MKIIB Lead Master -pull bright pot wiring? -1982 RP-9C circuit board (SRG) Serial # 8751

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Aug 10, 2024
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My Pull Bright adds volume and bass not highs? Looking at the wiring to the pots on my amp - it looks different then the pics I can find online ? I know there are many versions out there- wondering if this is stock or modded? Also on the Master1 pot wiring, it seems to be missing the ceramic cap that's parallel with the resistor on the switch part of the pot- does anyone know the value? see my pics any help would be great thanks


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From what I can find it looks stock - anyone know what it’s actually doing? ( the pull bright) thxs
Can you read schematics?If not Ill try to walk you through, or others may be able to help, hopefully not confuse you :) If we can get some up close pics it will help too. The cap will look like a tiny can either silver, black, or yellow, sometimes off white from age. In the pic it is a black cap.


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Not home yet but see what you’re talking about with the Cathode cap - can’t believe I missed that thanks again. I don’t se a value for that cap on the schematic- am I missing it? Using my iPhone at work hard to see
here is the other question I had here is a picture of the back of the master 1 pot - this is the resistor in some of the pics of other MKIIB amps Ive seen a ceramic caps in parallel with the resistor - on my amp no cap just resistor? just wondering if someone took the cap out or it was this way stk?


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more pics of board if anyone sees anything off let me know thanks


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here is the other question I had here is a picture of the back of the master 1 pot - this is the resistor in some of the pics of other MKIIB amps Ive seen a ceramic caps in parallel with the resistor - on my amp no cap just resistor? just wondering if someone took the cap out or it was this way stk?
That resistor is for the Pull Gain boost. The newer Marks on one channel now have a Middle control that from 0-12 O'clock its a regular Middle control, 12 noon to 5pm is boost. So on the early Marks even some Mark I's, there is the 100k resistor, see the Middle control on the Mark was 10k pot as in most Fender amps, when you have 100k there, it pushes the gain up past the range of the tone stack/EQ bypassing the EQ, giving you all that Boost like on Santana's "Europa" in fact his Snake skin Mark I didn't even have cascaded gain in the 1st Mark I, it had the Gain boost or Tone Stack bypass switch. Some have the added cap to reduce the high frequencies, so the boost is not so fizzy, you can add it if you want to, the earlier ones did not have it yet. I hope that helps :)
here is the other question I had here is a picture of the back of the master 1 pot - this is the resistor in some of the pics of other MKIIB amps Ive seen a ceramic caps in parallel with the resistor - on my amp no cap just resistor? just wondering if someone took the cap out or it was this way stk?
Yes, some came stock, they later added the cap to reduce fizziness, you can attach a ceramic cap across the resistor if you want to reduce some fizziness, different values like .001uf, .002 or even .0047, the bigger the cap, the more treble roll off as you know, the cap goes from the signal to ground through the switch on the schematic :) It depends on the amp, speaker, guitar and your ears :)
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I added a note as to what I see, and why you are getting so much bass. Yes those Tantulums will work, I would try .22uf and 2.2 and see which you like best.


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My Pull Bright adds volume and bass not highs? Looking at the wiring to the pots on my amp - it looks different then the pics I can find online ? I know there are many versions out there- wondering if this is stock or modded? Also on the Master1 pot wiring, it seems to be missing the ceramic cap that's parallel with the resistor on the switch part of the pot- does anyone know the value? see my pics any help would be great thanks
Great pics Jamme 1961!!! :)


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Thanks for all the help - this amp is sounding better every day - I think I got a nice one - after I cleaned everything out and added new filter caps - it really didn’t need anything- have a gig Saturday thinking of taking it - just need some time with it. - thanks again for the time on this
Thanks for all the help - this amp is sounding better every day - I think I got a nice one - after I cleaned everything out and added new filter caps - it really didn’t need anything- have a gig Saturday thinking of taking it - just need some time with it. - thanks again for the time on this
They are great, UNDERATED amps that just need love and attention and they will take care of you! They are also easier to work on than the newer Mesa's and sound sweeter in many cases especially with the right parts! :)
played at the gig, sounded great - used mostly clean with pedals but lead channel was cool to - Lead channel was very Neil young with the gain at 5 on the - Very little time on this amp - only will get better. my band mates actually liked it and said so - that's big LOL - great versatile powerful combo - impressed
I traced the pull gain pot and it goes to the cathode cap on V3 not V2 does that make sense? Definitely stk I know v3 is reverb but looks like half of it is used for lead channel-
I traced the pull gain pot and it goes to the cathode cap on V3 not V2 does that make sense? Definitely stk I know v3 is reverb but looks like half of it is used for lead channel-
I thought I pointed that out but maybe it was in another thread. I even posted pics with the info, did you see them? ☺️🎸☕