My wife is insane. NOW WITH PICTURES!!!

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diaz said:
IMO, there is no reason to be spiteful

So true. We all know that two wrongs don't make a right, especially when lawyers and court is in the future.
Once again folks thats for all the kind words. ****, all the money I've been spending on a therapist and I could have got the same info right here for free.

Keep an eye on this post..... Either today or tomorrow I'll post pics.
Document everything, get the best lawyer you can afford (especially if kids are involved), start closing joint accounts, & leave.. just LEAVE. File with the authorities if you must but take the kids.

My wife cheated & I caught the guy coming out of the hotel room with my video camera (she was stupid enough to tell me where she was). I could have kicked his *** but played it smart instead. I don't know if it would have been admissable in court or not but I took the kids & left.

She has subsequently married a wife-beating marine & I smile all the way to the bank with my extra money thinking she deserves what she got. Now.. I raise my kids in a household devoid of her misappropriated values & she pays me support! So instead of my being in the hole $1500 month, I'm comparably ahead by over $2000! Haha.. she what a loser.
Take the High Road , if you're done with all that nonsense move on. There's no sense in 2 people acting ignorant (if you get physical with her in a negative manner , you could end up being labeled "Abusive" for many years to come---That wouldn't be good) She'll get what's coming to her. Document and photograph the facts and damage for Divorce Court.
mucho relationship advice here ...

from an economic recovery perspective to get your gear repaired or replaced - try your homeowner's insurance, it may cover some of your loss up to a deductible. every little bit helps.
What a crazy girl. I sometimes wonder what I would do if someone trashed any of my gear, I'd probably take a baseball bat to their car or something.

Anyway, just want to echo everyone else in here...photograph that **** and get the **** out of there, pronto.
Post a pic of the girl so no other guitarists fall into that Venus Flytrap that eats gear!

Sorry about your losses dude but something you learn about women over time...

The uglier they are the SAFER you are. Trust me Im 40 and I got a great gal that loves me.

Beauty contest has to end sometime and there are loads of good looking chicks out there that think their looks solve everything.

Dont fall for that **** ppl trust me most good lookers are vain, stupid, reckless or they just dont care about YOU.

If yA wanna be happy for the rest of your life.....:)
I'm not by ANY way justifying what she did, but what happened to incite that sort of rage? Was it something you did? Was it the 24 year old? Typically these kind of things don't spontaneously happen on their own!

Outside of that, it sounds like you guys are done. Good luck with that.
how many speakers do ya need to replace in the mesa?
you should make it so you have 2 Vintage 30's/C90's in the top and 2 EVM 12L's in the bottom.i did this to my Traynor YCS 412 (V30's in the top) and it is bruuuuutal.
be careful when ya turn that head on tho man, take er slow with it - hate to see a beautiful stilleto get blown up :(
Im in the middle of a divorce after 18 yrs, 2 kids, a couple of business, motorcycles, guitars, amps, it goes on and on.

This may not matter but since the gear is damaged it might reduce the value of the equipment in the divorce. Sounds like you have about $2500 worth of "totalled" gear. Take this from someone who is having to buy back a lot of gear at "market price".

Something to think about in your situation.
If you are serious about divorce, take pictures of the damage and of course file a police report you'll need all this as evidence. Don't go for any revenge that never solves anything and will only get you more trouble. Sorry about your luck. Tolex and speakers aren't so bad in the end, it could be worse I suppose (your guitars!)

Best of luck and yes time to move on.
don't make a bad situation worse. just save the repair bills for inclusion in the divorce settlement.

good luck.

ryanj51505 said:
Well, I would've searched the forum first but because of my low post count I can't. So please excuse me if this has been recently covered.

To make a long story short, my wife is a vengeful beast and the other day took a knife to my Recto traditional cab and my fender custom vibrolux reverb. Not only is the grill cloth slaughtered but holes were sliced into several of the speakers. My Stiletto head got tossed on the floor as well, but upon visual inspection it looks ok. Haven't plugged it in yet to try it out though.

I have pictures and will post them later when I get home.

Anyone know where this could get repaired? I want them to look just like they did, brand spankin new! I am in the Pacific Northwest so if anyone knows of someone in this area that does this work that would be especially cool.
I didn't see the pictures when I initially posted in this thread!

Every owner and potential owner of expensive equipment like most of us own should be OBLIGATED to view those pics before allowing any woman into his abode!

ryanj51505 said:
Well, I would've searched the forum first but because of my low post count I can't. So please excuse me if this has been recently covered.

To make a long story short, my wife is a vengeful beast and the other day took a knife to my Recto traditional cab and my fender custom vibrolux reverb. Not only is the grill cloth slaughtered but holes were sliced into several of the speakers. My Stiletto head got tossed on the floor as well, but upon visual inspection it looks ok. Haven't plugged it in yet to try it out though.

I have pictures and will post them later when I get home.

Anyone know where this could get repaired? I want them to look just like they did, brand spankin new! I am in the Pacific Northwest so if anyone knows of someone in this area that does this work that would be especially cool.




Take the Moral high ground and do not get angry and show emotion as women will attempt to use it against you especialy if you get divorced.

A friend of mine went through a seperation with his long time girlfriend and she even did a poo in a sauce pan and left it on the cooker!!!! and she also taking money out of the bank accounts and buying goods on his credit card.

My friend was told to keep a log of what was happening and phototgraph any damage done to anything of his as this also shows the EX-Wife or girlfriends real character.

If you are seeing another woman make sure you see her away from were you live because the EX might follow you and try to portray you as the cheating party even if she has commited indescretions herself. remember video and cellphone cameras!!!!

I would also suggest you file a report as it may look bad if you do not, especally if it goes to court.
Feels like I'm viewing the pix from a homicide scene...

Women and music do not always mix...'specially if you're truly committed to the latter and she can't accept that.

Very bad sorry...

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