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That's a Marshall JCM 800 50 watt head. I got that head from Jeff Hanneman of Slayer about 17 years ago. It is a great head!! I used for many a shows and it never let me down

My 1971 "oldie goldie" Deluxe (60's neck) routed for SD Pearly Gates snuggled between 2 C+'s with a Decimator and Lehle Dual A/B. Insert patch cables and go. :shock: [/img]
emm I have also just drooled all down my front,that is a beautiful setup,the wear on that gold top is pretty spectacular!!and those c+'s look in mint condition,lovely gear man,you should be proud of that and realise how priviledged you are man,that looks stunnin 8)
mesanomad100 said:
emm I have also just drooled all down my front,that is a beautiful setup,the wear on that gold top is pretty spectacular!!

The real bitch of it is the wear is also on the fingerboard, which tears up the fret dress quickly. There was a guy that asked me to sell it about 10 years ago. When I told him $750.00, he laughed in my face. I then prompted him to play it and told him it was no longer for sale :lol: :lol: :lol: . If you had ever played this old ragged bastard, you would get the humor in this.
I understand what you are sayin,a producer friend has a 79' gold top which has started to get a tad oxidised where there was once a little crack,hence the green bursting,not to the same extent as your beauty but it has done it,I have always hated Les Paul's with a burnung passion,that was until I got my hands around some vintage!!!!

ahhh Im always on the look out for a gold top from the 70's which has got a little oxidisation

I spied this in a different post!!!!

very nice,what do you like about using both the rec and the duece??
JOEY B. said:
mesanomad100 said:
emm I have also just drooled all down my front,that is a beautiful setup,the wear on that gold top is pretty spectacular!!

The real bitch of it is the wear is also on the fingerboard, which tears up the fret dress quickly. There was a guy that asked me to sell it about 10 years ago. When I told him $750.00, he laughed in my face. I then prompted him to play it and told him it was no longer for sale :lol: :lol: :lol: . If you had ever played this old ragged bastard, you would get the humor in this.

That is a NICE guitar

My gibson is the same sort of thing.. when people play they always comment on it being the best gibson they have ever played... it's alittle worn and alittle beatin up but the sound is unbeleieveble..the neck feels better than sex and the sustain is huge..What a guitar...gibson are the best if you can get a good one..
xnatex said:
its straight and to the point. im borrowing my friends Behringer tuner, until i can get the money for a good korg rackmount tuner.

Does the EC-1000 or the Studio play better? Which has the better tone? I am assuming that your studio has the stock pups.

Rectoverb series 2
2x12 stiletto cab

Jackson RR5(emg 85 bridge, 85 neck)
Gibson Les Paul Custom
Music Man Petrucci 6string
American Standard Stractocaster
i have had the studio for 6 years now. it has never failed me. i just got the EC-1000 a few weeks ago(for only 300 but thats a whole new story) and im loving that one. they both sound great. and they both sound very different. but if i had to choose between the choose the studio. thats my baby. i have always been able to turn to her for the right tone.

and yes the studio has stock pups. and the EC has EMG-85 in the bridge and 81 in the neck. i dont play leads and that combination is perfect for me.
xnatex said:
i have had the studio for 6 years now. it has never failed me. i just got the EC-1000 a few weeks ago(for only 300 but thats a whole new story) and im loving that one. they both sound great. and they both sound very different. but if i had to choose between the choose the studio. thats my baby. i have always been able to turn to her for the right tone.

and yes the studio has stock pups. and the EC has EMG-85 in the bridge and 81 in the neck. i dont play leads and that combination is perfect for me.

That looks like the exact same LP Studio that I have. Fantastic guitar, stock pups are great, I would recommend that guitar as a "work-horse" (main guitar) to anyone - very versatile tone. The only thing I don't like was the 50's neck, so I went and got an LP Standard with a 60s neck instead which I like a lot better (slimmer profilie). Is yours a 50s or 60s neck?
The neck is what partially sold me on my '94 Studio. I looked for over 2 years for that guitar. If you search for it hard enough you can read about the quest for my Les Paul.
its a 50s neck. but thats not what sold me when i saw it in the store back in 2001. the price tag($500). and the fact that it was a LES PAUL. ever since i started playing guitar i wanted a LP. they are some of the best looking and sounding guitars IMO.

and every time i play my EC i love it more and more. there is something about the way that it plays and sounds that i am loving.
dude. i'll never go back to any other brand of cab. EVER.

i tried out a few different brands of cabs, but they didn't even compare to the oranges.
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