rectoverb problem

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Active member
Jun 7, 2007
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i have a very late model rectoverb and installed some new el34 boogie tubes the other day. i also flipped the bias switch when making the change.

i really loved the change in the rectoverbs sound in all modes and both channels.

i never cared for the amps sound with the 6l6's in it.


i played for about an hour and all the sudden the amp quit. no red lite, no nothing.

i checked the fuse and it was fine.

i reinstalled the original 6l6's and flipped the bias switch to the correct position and the powered up the amp again.

the red lite lit and the amp functioned normally, EXCEPT

it now sounds like s##t .

the clean channel breaks up even with the gain set low. it used to have a very, very clean sound when you wanted it.

the overall tone of the amp sounds thin on both channels, all modes.


the overall volumn seems lower. btw, i never have the master past 30%.

any ideas what may be wrong?

thanks for your help in advance,


ps: i plan to order all new tubes on monday to start with.
I think it may be a preamp tube problem. Usually if the v1 tube completely goes you will get no sound or very, very little.
It may be any one of the others. If you have any spare 12ax7s try swapping a new one in,, one by one to find the problem preamp tube.
Good luck and let us know what you find.
Also, I assume you are using mesa power tubes. Its not totally nessassary but if you go with another brand, they have to have the same spec's as boogie tubes.
I also can be a dirty tube socket. While you are checking out the pre-tubes, clean the power tube sockets by spraying some T.V. tuner cleaner on the base of the tube (don't go crazy a little will do) and insert it in and out a couple of times. Also, check the little metal spring things inside the power tube socket and make sure the pins are making contact on all of them. I once got a little to excited installing new tubes and bent one down into the socket. It worked fine for a while then stopped, and for the life of me couldn't figure out what the heck was going on. Good luck.
you guys arent gonna believe this.

i had several new 12xa7's in my studio and decided to change out the preamp tubes this afternoon.

when i turned the amp around to start the exchange of tubes the plugin for the footswitch literally fell to the ground.

when i plugged the footswitch in i did so firmly and the amp has not been moved over 6" since then. i guess normal amp vibrations loosened it.

i plugged the switch back in and decided to try the amp before changing any tubes.

the problem is gone.

the clean channel is clean again, the volumn is normal, the lead channel sounds great.

i changed out the 6l6's for the el34's that i had been running and then played for 2 hrs, hard and loud.

no problems at all.

here's the question,

how can a loose footswitch plug cause this kind of problem?
