Mark IV Classic Rock & Blues Clips????

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2007
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Central Texas
I'm still looking for some good clips or videos that show what the Mark IV can do in terms of low and medium gain sounds. Nearly all of the clips I find are heavy rhythm and lead sounds. While great, I do believe this amp will do a lot more than heavy sounds. Some of my favorite sounds on my Rectoverb combo are the clean and bluesy mid-gain rock sounds ala SRV, Hendrix, and Led Zeppelin. Let's hear some clips of the clean and furry-clean sounds. Where are all the blues and classic rock clips? I wanna hear how the clean transistions into a smooth clip, how a note will bloom and sing if sustained out, how the amp cleans up when you roll off the guitars volume knob, how a full barre chord will ring out clean and dirty, how disonant notes sound and behave, if the amp has reverb let's hear it, and so on. Oh, and one more thing... lets try to keep those guitars in tune. I don't care how expensive and "custom" your guitar or amp might be, it sounds like crap if it is out of tune. Sorry, but that is my #1 pet peeve.

Anyway... any clips would be great. Thanks a million.
That would be great, but it doesn't seem to happen. i think this has been asked for before, with no takers.
At some point I will try to get some cleaner sounds posted...however, I've been a little reluctant, do to my continued frustrations with the MKIV as a recording amp. The problem I often have is that the onset of distortion and clean sounds on a boogieMKIV often have this flubbiness to them that is not easy to dial out. In fact, the wierd fizzy artifacts I get often sound like a microphone clipping the drives engineers mad (its happened on two occasions). No matter how much we eq and try and filter the sounds, we can't get a good furry clean sound (I've tried every tube combo, and have had this amp for 10 years..). I don't record with my MarkIV..I'm purchasing a fender princeton for clean sounds, and prefer to do breakup tones on AC30 or even an Orange.

Didn't want to hijack this thread with my rant, but perhaps others have had the same frustration, and this is why there are no examples of Boogie clean tones... I still use the MKIV a lot for live gigs, and its been the most reliable amp I've ever had (its been across country three or four times). However, I've stopped using it for recording...
I have that type problem at low volumes, that's why I switched to YJ's. Are you getting this problem when recording with the direst out? I think it's just the fact you need to crank the volume on this amp to get the tone. I'd love to hear some clips.
just buy the **** thing and you'll get your clips. This thing can get any tone.
I quickly posted a clip on my myspace page...if its not up yet, it should be soon...

Sorry about the quality level...I don't have great home gear...

MKIV Channel 2 with DR. Z Airbrake (Apartment living, ya know....)
Thanks a million fastfrets. That's a great demo clip. It may not be studio pure, but it does a great job of showing off the subtle breakup of the furry clean sound. Sounds great. What kind of guitar and pickups are you using for this clip? Mind posting your settings? eq? simul or class a? full or tweed power? Sounds like a strat to me. Very smooth and nice sounding. The first few riffs sound rather snappy like a JTM45 or something. If you've got any more, I'd love to hear them. Thanks again.
Heya... glad it helped a little. It was set to simulclass (el34 in outersockets and 6L6 inner sockets), triode..tweed power

R2 gain 5;R2 treble 7; bass 2;mid 4;r2 prescence pulled (shifted) but on 0;R2 master 8;
Master output 5; Graphic eq smiley face but centered more around 2200 than 750; Dr Z airbrake with 6db attenuation I think; Weber high power speaker

guitar 70's tele; pickup harmonic design V+ bridge position...

One of these days I'll take the time and post some well recorded MKIV samples. It is a really great amp..frustrating, but great....
Hey Jamme61

jamme61 said:
I have that type problem at low volumes, that's why I switched to YJ's. Are you getting this problem when recording with the direst out? I think it's just the fact you need to crank the volume on this amp to get the tone. I'd love to hear some clips.

I seem to have the opposite problem...the strange artifacts start to show up once the power amp gets cooking...I try and dial it out on the low end, but then I lose all body to the tone...

I will try the direct recording out; I haven't tried that yet. How do you like the yellow jackets? I considered trying that as well..
I really like the Yellow jackets, they're like Minny EL34's. They take away some of the volume and woof and add a little sparkle. I was using just two YJ's with two EL34's and now I'm at 4 YJ's. I can just use the amp better with the YJ's. I think if you want to play at home and small gig (like mine) two YJ's in class A is perfect. The lonestar special made me think of the YJ's. Until I put in the YJ's my volume was so over the top, I thought I might want to go to the Lonestar special. I really like the new BBE sonic stomp too.
wait which clip is the mark iv on your myspace???

by the way cool tunes dude. it's like this french band i kinda dig, "novelle vauge"

very cool sounding stuff i must say. and this is coming from a guy (me) who loves mesahuggah and lamb of god and dream theater. so i like the softer side of things. ie miles, ella, edith piaf, stan getz, stuff like that. very very cool stuff. do you guys have shows??? gutiar playing is very good and vocals are good. if you could kinda rip a shred solo in there lol it would be cool JK... ala nuno bettencourt a "clean dirty" solo
Hey guys...

I took the boogie clip off my myspace...I'm going to try and get a soundclick site devoted to the sounds of the MKIV....thanks for the comments on the music, though. One of these days I'll get a shredder solo up there...all the guitar parts on the myspace page were done using Vox AC30 or Fender BF deluxe...

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