My Express Demo Vid

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Well-known member
May 28, 2007
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I think this Amp sounds great so i made some Vids to prove the disbelievers wrong haha

The first link is how i set it up and then the others are playing through it
I like your tone on these clips. You have a nice touch, especially on the slow stuff. It's hard to tell exactly what you are using to get that tone. Is that the 5:25? Are you using pedals to get that tone? If so, list please! ;o)

Its the 5:50 with a T-Rex Replica delay pedal.

I think the Express has really smooth Leads but people dont ever write about that. They seem too busy moaning cause its not metallica's distortion.
I was thinking it sounded more like the 5:25 which I've already played and liked but I like the sounds you are getting on those videos. I'll have to check out that pedal too! Thanks! :D
Nice man. I have a couple Express vids on the youTube as well... do a search for 'phillyred79'. It is quite a decent little amp for the money. Nice and simple as far as a Mesa goes.
Pyro said:
Its the 5:50 with a T-Rex Replica delay pedal.

I think the Express has really smooth Leads but people dont ever write about that. They seem too busy moaning cause its not metallica's distortion.

There's a ton of moaning goin on here about the Express and it's all from people who don't own one :D
I'm glad you like it as well. I cant get enough of the little beast.

If i kick in the Zakk Overdrive peadl on the Burn voice, i can do all sorts of scooped distortions so i dont know what the metal heads are worried about. If they actually sat down with an Overdrive pedal and worked out their Tones they would end up with better results anyway.
Where you running that other cab in the video too? If so, what cab is it?

I'm going to have to decide how much longer I want to drag my 70 lb. ROV around now that I've heard how good the 5:50 sounds. Any idea what the little rascal weighs? Good info to know for us old guys! 8)
The Wideboy cab was not plugged in for the Vids because the room is so small but when it is plugged in the amp sounds even better. Its a 1x12 black shadow that i've had for about 4 years so its nice and worn in.

Back to the Vids though, it was just the Combo and the T-Rex delay. The pedal does help but no more than any other delay because i only use a bit to wet things up
KDS said:
I'm going to have to decide how much longer I want to drag my 70 lb. ROV around now that I've heard how good the 5:50 sounds. Any idea what the little rascal weighs? Good info to know for us old guys! 8)

The only weight they have in the on-line Product Reference guide is 70 lbs for the 5:50 2x12. Here's the link. The last page has the dimensions and weights.

The 5:50 1x12 and 2x12 have different size cabinets, similar to the LSS. Using the LSS as a yardstick, I'm guessing the 5:50 1x12 would weigh about 15 lbs less than the 2x12, or around 55 pounds. Just a ballpark estimate.
Good guess on the weight. Using an accurate scale my 1x12 5:50 weighs 53.5 lbs. without cover and footswitch.

Nice tones on the Vids. Good technique with left hand. I like seeing you use your little finger.
phillyred79 said:
Nice man. I have a couple Express vids on the youTube as well... do a search for 'phillyred79'. It is quite a decent little amp for the money. Nice and simple as far as a Mesa goes.
too many guitars man............. :cry:

what is your fav?
Pyro said:
I'm glad you like it as well. I cant get enough of the little beast.

If i kick in the Zakk Overdrive peadl on the Burn voice, i can do all sorts of scooped distortions so i dont know what the metal heads are worried about. If they actually sat down with an Overdrive pedal and worked out their Tones they would end up with better results anyway.

No Pyro - you've got it all wrong man - the big whinge from the metalheads on this forum is that if an amp won't give Recto metal distortion unassisted by any pedal well, it just "sucks", and is not worthy of even being called a "Mesa". All pedals are outlawed.

There's not anyone who doesn't use them routinely but that's irrelevant. The other totally irrelevant thing is how the amp sounds clean, crunch or overdriven. That's irrelevant cause no self respecting muso would ever use those tones - so who needs them. Ditto for reverb - that's for losers too. Just give me a one trick pony that's got great metal tones and screw everything else. :lol: :twisted: :lol:

Thanks for posting the clips - I've been getting the same tones from my Express too :D
Newysurfer said:
Pyro said:
I'm glad you like it as well. I cant get enough of the little beast.

If i kick in the Zakk Overdrive peadl on the Burn voice, i can do all sorts of scooped distortions so i dont know what the metal heads are worried about. If they actually sat down with an Overdrive pedal and worked out their Tones they would end up with better results anyway.

No Pyro - you've got it all wrong man - the big whinge from the metalheads on this forum is that if an amp won't give Recto metal distortion unassisted by any pedal well, it just "sucks", and is not worthy of even being called a "Mesa". All pedals are outlawed.

There's not anyone who doesn't use them routinely but that's irrelevant. The other totally irrelevant thing is how the amp sounds clean, crunch or overdriven. That's irrelevant cause no self respecting muso would ever use those tones - so who needs them. Ditto for reverb - that's for losers too. Just give me a one trick pony that's got great metal tones and screw everything else. :lol: :twisted: :lol:

Thanks for posting the clips - I've been getting the same tones from my Express too :D

Dude, will you PLEASE shut up. It's like you're on some kind of quest! Some of us have our opinions, you have yours. Frankly I find your sarcasm and repeated digs at us "Naysayers" offensive, which you seem to explore every chance you get on this board. You love your new toy, we get it! I haven't heard ONE person slag the cleans, reverb or mid gain tones on the express. If that's all you want to do it's a great amp, but it's NO successor to the F-50 in many people's opinion!

To each there own.

By the way, great playing on the clips Pyro!
Thanks again for the comments.

To be honest i have only played the F-50 once when it first came out but at the time i owned the Single Rec and could never see the point in getting an F-50 when it was so close in price to the Single Rec. The Tone was a bit differant (thicker) but not enough to say the Amp had its own character so it seemed to me like a combo version of what i already had.

The Express however is creating new Tones for me to play with and not pushing me towards one sound all the time.

I still love the Recto but it cant give me as much Tone in lead work and in 4 years of owning it, i never hardly touched the EQ. I perfected my distortion tone within a couple of months and thats where it stayed. I only ever used the ON and STANDBY buttons and i bet i'm not the only one here who is guilty of doing that with the Recto.

As for the Express Clean channel, well, i still dont feel qualified to comment on it haha. The quality of that channel far exceeds the quality of my playing
Newysurfer said:
Pyro said:
Its the 5:50 with a T-Rex Replica delay pedal.

I think the Express has really smooth Leads but people dont ever write about that. They seem too busy moaning cause its not metallica's distortion.

There's a ton of moaning goin on here about the Express and it's all from people who don't own one :D

++1 love my 5:50 1x12 it's the best boogie I ever had. Why do people try to rip it? Thanks for the video, great stuff!

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