Regarding the drawing of robot drawn on the Triaxis.

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Nov 8, 2012
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I bought Triaxis a few years ago. The seller claimed that it was a "version 2 Phat Mod".
lately, as I checked the serial number, the number is T10xx. (it is a serial of version 1) :(

However, Please check the image below.
Robot was drawn on my Triaxis.
What is the meaning of this?

Does my Triaxis is version 1?
thanks all for your great help and support.
Got the same picture, no idea what it means. But I have a version2 non-Phat
What does the displays say directly after you power it up?? If it says 1.0 throughout it´s a V1, if it says 2.0 it´s a V2.
According to the gut shot (1st pic) there´s no TX4 (Recto) board in there, so LD1 Red is British voicing...
I have the same drawing. Vesion 2, non-fat.
I did not look very close. Is "Robie" drawn in pencil, etched, pad printed, etc...?
Thank you, everyone! :)

The number that appears on displays after it is switched on seems to be random ...

I could not erase the robot illustration with an eraser.
Probably, it is engraved.
I wouldn't call those numbers random - they just look like the amp settings of your patch number 01, they are the same every time you switch it on. I think you have a Version 1 Triaxis. Every version 2 I've ever seen has a 2.0 on every window on start-up.
ando said:
Every version 2 I've ever seen has a 2.0 on every window on start-up.

^^^^^This. Every version 2 starts up with 2's across the display. Also there is no TX4 recto board in the photos.
Based on the advice from everyone,
I judged that my triaxis is version 1.
Many thanks! :)