Just an update on the Mesa 410 cabs.
Decided to modify one of them. I wanted something more suitable for distortion than cleans. The stock 410 cab with the Celestion G10 Cream Back speakers are decent. They will never replace the sound you get from a 12 inch speaker. Even the response is different.
I was curious if the 410 cab could be transformed into something for heavier playing styles. Not that the stock boogie 410 sounds bad, it lack the top end under distortion and is mostly midrange and not as much depth in the bottom end. Why the JP2C seemed to work out was the presence controls are a bit more aggressive when pulled out. Anyhow. the experiment begins with new speakers in just one of the 410 cabs. Was not sure what to get but settled on two different speakers. Jensen Jet Electric Lightning and Silver Bird. The EL is described as fat lows, aggressive midrange, bright top end with crunchy sound with high gain, the Silver Bird is more or less a ceramic version of the Black Bird 40W but with a 50W rating. Warm low end, detailed mids, open top end and crunchy with high gain.
Here is the stock cab before having the speaker transplant. What I dislike most about the cab design is the speaker jack is at the bottom of the cab. With the Badlander as the power source, the chassis is at the bottom of the head shell so there is room to fit a 3 ft speaker cable. Going with the Mark series amps, chassis is on the top. the 3ft cable will still fit but tight. So while doing the transplant, I realized I can swap the back panels to place the jack plate on the top instead of on the bottom.
The Jensen Lightning magnet is beefy compared to the Celestion cream back G10. Not sure what is under the plastic cover. The Silver Bird was similar but the diameter of the magnet was just a bit smaller in diameter. Both speakers are 50W compared to the 45W Celestion CB. I could have gone with higher power speakers like the MOD-70 or Tornado, even the Blackbird 10 is 100W but much higher in cost than I was willing to shell out.
The Jensen terminals on the speaker are reverse compared to the Celestion. Had to make sure I wired them correctly. The back plates can be swapped if the jack plate on the bottom is annoying. You may have to remove the leads on the speakers and resolder them so they cables can ride up vs down. Not sure there is enough slack in the wires to just reverse the panels. Stock wiring is left and right pair wired in series, then in parallel by the jack plate.
Just to find out how much different this experiment turned out. I decided to use my two Badlanders as the test mules. Here you can see that the modified cab had the back panels swapped to place the jack plate at the top. I made sure the jack plate had the labels facing in the right direction.
Running them side by side with different amps was a good way to isolate the load from each other. I do not have a Mesa head track but I do have a Switch track. So why not see how it turns out.
On the clean channel with both amps set the same, all controls except for channel volume were at noon. I ran all three power modes on each amp from 100W, 50W and 20W. Both cabs had similar character in midrange content. Top end chime was more apparent with the Jensen loaded cab. A bit more forward sounding. Still the clean characteristics were roughly the same. The stock cab was just slightly warmer but they both sounded excellent for that clean characteristic that makes the 410 desirable. When I ran both amps at the same time it sounded the best. The real test is with the crunch and crush modes.
Here is where the two cabs differed the most. With distortion, the Jensen loaded cab did not disappoint. Very bold, aggressive and nice top end that the stock cab was lacking. Actually thought it was really good. However, when I switched over to the stock cab, I was not disappointed with that either. A bit warmer and not as tight, much more midrange content and the top end was barely there. It still sounded good though, more vintage voiced. I would not call it a blanket effect as I could still hear some of the details, just more midrange. Sort of like it in a way. The Jensen cab was the big deal. It keeps sounding better every time I power up and run the amps. Break-in?
What became apparent, response of the cabs and sensitivity. I had to boost the channel master a bit more with the stock cab as the Jensen modified cab was much louder. Once I got the two amps sounding at around the same level, I hit the button to get them both going at the same time.

That was the icing on the cake OK, it got loud as heck as I was running both amps at 100W but dang, that sound when combined was incredible. Blending in the tight and punchy low end of the Jensens along with their singing top end and the midrange content of the stock cab, that was Musical Nirvana at its best. I thought the IIC+ videos I have been watching had a sinister voice but this combination was unthinkable. I did want to see what would happen if I ran both cabs with one amp at the 4 ohm jacks. Same thing. Amazing. The Jensen speakers do not have as much dominant midrange content as the Celestion speakers. But whey they are blended together in parallel it rocks !
Yeah, I did try another mod and swapped two of the Jensens out with a pair of Celestions. Did not sound as epic. I wired the celesion speakers in series with the Jensen speakers but should have paired them up differently. For now I will leave the modified cab with the Jensen speakers as is. Not sure If I will look at replacing the Celestion G10 cream backs in the other cab. I sort of did the combination of the two. What does seem to become evident with the 10-inch speakers compared to the 12-inch, you have to work a bit harder to get the same effect. Decay rate of the 10's is much faster than with the 12's. The 12 inch speakers give you that fluid like sound where as the 10's it is too immediate, It still sounds great and I could see using the 410 cab pair for rhythm work more than lead. I have yet to hit this with the 7 string so not sure what to expect when I do.
TBH, first time I tried the Badlander with the stock 410 cab, I did not like it. Did not care much for the 410 with the Mark VII. JP2C was the better choice as you can get more top end with the presence controls. What I mean by not liking it was the loss of top end. It did not sound bad, just a bit too different from the norm I was used too with the V212 cab.
Considering how this experiment worked out, I would assume the Mark VII would have similar results. As for the Jensen speakers, may need to give them time to break in a bit and see if I can coax more midrange out of them. They are very aggressive and lively compared to the Celestion CB speakers. This was probably the third time I tried the Badlander with the 410 cab. My impression of them seems to have changed from the first time around. I would not doubt they are in a break-in period as well as I barely have used them since I got the cabs.