My Complete Rig and Family (NOW WITH CLIPS)

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
the Moon
The whole rig, a newly finished rack!

Ibanez Iceman w/ Bill Lawrence Pickups
"Fender" Strat Squier Affinity
Washburn WG587 w/ Duncan SH-4
Greco SA-900 (1980 ES335 replica)

Ibanez Strat Rip-Off
Ibanez Bass

Ibanez Super Metal (SM9)
Ibanez Sonic Distortion (SD9)
Ibanez Flanger (FL9)
Ibanez Graphic EQ (GE10)
Boss Flanger (BF-2)
Playmate Phaser (got this one in India, to my best guess it is a copy of a Boss PH1-r, hand made)
Dunlop CryBaby from Hell
Whammy IV

Ibanez Multimode Analog Delay (AD202)
DOD 830 Series II Graphic EQ
DOD 866 Series II Compressor

Mesa Boogie Simul-Satellite (85 watts, Class A, Class A/B (SimulClass)
-KT66 Tubes, old RCA 12AX7A and Hytron 12AT7(military?) pre mpa tubes
Ampeg B2 combo w/ 15"

THD Hotplate

All recording done w/ BSS AR116 DI Boxes, and Sennheiser e609 Mic into Behringer UB1602FX mixer into Tascam Porta Two 4 Track.

Mix Test:
Track 1: Boogie DI
Track 2: Ampeg DI
Track 3: Senn e609 Test.mp3

Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down

GE10 Boost:
Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down OD.mp3

SD9 as OD:
Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down OD.mp3

SM9 Distortion:
Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down

SD9 into SM9:
Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down + SM9 Dist.mp3

SRV - Lenny w/ GE10 Boost and Qfilter Rolled Down, Neck PUP: Lenny - GE10 OD.mp3

SRV - Lenny w/ SD9 Boost and Qfilter Rolled Down, Neck PUP: Lenny - SD9 OD.mp3

Rage - Freedom: - Freedom.mp3

Tool - Undertow: - Undertow.mp3

Incubus - Drive: - Drive.mp3

Aerosmith - Dream On: - Drem On.mp3

Blues w/ Phaser: w Phaser .mp3

GnR - Sweet Child o Mine - Sweet Child of Mine.mp3

Whammy Stuff:

The Whole thing: 5 - 14 - 2007.mp3
photoshop + lots of time.

1. go to
2. find images of your pedals or something close that you can easily modify
3. screenshot
4. cut out pedals that you want
5. arange in coherent way
6. edit
7. edit
8. edit
9. make signal paths using pen tool
10. label the **** out of everything
Ive always wanted to make a gear diagram like that but thats a lot of work,and I dont really have a clue when it comes to the world of computer!!!!

stuff it!

I use a guitar cable and dual rec

may use pedals in the future but thats my current!!
nice rig, dmt! You seems to be equipped to take some nice clips... so we're waiting for them! :D
Its a DOD Stereo Compressor and a Stereo 15 Band Graphic EQ. I guess it does its job, but to be honest, I was never impressed with either, but I got it for cheap off ebay. I dont think they make them anymore, or this is some older version.

I can barely hear the difference the compressor makes, although the way i have it set for the bass amp it adds alot of punch, and i guess it adds a bit of sustain to the boogie channel... I just like my analog delay...thats really why the rack is there, and at somepoint ill buy a triaxis....i hope it fits in there...
i need new cables. what you guys prefer? looking for quiet, reliable, possibly solid core?

as for clips, new ones to follow, only prob is i have only one mic....need a bass mic...thinking of a senn 421 II.
nice setup :)

do you attenuate the volume with the hotplate or just using it as a line out?
the hot plate is used to attenuate the boogie so that i can crank it, also the line out has a volume control that i use a master volume for the signal going to the ampeg.

the result is the cleans are just below break up of the tubes, so if you play hard you can make it break up. also this same sound is sent out to the ampeg. the way it was previously wired the signal to the ampeg came out of the preamp, so it was alway clean no matter what, which was terrible when you pusehed the tubes since that sound came from the boogie's tubes, and the ampeg was just playing a farty clean sound that dominated.
haha. I am quite good as is. I play everyday, even if its only for an hour. I played for three hours yeaterday. I need a bass mic so i can record both amps. need money for a senn 421 II.
Clips to follow.

I just got done balanceing the rig out a bit more. Leveling this ***** out is tough... got to get the bass loud enough so that it is apparent, but not so much that it drowns everything out... The bass ends up being compressed twice, once when the signal goes through the boogie preamp, and a second time after the line out of the hotplate since thats fed through the 2nd channel of the compressor. Same goes for the EQ. Any changes i make to the Boogie channel affects the bass amp drastically. The stereolink on the compressor was the icing on the cake, apparently thats more than enough to balance the bass, i believe that makes the first channel the master.
I uploaded some clips to sound click, I recorded some bits n peices of songs, but i cant upload them since i dont want to get sued.

All recording done w/ BSS AR116 DI Boxes, and Sennheiser e609 Mic into Behringer UB1602FX mixer into Tascam Porta Two 4 Track.

Mix Test:
Track 1: Boogie DI
Track 2: Ampeg DI
Track 3: Senn e609 Test.mp3

Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down

GE10 Boost:
Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down OD.mp3

SD9 as OD:
Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down OD.mp3

SM9 Distortion:
Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down

SD9 into SM9:
Bridge, then Both, then Neck, then Neck w/ QFilter rolled Down + SM9 Dist.mp3

SRV - Lenny w/ GE10 Boost and Qfilter Rolled Down, Neck PUP: Lenny - GE10 OD.mp3

SRV - Lenny w/ SD9 Boost and Qfilter Rolled Down, Neck PUP: Lenny - SD9 OD.mp3

Rage - Freedom: - Freedom.mp3

Tool - Undertow: - Undertow.mp3

Incubus - Drive: - Drive.mp3

Aerosmith - Dream On: - Drem On.mp3

Blues w/ Phaser: w Phaser .mp3

GnR - Sweet Child o Mine - Sweet Child of Mine.mp3

Whammy Stuff:

The Whole thing: 5 - 14 - 2007.mp3

Excuse the copious amounts of mistakes in the songs... I havn't played mot of these in a very long time. I don't practice other peoples songs anymore.
Hey your tone...My only critique is to roll down the treble on the amp a WEE bit...sounds a little too harsh, but otherwise, you're getting there
Nah. I used two DI boxes and one mic. Ill post some better clips in about a week. I wa attempting to mix the two DI boxes with the e609 mic sound, but the mic got drowned out. I've since figured out that I need to mic the Boogie as opposed to the Ampeg, since that gtes drowned out. I've had reasonable success with far micing the Ampeg and mixing it with the DI's but its still very harsh, and lacking mids. In a more recent attempt, micing the boogie with the e609 off center and off axis and having that dominate the mix sounds way better. I'll have a sm57 in a few days, so then i can experiment with micing both amps and mixing the DI's as well as experimenting on using both mics on the boogie. I'll post some better clips. In listening to these now, my ears bleed. There was soo much bass when i reocrded these everytihng was shaking, hard to imagine how it all disapeard.

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