that first. The SED 6L6's and Tung Sol 12ax7's come highly recommended so I'll go that way.

Speaker, I'll wait. The TT's are expensive. The alnicos run over $200. Eminence sound great but which one? There's like 20 to chose from.

I'm diggin' this forum though, although it seems to be MkIV slanted. Honestly, that's the only Boogie I've ever played that I haven't been able to dial in. Not that I've spent much time with one. I've had a MKIIB, Mk111 head simul class, 50/50 power amp with studio pre, a Nomad 50 and my long lasting DC5. All of those I plugged in and played and have all sounded great. The MkIV....It sounded 'cold' to me.

But. as I ramble, a friend of mine has a MkIV and it sounds great!!! It's me.

Thanks again.
If you do try one of the Emi speakers, my personal first choice would be (for the DC5 that is) first the Swamp Thang, second the Texas Heat. These sound great on the website to my ears, and would be interested in your feedback should you give one of these a try. And the nice thing is these can be had for pretty cheap. I've seen the TexH on ebay in the gih $40s, and the SwTh in the $60s. Report back if go with one, please. :)

Edwrad. I certainly will. I ordered my tubes this morning. Should be here this week.
I like the Boogie Black Shadow but you know, time for a change.
Thanks for your help!
HI all,
I have a Mark 1 reissue in Imbuia,
I used a gold pin tungsol in postion 1, regular TS12ax7's in 2 and 3, 4 was the reverb driver, I used a Mullars NOS from new sensor 12at7 and a GT matched phase inverter in the PI position.
I swapped out the MC90 for a Eminence Tonker, i also added spring stule tube retainers and new reverb cables, did it make a difference, to me YES, a huge one. To my ears I like the amp, I plan in the future to try some other speakers but Im happy.
My vote is Eminence and Tungsols.