My Express Demo Vid

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NuSkoolTone said:

Dude, will you PLEASE shut up. It's like you're on some kind of quest! Some of us have our opinions, you have yours. Frankly I find your sarcasm and repeated digs at us "Naysayers" offensive, which you seem to explore every chance you get on this board. You love your new toy, we get it! I haven't heard ONE person slag the cleans, reverb or mid gain tones on the express. If that's all you want to do it's a great amp, but it's NO successor to the F-50 in many people's opinion!

To each there own.

By the way, great playing on the clips Pyro!

Actually I thought it was the "one trick pony" guys who were on the quest. There's been a lot of moaning on this forum from people who don't own this amp. That's one of the reasons Pyro made the recordings and posted this thread. I never mentioned anyone by name Nuskool so you're obviously very touchy about the whole thing. And if you find my comments offensive then you're obviously very easily offended. :lol:
Newysurfer said:
Actually I thought it was the "one trick pony" guys who were on the quest. There's been a lot of moaning on this forum from people who don't own this amp. That's one of the reasons Pyro made the recordings and posted this thread. I never mentioned anyone by name Nuskool so you're obviously very touchy about the whole thing. And if you find my comments offensive then you're obviously very easily offended. :lol:

Fair enough. The reason I brought this up is because those that own the express (And kept it) seem to be on the other extreme, telling those who didn't like it that they can't dial in an amp or are just metal heads. I think it's pretty well established if you're a metal guy the Recto is the First Mesa to check out. It's as if since we didn't like it then we must be uneducated or deaf...

FWIW, if there's any quest the one trick pony guys are on it's to get the message to boogie they were disappointed in the Express. I mean really who wouldn't have LOVED a small portable amp with lonestar cleans and reverb coupled with a chunky near recto gain channel (F-Series) with a hint of markish lead thrown in? Not to mention the other bells and whistles. The Express is advertised as such, but it's not even close IMHO.

Many just expected Mesa to take the Express in the OPPOSITE direction it did (Which was IMO the next logical step to "improve" the F series) and were disappointed. Obviously the Express fills a market, but not the one that I personally look to boogie for. In that regard I doubt I'm alone.
Hi Pyro

Great clips! I've had my 5:50 for a few weeks now and I'm finding great new sounds every time I plug in :D ! It is a very versatile amp, and works well with any guitar, but it seems like the best combination is with my PRS McCarty. A little unexpected, as I thought the "obvious" no. #1 combination would be with my Custom 24... maybe that reflects the classic rock tone leanings of this amp.

Just one question: I couldn't see properly in your "rig" clip, do you run the delay pedal into the font end of the amp, or use it in the effects loop?
NuSkoolTone said:
Newysurfer said:
Actually I thought it was the "one trick pony" guys who were on the quest. There's been a lot of moaning on this forum from people who don't own this amp. That's one of the reasons Pyro made the recordings and posted this thread. I never mentioned anyone by name Nuskool so you're obviously very touchy about the whole thing. And if you find my comments offensive then you're obviously very easily offended. :lol:

Fair enough. The reason I brought this up is because those that own the express (And kept it) seem to be on the other extreme, telling those who didn't like it that they can't dial in an amp or are just metal heads. I think it's pretty well established if you're a metal guy the Recto is the First Mesa to check out. It's as if since we didn't like it then we must be uneducated or deaf...

FWIW, if there's any quest the one trick pony guys are on it's to get the message to boogie they were disappointed in the Express. I mean really who wouldn't have LOVED a small portable amp with lonestar cleans and reverb coupled with a chunky near recto gain channel (F-Series) with a hint of markish lead thrown in? Not to mention the other bells and whistles. The Express is advertised as such, but it's not even close IMHO.

Many just expected Mesa to take the Express in the OPPOSITE direction it did (Which was IMO the next logical step to "improve" the F series) and were disappointed. Obviously the Express fills a market, but not the one that I personally look to boogie for. In that regard I doubt I'm alone.

I hear ya Nuskool - we've got no argument and I totally agree with you about other Mesa amps being far superior for metal tones. There does seem to be technical limitations with what can be achieved in guitar amps though and this has led to the trade-offs we're experiencing. Mesa has not been traditionally known for it's clean or crunch tones. It's largely been producing what many people think are specialist high gain amps (or 1 trick ponies as I call em). Likewise, the clean specialists like Fender & Vox have had great clean tones but are very ordinary with distortion.

Your dream amp as you've described it sounds great. I'd luv the same thing. But it doesn't appear to be technically possible in 2007. No one amp maker or, one amp, has been able to nail superlative clean, crunch, OD, distortion & metal tones. If it was technically possible lots of amp makers would have done it already. They can't, so that has directly led to the whole technology/industry of analog and digital pedals.

Mesa can't make a "one amp does everything great" either, but they wanted to improve their reputation in the clean, crunch, OD area and so have produced the Lonestar and the Express series in the past few years. It's also a smart business move cause they'll sell a lot more amps that way. The metal tone guys are only a tiny part of the total market for guitar amps so if you wanna make big profits you go for the middle ground. Mesa already have the metalheads anyway with the Rectos etc. That's the marketing reason for the Express IMHO and it's a dam good reason.

Lastly, yeah so Mesa have done some false advertising about the Express. I wouldn't expect anything else from any Corporation so why does that bother you. And if you guys feel the Express is a total failure for you fine - then tell Mesa Corp - it's got nothin to do with Express owners. All we did was buy an amp. :D 8)
I put the Delay through the Effects loop. Its more subtle sounding that way. If i put it straight in front its very overpowering.

The back row of the board (flanger, tremelo, delay) is through the loop and the front row of the board (tunner, wah, overdrive, phaser) is straight to the input.

I just put them where they sound best but setting up you're pedal board like that also keeps you're tone intact cause theres no stacking up of pedals. Theres no way i would stack up that many pedals in one row. By the time the signal got to the amp there would be no les paul left haha
Newysurfer said:
NuSkoolTone said:
Newysurfer said:
Actually I thought it was the "one trick pony" guys who were on the quest. There's been a lot of moaning on this forum from people who don't own this amp. That's one of the reasons Pyro made the recordings and posted this thread. I never mentioned anyone by name Nuskool so you're obviously very touchy about the whole thing. And if you find my comments offensive then you're obviously very easily offended. :lol:

Fair enough. The reason I brought this up is because those that own the express (And kept it) seem to be on the other extreme, telling those who didn't like it that they can't dial in an amp or are just metal heads. I think it's pretty well established if you're a metal guy the Recto is the First Mesa to check out. It's as if since we didn't like it then we must be uneducated or deaf...

FWIW, if there's any quest the one trick pony guys are on it's to get the message to boogie they were disappointed in the Express. I mean really who wouldn't have LOVED a small portable amp with lonestar cleans and reverb coupled with a chunky near recto gain channel (F-Series) with a hint of markish lead thrown in? Not to mention the other bells and whistles. The Express is advertised as such, but it's not even close IMHO.

Many just expected Mesa to take the Express in the OPPOSITE direction it did (Which was IMO the next logical step to "improve" the F series) and were disappointed. Obviously the Express fills a market, but not the one that I personally look to boogie for. In that regard I doubt I'm alone.

I hear ya Nuskool - we've got no argument and I totally agree with you about other Mesa amps being far superior for metal tones. There does seem to be technical limitations with what can be achieved in guitar amps though and this has led to the trade-offs we're experiencing. Mesa has not been traditionally known for it's clean or crunch tones. It's largely been producing what many people think are specialist high gain amps (or 1 trick ponies as I call em). Likewise, the clean specialists like Fender & Vox have had great clean tones but are very ordinary with distortion.

Your dream amp as you've described it sounds great. I'd luv the same thing. But it doesn't appear to be technically possible in 2007. No one amp maker or, one amp, has been able to nail superlative clean, crunch, OD, distortion & metal tones. If it was technically possible lots of amp makers would have done it already. They can't, so that has directly led to the whole technology/industry of analog and digital pedals.

Mesa can't make a "one amp does everything great" either, but they wanted to improve their reputation in the clean, crunch, OD area and so have produced the Lonestar and the Express series in the past few years. It's also a smart business move cause they'll sell a lot more amps that way. The metal tone guys are only a tiny part of the total market for guitar amps so if you wanna make big profits you go for the middle ground. Mesa already have the metalheads anyway with the Rectos etc. That's the marketing reason for the Express IMHO and it's a dam good reason.

Lastly, yeah so Mesa have done some false advertising about the Express. I wouldn't expect anything else from any Corporation so why does that bother you. And if you guys feel the Express is a total failure for you fine - then tell Mesa Corp - it's got nothin to do with Express owners. All we did was buy an amp. :D 8)

This one might be able to do it all
i haven't had much luck with line 6 but this one has tubes? Also if the Express got people mad this one should really piss them off.
jamme61 said:
This one might be able to do it all
i haven't had much luck with line 6 but this one has tubes? Also if the Express got people mad this one should really piss them off.

Meh, all it is is a POD with a tube power amp slapped on it. (Saw the suppposed block diagrams for it) The equivalent of going through a pod into a rack tube power amp. Not impressed.

Besides who here really gives a crap about L6 anyway? Personally, if I was going to "do" modeling, I'd check out Fractal Audio and their AXE-FX. Getting rave reviews!
Thanks for the clips, Pyro!

After hearing you play, I can hardly wait to get my paws on a delay pedal to run through the effects loop of my 5:25 ...

As for the Express Clean channel, well, i still dont feel qualified to comment on it haha. The quality of that channel far exceeds the quality of my playing

The quality of ANY channel on the Express far exceeds the quality of my playing, but I don't let it stop me! :roll:
jamme61 said:
The clean channel alone is worth the money of the amp IMHO.

Yeah Jamme - but that's only if you use it. I've got metalhead buddies who'd be too ashamed to even try it out. :lol: The clean channel is worth nothin to these guys.

I played in punk rock bands in the 80's and didn't play cleanish for several years. All the punk bands did then was just turn every dial to 10 (or 11) and let rip. I have matured a little since then though :wink:
jamme61 said:
The clean channel alone is worth the money of the amp IMHO.

Since we're all having fun with this, one could argue the clean channel is all that's worth paying for! :lol:
NuSkoolTone said:
jamme61 said:
The clean channel alone is worth the money of the amp IMHO.

Since we're all having fun with this, one could argue the clean channel is all that's worth paying for! :lol:

haha :lol: :lol: :lol:

Soldano charge that much for one channel :lol:
I'm playing on the clean channel a lot more than I expected since I bought the 5:25. I bought it thinking classic rock & NWOBHM, but after playing it a while I've been enjoying playing the Beatles & other Brit invasion stuff.
Steve P said:
I'm playing on the clean channel a lot more than I expected since I bought the 5:25. I bought it thinking classic rock & NWOBHM, but after playing it a while I've been enjoying playing the Beatles & other Brit invasion stuff.

+1 that's what I'm playing too. Clean channel can do it all for the stuff I need to cover. I still like the blues setting on the second channel. The clean channel loves pedals too.

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