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I think you might want to keep that MP-1 and maybe the Korg Tuner. I just don't see any use for the rest of that rack. If I were you I might also keep the 5150, the Classic, and the Carvin just for variety. The gold Peavey is a nice axe too. I might keep the Ovation for sentimental reasons but I would sell the rest of it.

You said you just got another Triaxis and 2:90?
whatever man... all i'm saying is, i had a bunch of crappy gear too, its just that i sold it a long time ago :lol:

i had a line 6 up until december, so i obviously can't be too serious :wink:

i like the cute little train on the bookcase too, i missed that the first time.
eltrain858 said:
whatever man... all i'm saying is, i had a bunch of crappy gear too, its just that i sold it a long time ago :lol:

i had a line 6 up until december, so i obviously can't be too serious :wink:

i like the cute little train on the bookcase too, i missed that the first time.

Dude you are ruthless... :lol:

He has probably had that little piggy bank since he was 6 or something. His grandfather probably started him saving with a quarter or half dollar. I would never have picked on him for that. :p :lol:
I am quitting the board........................ :oops:

:p Ok maybe not. Yes Russ I bought another TA and 290 at a price I couldn't pass up (hopefully will make a nice profit reselling).

Eltrain don't hate my choochoo! What do you think the first thing is that I go to play with when i visit home? :) I am photochopping next time! :) You guys are brutal.

In all seriousness.....I don't plan to keep much besides my Japan rig and the Mark IV. I just have too much stuff that needs to go. 90% of what is pictured has been in storage and won't get released until I finish my enlistment in a couple of years. I just hope the value keeps going up as I have about $15K to put into a car.

I think your latest pic post is way better than the South Park version :lol:

yeah.. it took about as long to make too.

now that you put them side-by-side i can see how grossly i overestimated the fatness of that FU-3 in my drawing. other than the exact positioning of the wah and the orientation of the mxr i had it pretty well pegged.

the one thing i couldnt count on ahead of time was the limitations imposed by my patch cables on where exactly i could place the pedals.
Finally took some pics of my gear:

From left to right:
- Höfner Verythin Classic
- Guild X-170
- Kritz LP
- Fender 72 Thinline
- Fender Jazzmaster

2006 Mark 4 with 2 Thiele's

1992 Marshall 30th anniversary halfstack
pjrake said:
jtb226 said:
which guitar did you like?

Gibson Les Paul DC Standard (blue) :)

thanks. she's my baby. =-) i bought her at a killer price too. the local gibson dealer was offloading all their stuff and getting rid of the dealership. they were selling all their stuff at 1/2 off list. they had some other stuff there i wish i could have bought too (gothic explorer, flying V), but i didn't have that much $ and couldn't possibly let the DC go to someone else.

it is weighted a little differently than a regular les paul. much lighter. i really like it. it can still kick ass though too. and it is just gorgeous. the blue on that guitar is one of the nicest colors i've seen.

ok. proud rant overwith. :D





i dont own a real digital camera, so you'll have to deal with the few that are done from my phone.

and i dont have a picture of my Gibson SG.
Hey Scotbot, what do you think of those Orange cabs? My other guitarist just ordered 2 Black-tolexed 4x12's to replace his 1 Krank Rev. 1 Cab. I've heard the tone that comes from the Oranges are monsterous. He's going to have to wait up to 3 months to get the cabs though, the guitar store we buy from is having to import them lol.. Nice setup man

dude, orange cabs are ridiculous.

i'll never play any other cab. ever.

scotbot - ever played a mesa cab? just wondering how the orange cabs compared. i've heard really good things about them as well.
i have played mesa cabs, and although i like their 2x12, the 4x12s just sound too boomy and woofy. the traditionals are nice, but they are not as tight as my Oranges.

orange cabs? heavy? **** yeah. the 4x12 weighs like 130lbs, the 2x12 is like 75lbs.

they SUCK to carry. haha.
Gives me an idea...

How about an Orange cab loaded with 4 EVM-12L's without casters? :shock:
i dont know why you'd want to put those speakers into an orange cab. it sounds f'ing great with v30's.

but hey, it's your chiropractic bill.
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