Mark V cutting out during an outdoor gig, direct sunlight?

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Mark Fore

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
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We played a gig outdoors yesterday in 96 degree heat in direct sunlight. It was a pro PA setup, mic'd, the works. I had my Mark V head running through two cabs. As soon as we started the first tune it started cutting out intermittantly (worked fine during soundcheck). I immediately set the channel to "lead" on the back of the head and it made it a little better. I switched guitars, no difference. I plugged straight into the head with a cable, no FX loop... not solved. This never happened at rehearsal or at any other time.

I'm going to try the speaker cables next, but was super pissed off yesterday because it was in front of a ton of people. If it wasn't the cables, maybe it was the heat?

Anyone else have this issue before?
Sounds like footswitch cable to me. I loop mine around the handle before it goes into the back of the amp. Seems like a few others has had this problem before! Don't think the heat would cause any of that. I've been playing a lot of outdoor gigs this year and its been real hot in Ohio! Even played a gig in a big tent last winter and it was 26 degrees outside and then went to another gig that nite in a bar! My guitars were all outta wack all nite but my MkV was awesome!
Thanks nyeguy... that makes absolute sense. People were walking all over the cables and those are finnicky anyway. One tug on that heavy SOB and I could see that happening. Thanks!
Mark Fore said:
Thanks nyeguy... that makes absolute sense. People were walking all over the cables and those are finnicky anyway. One tug on that heavy SOB and I could see that happening. Thanks!

nono, its not the cables..that happened to me in a practice. Its the tension, Ive experience loss of volume and tone, and in higher volumes, a cut, like and helicopter! check your transformer or stabilizers..cheers
Thermal shifts can do some crazy shtuff to amps, too. We did a gig just outside a race track in Indiana (I know, a race track in Indiana...go figure) where it had rained 2 inches the night before, but we got to play in blazing 96 degree heat and high humidity. Add the mud and evaporating mosquito bogs and it was just lovely. :? In a previous practice, I thought one of my tubes was going microphonic but I didn't change it. That gig went perfectly and the tube squelch completely went away. Maybe it just needed a good baking? Regardless, my Mk III sounded just great but I could do without the mosquitoes and bee stings.

If you frequently play in inclement weather, especially in high humidity, I'd recommend having a tech check for oxidation and other damage.
how about checking your tubes?

i setup the john petrucci settings recently on a brand new set of tubes and the sound cut out, i looked behind and a tube was glowing white, and then ended up blowing the amp.

check your tubes!
Power,power, power...I thought my V was going south at an outdoor gig, it was making a loud buzzing noise and the bass players pedal was going crazy...Was sure it was a tube...Got it noise. perfect. says something for one of those rackmount units that shows watt the voltage some point stuff is gonna cut out. As far as the footswith cable the only prob I have had is the EQ cutting out if the cable gets pulled down. But you might have some other prob. if it continues..does anybody know if it has a themal protector of any sort?