UPDATED July 12th 2010::
The amp is BACK home AGAIN after the second time getting sent out or repairs.
Just to re-cap the scenario for those not wanting to read through the entire story: Amp broke down the first time and was red plating, fixed bias resistor and ccts driver were replaced. I installed brand new mesa labelled powertubes and it was fine. Three weeks later the el34 started to red plate and no sound came out yet again, amp was taken yet again to be repaired to figure out what was wrong or bad tube.
So we now are up to date, today i get it and bring it home (no charge as it was covered under store warranty) and it works/sounds perfect. What was done? The single el34 powertube on the left was replaced with a Electroharmonix el34 tube and the v1 slot was replaced as well, solder connections were touched up.
I am scratching my head in confusion but IT IS FUNCTIONING FINE and sounds FINE thus far after one night of playing since repaired. I am going to keep my fingers crossed this solved the problem and it was only the one tube that unfortunately went really really early on me. I mainly only use class A on the amp so IF there is a problem at least i know it is el34s. Is it possible a tube socket needed to be soldered that was causing red plating? Or simply bad luck with a tube? Thirdly, is it weird that only ONE el34 was replaced and not both? I have a str447 and a EH34 working together.