Maverick/DC3 power section differences

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Active member
Apr 26, 2011
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Hi all

I have a DC3 combo that I'm converting to a short head for rackmount purposes; I'm looking for a second one for stereo operation (with a GCX switcher in the FX loop to switch between preamps and stereo line mixer for parallel FX) bu it seems that finding one for a reasonable price is quite difficult.

Now, I've found an used Maverick short head which would fit perfectly in my setup "soundwise". According to both manuals the power section is the same quartet of EL84 and the backpanel layout and facilities look almost the same; I know that this is a bit like an oversimplified idea but I was woendering how different the 2 power sections are and if using them as L and R of a stereo setup would sound too different once the switcher routes the chosen preamp channel thru the stereo mixer and to the 2 power amps...

The power sections are very different because the DC-3 is fixed bias and the Maverick is cathode-bias. Just because they use the same power tubes doesn't mean they're the same. The Mav also operates at lower plate voltage if I remember correctly. (Even in solid state rectifier mode.)

The Mav is much more compressed and 'chimey' sounding, whereas the DC-3 is harder and punchier. No reason they still won't work as a stereo set-up, but they won't sound the same.

I'm not sure what would happen if you tried to rout each preamp through both power sections. For what it's worth I once tried running a DC-5 preamp through a Blue Angel power amp to try to get effectively a channel-switching Blue Angel. Sounded like garbage!
Thanx for the reply.

I see what you mean. I was checking out the F30 as well, but even though Mesa says it's derived from the Caliber range it looks a bit different to me: it doesn't have a master volume and the graphic EQ, and the power section is quite different in design too; the samples I heard are quite similar to my DC3 though.