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OK I just whent through this entire post all 41 pages,some really,really fantastic gear,everything from really cheap/nasty guitars to rare and expensive exotic wood RK's

The one member who has impressed me the most has to be.....(drum roll)

4nKam,if you look through this thread and find his first post,his rack is pretty tiny compared to the monster he has know(I suppose this is like a boy turning into a man,start off with a relativly small one and then have a monster!!! :wink: )

pretty impressive man,Im no fan of rack gear but that is a really cool rig :D :D
My other stuff. The first Boogie that I ever owned along with my Jackson SL1 soloist complete with an EMG "afterburner". The Boss OD-1 will send this vintage Boogie into extreme gain territory, at will. The MkI will get the "in between" clean and distorted sound SO WELL. I bought this amp in the late '80s for $500 with a complete new set of Groove Tubes and the "Post FX Level" modded effects loop installed. The second picture includes my security. He heads for the back door whenever the 4x12's come down the hall. :lol:


Here is my Mark IV with 1x12 wide body.


1x12 wide body cab sounded really nice the best I heard so far,
but returned it and now special ordered 3/4 back 1x12 because the cab was little smaller than the head around 1 inch. And I hope 3/4 will sound better too (at least WRT low end. GC said it will be at least one month wait.They will confirm it this week.
Nice rig. Even though Basson is minutes from my house, I just can't get over the disco looking logos. The cabinets sound great but I think I would end up taking the logos off. They have been sending me mailers and sale info.
is that a schecter hellraiser,Im not up to scratch with my schecters so gimmie some slack if its wrong

I only recognise the inlays from a certain Mr Loomis's guitars

they look similar
mesanomad100 said:
is that a schecter hellraiser,Im not up to scratch with my schecters so gimmie some slack if its wrong

I only recognise the inlays from a certain Mr Loomis's guitars

they look similar

yes thats the six string version of the hellraiser
very nice,its that nice it made me whip out Nevermore and get my angry face on for some hard hitting Loomis style shred!!!!!!

Its a potent chenge from my usual Pat Metheny albums though :evil: :evil: :evil:
that flight case looks amazing,lovely rack gear aswell,and some really nice guitars

Is the mesa a satelite,It only has like 4 controls,a mesa with 4 controls!!!!!!

ohh and a graphic,4 controls and a graphic 5 band
Yes, its a Simul-Satellite. 85 watts, crammed full of KT66 Sovteks, and a HYTRON 12AT7 and RCA 12AX7A preamp tubes. Not bad eh? It's a fire breathing monster. My pedals provide me with three 'channels', clean, dirty crunch, light distortion, double pushed distortion...

i just finished making that rack, 8 clear coats of oil polyuerathane... but the handles aren't mounted yet, one of em is busted, and i paid lots of money to get it plated.... gonna have to figure out how to find another handle and plate it with out paying money for it... flight case? i, but its pretty....
the satellite is a somewhat rare mesa amp. it was designed to be the stereo channel to a mark III/IV amp. It can be be slaved, and also slave the EQ if needed. Its also a one channel clean amp.

Essentially, it is a Mark III with out the cascading gain stages and multiple channels. Just the bare minimum. A great tube amp thats just clean. 85 watts, simul-class/class A, 5 band graphic eq, tweed... 4 output tubes, 2 pre amp tubes, oh, and a 200 watt EV12L Black Shadow speaker.

It may be possible to convert this amp into a Mark III... it has the same board/layout. I think you'd need some components and a new faceplate...
Platypus - a few questions

Can you silent tune with your setup?
Do you boost your MARK IV with any pedals?
barneyc4 said:
Platypus - a few questions

Can you silent tune with your setup?
Do you boost your MARK IV with any pedals?

Yes, the Peterson Strobostomp rules

I only boost the R2 with the OCD pedal to get a tad bit more grit/bite out of it by riding the tone knob a bit over 1o clock. I usually do that for solos.. I use a bunch of fuzz pedals on R1 too but just for effects. Lead is a demon on its own :)
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