Rectoverb 25 Combo vs Roadster Combo

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YellowJacket said:
What software are you using? How are you trying to program the click? Are you wanting to use a tempo track or are you trying to set a tempo?

Logic. I've never liked playing to a click and will typically program a drum track for tempo. I was trying to just use a click for expediency I was having problems with timing. Turns out the answer was 6/4 and not 3/4.

I programmed the drums tonight and practiced some of the riffs as was just guessing where some of the notes were. I'll see what I can lay down tomorrow.
I'm really curious to hear the R9 with the JB in the bridge. Can you possibly record that? Do you have an SM57? It would be interesting to hear it recorded with the SM57 through the Electra Dyne. Hearing it with a familiar amp and speaker would help a lot in terms of tonal reference. Also, run the tone wide open. Just curious how the JB is sounding.

I programmed the drums tonight and practiced some of the riffs as was just guessing where some of the notes were.

Know what is the worst? When this is happening in the studio! We had a session this fall that went this way and it was beyond frustration. I was so exhausted and this was material that I should have been able to nail in my sleep. GAH! I'm looking to improve my mic collection so I can nail stuff like this at my leisure!
I have several settings I like using but if memory serves, I usually run the Treble and Mids at 1:00 with the bass at 10:30, Presence at 1:00, Volume at 3:00. Master at 9:00. I kind of adjust from there based on the guitar. Very modern and aggressive tones which work well with my playing style, at least in certain situations.

I also have the gain trim and clean level pots on my 'Dyne so I can still get very useable cleans with these settings.
Not to butt in, but i've been wanting my first 7 string lately as well, and as much as I'd LOVE a Majesty in iced crimson, I don't want to dump that much cash on my first one til I find out if I bond with the extra string or not. I've heard LOTS of good comments about the PRS SE 7 string, and they are cheap! Seen mint used ones go under $500.
I've also heard great comments on the PRS SE 7 strings. I was recommended to look into that guitar in addition to Ibanez RG 7620 /1 and old Ibanez 7420 / 1.
Sorry for the slop; I was still learning the song as I recorded. Guitars are raw/no processing. There's no bass track. It is what it is.

Les Paul w/ JB on full blast -> Electra Dyne Red -> Recto 4x12 -> E906 -> M-Audio Fast Track -> Logic

The stretch between 3:16 to 4:34 is for the solo when I get around to it. There's also some more drum fills to go in that section but I never would've gotten this done today if I'd put them all in.
Dreamtheaterrules said:
Not to butt in, but i've been wanting my first 7 string lately as well, and as much as I'd LOVE a Majesty in iced crimson, I don't want to dump that much cash on my first one til I find out if I bond with the extra string or not. I've heard LOTS of good comments about the PRS SE 7 string, and they are cheap! Seen mint used ones go under $500.

Thanks. They're on my list to check out. Any idea how they compare to Ibanez in the same price range? Used Ibanez 7 strings are pretty easy to find here.
screamingdaisy said:
Sorry for the slop; I was still learning the song as I recorded. Guitars are raw/no processing. There's no bass track. It is what it is.

Les Paul w/ JB on full blast -> Electra Dyne Red -> Recto 4x12 -> E906 -> M-Audio Fast Track -> Logic

The stretch between 3:16 to 4:34 is for the solo when I get around to it. There's also some more drum fills to go in that section but I never would've gotten this done today if I'd put them all in.

Wow, very interesting. The JB is definitely very VERY pronounced in the upper mids. The recording you had was comparable to the A-Bomb recording I had with the Recto. With the Electra Dyne, the A-Bomb seems to be warmer and much more balanced. Also has less of that 80s mid character.

What settings did you use exactly? What I had? I'm tempted to try a recording like that again just to see what the result is.
YellowJacket said:
What settings did you use exactly? What I had? I'm tempted to try a recording like that again just to see what the result is.

Some of the upper mids could be the mic position. When placing the mic I gravitated towards something that was bright/aggressive without loosing the low end.

Gain - 3:00
Treble - 1:30
Mids - 11:00
Bass - 12:15
Pres - 12:00
Master - 9:00
Hah! I had wanted you to do a recording with the Electra Dyne running through the combo cab with an SM57 if possible. Just so we can bench mark things a bit better. I want to control enough variables so we can at least get an idea of how the voicing of the pickup will work with the R9. I may throw Ben French another email.

I hear you ran it with the 4 x 12 which is v30s, hence the upper mid spike. A JB + the v30 must yield a lot of upper mids. I may try to record something anyhow because I'm curious how a more cranked Electra Dyne sounds with the A-Bomb and the LP. If I use the same settings you have, it should still give an indication of how the A-Bomb sounds compared to the JB. I suspect it is warmer and less strident in the highs & low mids. I also suspect that the clarity with my Production LP Standard will rival that of the R9, mostly because we're dealing with a Duncan vs a BKP.

[edit] Just a thought: What is stopping you from putting an A-Bomb in your production LP? This may be an option if it doesn't end up being beefy enough in the R9. That being said, I always found the bridge pickup on my LP to be thin and the neck pickup to be boomy and the A-Bomb sounds just fine. If the stock bridge pickup on the R9 was not thin, then you should be fine.

[edit] 2 Looking for some clips on youtube to aide here. I was trying to get an idea of how the JB sounds in a LP:

Ya, it's got no low end thump to it and it has that wooly mid character that many Seymour Duncans have.

This vid gives a good idea of how much bite the nailbombs have

Here is a video of someone playing metal with a C-Bomb
WAY more ferocious and contemporary than the JB, which just screams 80s.

Here are the two Nailbomb bridge pickup options in a super strat which is likely not more bassy than your R9. Ya, you can hear how bright the guitar is on the clean tones, and the super strat has punch in the lows!! Nolly is a fine guitarist ^_^

Here is the recipe for the Blackmachine B2

If a guitar this bright takes an A-Bomb, I think the R9 will be just fine.
The combo has a V30 in it. I eventually gave up on trying to force myself to like the stock speaker.

I think there's only so much we can do in terms of variables. I'm as confident as I can get that the A-Bomb is a good choice without being able to test it. Next up I'm going to record the McCarty. I want to see how the two guitars compare in a mix. Once that's done I'll redo one of the guitars with an SM57 so I can compare the two mics. This is my first time using the e906... I bought it awhile ago but beyond fooling around with it for an hour it's sat in a box.

The other LP has P90s. A-Bomb won't fit.

Added a bass track. The lack of low end was bugging me. I haven't been able to test the track on a stereo yet, so if the mix is way out of whack let me know.
screamingdaisy said:
Dreamtheaterrules said:
Not to butt in, but i've been wanting my first 7 string lately as well, and as much as I'd LOVE a Majesty in iced crimson, I don't want to dump that much cash on my first one til I find out if I bond with the extra string or not. I've heard LOTS of good comments about the PRS SE 7 string, and they are cheap! Seen mint used ones go under $500.

Thanks. They're on my list to check out. Any idea how they compare to Ibanez in the same price range? Used Ibanez 7 strings are pretty easy to find here.

I highly recommend both of you, and anyone else interested in a 7 string guitar, to head over to . There is a bit of a sale going on that may interest you. 8)
ScreamingDaisy, here is a raw track using your settings. No post EQ.

Signal Chain: LP Standard (Production) Alnico Nailbomb bridge into an Electra Dyne with your settings.
RA 27" 1 x 12 cab with a c90 into a Shure SM57. Mic placement is the vertical centre of the cab about 2 inches back basically under the edge of the Mesa logo.

Focusrite Scarlett 18i6. Guitar double tracked and panned.

I tried to play something that was similar to what you were doing just so you could get an idea of the A-Bomb voicing compared to the JB. The A-Bomb is quite flat through the whole frequency spectrum with a bite in the highs. The biggest difference with this clip -to my ear- is the c90 vs the v30 you were using. But seeing as you had a c90 in that combo, you can probably account for that.

I can sequence drums and record bass later if you would like. I'm just over halfway done sequencing drums now anyhow.

Happy tone chasing!
Dude... Screaming, around 2:20 I was like "sweeeeeeeet". While it sounded a little thin on its own, the way it comes through when the other instruments enter is great. If the intro had less distortion, it would fatten up.

Yellow Jacket: That A Bomb is nice. It makes that riff thicker, unless that's the mic position. I started having an early 90s Thrash flashback (Thrashback?), but that's a better tone than most of those guys could get. Something in the 150 Hz to 300 Hz chug area is full. That makes my heart grow three sizes.
Ya. The alnico nailbomb was inspired by the Sepultura album of the same name. (It's kind of amusing how we're both posting Electra Dyne clips in the Recto forum) It's a fairly flat / balanced sounding pickup with a really gnarly & pissed off sort of character to the tone. It certainly agitates a Recto as it does the Electra Dyne.

I've been REALLY into my super strat with the BKP Juggernaut in it but I'm starting to take an interest in the A-Bomb equipped LP again! My only irritation with that demo is how the open strings keep going sharp. I'm just digging in too much, I guess. The longer scale length and heavier strings on the super strat makes this less of a problem and that's the guitar I've been playing the most with my band. Definitely gotta try the LP there sometime too ^_^
I started typing this last night, but went to bed before I could finish...

Thanks. Like I say, I'm pretty sold on the A-Bomb. I'll keep the Holydiver mentioned by Mr. French as plan B. IMO, I'll likely like both options, so if the A-Bomb isn't quite what I'm looking for in the the LP I'll just move it to another guitar.

In the last week I sold my SG, one of my LPs and consigned an Orange 4x12. In return I walked out with a PRS SE Custom 22 Semi-Hollow and will have around $2300 once the cab sells. I also have a second Orange 4x12 that's going in for consignment once the first sells, and I may put up another LP (the one with P90s).

For the time being I'm going to mull my options.

Option A is to go high and get a PRS 513 to compliment the McCarty, but I want to get my hands on one to try first. On paper the guitar seems like a great idea, but if I don't dig the sounds it makes then It's not worth getting. I've tried getting proper Strats in the past and didn't really dig them, but used correctly I love their lead sound. I'm hoping a more contemporary take on the Super-Strat concept might scratch that itch, and since the 513 is kind of a Strat & Fat-Strat all in one, I'll likely find it more usable than one with all singles.

Option B is to go low and pick up a couple more SE/S2s. That Soundgarden kick I went on has me interested in alternate tunings, so I'm thinking about getting a couple of cheaper axes that I can afford to dedicate to such a task. I was really impressed watching their live performances and hearing the variety of tones Thayil was getting just by changing guitars/tunings and not touching the amps or effects. In the past I was of the mindset that all I really needed was one killer guitar and a variety of amplifiers to use for different sounds. Now I'm starting to lean towards having a couple of choice amplifiers and a bunch of different guitars to get me a variety of sounds (and truthfully, since starting down this road it seems to be proving true). If I go with this option it's where I'm leaning towards adding a 7 string, and maybe a baritone. The Semi-Hollow I already have I'm leaning towards using for open tunings & slide. Lastly, I'd like a high output axe with a thinner neck and trem.

Option C - Options A & B are based on buying new. Option C is to wait and buy used.

As for the LP... I'm waiting to see which way I go with the options above.

I tried laying down some new tracks after work yesterday but was thwarted by the arrival of my 2-1/2 year old. He's at the stage where he loves my pedalboard, so the last 45 seconds on the right track is him pressing pedals and telling me what colour the LEDs were. So, I abandoned that project and spent the rest of the evening taking a crash course in how to better use Logic. The drums are now separated onto individual tracks (so I can put reverb on the snare & toms) and run with parallel compression. The bass is bi-amp'd with compression on the clean amp. The guitars have the top end rolled off starting around 2k.

Whereas v4 had a giant separation between the guitars and the bass, this one sounds more cohesive.

Today, I have off and the wife is at work... so I'm going to put down new tracks with the LP then repeat it with the McCarty. I'm switching to an SM57.